Chapter 10

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"Shinobu, you really need to stop with your new habit of not eating your meals properly. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you should know that, right?" I didn't mind Kanae and just changed the channel with my left arm wrapping around my legs.

I feel cold right now and the only warmth I can rely on is mine...

"Oi! Shinobu!" I changed the channel like I didn't even hear Kanae's words.

I've been like this for the past two days... I don't know... I don't have the will to get up from this couch for two days straight, yeah, I didn't even attend my classes. So what I don't feel like going anyway, he'll just keep giving me glares. Yeah, he looks so pissed at me, why?

Was it that bad to love you?

Suddenly I felt tears flowing down through my cheeks, my shoulders fell as I've already given up to this painful feeling that keeps building up inside of my heart. I-I just can't take it anymore, I want to talk to him but I just remember his deadly glares at me. Does he hate me now?

"Now, now, Shinobu, please eat first it might make you feel a lot better, okay?" I felt the sofa sank beside me, knowing it was Kanae I moved the the left side a but further not wanting to be surrounded by people right now.

"Hey, I know what he said and did were harsh, but..." but what? I know you oppose the idea of me and him being together... why should I listen? Hmp!

"I thought you were a strong girl? You shouldn't be affected by his words. He might have a reason for why he said that-"

"It's obviously because I'm a STUDENT." I said as I gave an emphasis to the word. I rolled my eyes.

"Then you don't mind the other girls having-"

"Heck no! Like I'd let them get near what's suppose to be..." I slowed down as I realised what I was saying... I sighed maybe I'm just being immature, I should get back to class too.

"Now, get your butt up and breakfast is already-oh! Wake up Mitsuri first would you?" I sighed and nod not having any choice except just do what she says.

This ain't me alright, I shouldn't let his words affect me, he had already told me those kind of things from the past anyways.

Suddenly the memory of his eyes filled with so much anger and annoyed feelings popped up inside my head breaking my heart once more.

"No!" I said slapping my face as I was walking down the hall as I approach Mitsuri's room.

"Gotta stay strong!" I said cheering myself.

"Oi! Mitsuri! Wake up!" As I opened the door I saw Mitsuri all drooling on her pillow his her hair all messed up... she's not wearing any shorts or pajamas just her panties and her longs sleeved blouse.

Well, all of us dresses like the when sleeping... I mean it's just us girls here and the heat is immense you know?

As I was already in front of her, I've thought of a mischievous idea, I grinned and pulled out my phone from my sweatpants pant's pocket.

"Man~~~ I really can't want to see Iguro-san's expression when he sees this," I said out loud purposely so she'd wake up... I also took some pics of her while saying those.

In an instant her eyes went wide as a tarsier. "Ah! Shinobu! Please don't send that to Iguro!" She saud reaching out for my phone but I keep it away from her as she get close to them.

Her melons are also bouncing as she skips to reach out, "oi... your boobs might spill out from your blouse change first...." I said while glaring at her chest... man, I know I also have mine but her's is more freaking huge. And I know what's the reason behind that.

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