Chapter 8

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"Then how about a blind date then—"I coughed as soon as I heard Mitsuri's suggestion. Kanae gave me my glass of milk and made me drink it so I could properly swallow the food that choked me.

"Hey... Mitsuri-chan, why would you think that?" Kanae asks as soon as she was finished letting me drink my milk.

"I mean... she's getting pretty old-"

"I'm still 20 years old..." I cut her off but she looked like she didn't care about what I said and continued her words.

"What I mean is... she's getting pretty old and what if you don't really have a chance on Giyuu-sensei... didn't intend to sound mean though..." I slowly put down my spoon as I've heard her words.

"That's why I'm trying my hardest to actually make him at least like me..." though... I already have this gut feeling... but him being a bipolar person is confusing you know?

"Where'd you even come up with such a thing? You know I don't like those kind of things and... you ain't like that, Mitsuri," I said and finished the glass of milk.

"Mitsuri-chan, don't be like that, how about you and Iguro-san just mind your own love story?" Kanae said making Mitsuri all a blushing mess.

"Don't be like that, you're also dating a policeman full of scar in his face," I almost spit all of the food in my mouth when I heard... that shit... I know...

"You—" I couldn't say anything expect giving her a glare.

She sweat drops as she feels intense over my stares... I just can't believe it! This two! Has way more chances with their guys... while I- I don't even know when he'll accept the fact that he likes me too! I don't know if he's dense over his own feelings or he's just an idiot.

"Who's the guy?!"

"Now, now, Shinobu, let's calm dow—"

"Mitsuri, even knows it first before me! I'm your sister why her?" I asked with teary eyes as I could not believe this day would come... where I'm such an ignorant when it comes to my sister.

"Hey, Mitsuri, it wasn't a date, he and I just knew each other way back from collage, you know?" She said... I looked at her for sometime to know is her words are lies or truths.

"Oh... sorry if I misunderstood you," Kanae said it was okay but it my case... I feel like getting far away from them.

I almost didn't know she was dating someone if Mitsuri didn't tell I wouldn't have even know... was I spending too much time and school works and trying to peruse Sensei? I feel like I've distanced myself...

It's just these past few weeks, my mind keeps telling me that if I push him to me more he'd at least let go of what's holding him back... I don't know... he was showing me affections I'm half sure and half don't.


"Oi! You've been spacing out!" I was snapped back to reality as I now realized Nezuko kept waving her hand in front of me.

"Oh! Uhmmm... sorry, I was just overthinking something..." her eye brows went up and down as she looked like she was confused.

I sighed... "I'm thinking if I should agree on the blind date Mitsuri set up for me," I said tapping the tip of my pen in one of my notebook leaving a small dot everytime it keeps interacting with the thin piece of paper.

"What?! Why would you over think such a thing? I thought you were over thinking about Tomioka-sensei again—"

"That's the point I keep thinking of him not even knowing about my surroundings..." I said looking at her... she was now facing me with her serious face with the books she had picked now all closed as she looked like she was ready to listen to what I have to spit on about.

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