Chapter 15

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"Waaa! Shinobu, you look so cute with you Kimono!" I saw Mitsuri's eyes sparkling as she saw me walking out from my room wearing a orange kimono, with a butterfly patterned haori and my hair all tied to the right side of my head this time but still wearing my butterfly clip.

"Do I?" I said while looking at myself doubting that I look good in this.

"Of course you do! You actually made yourself look presentable this time it shows much of your beauty!" Again the shine in her eyes won't disappear making me sweat drop at her reaction towards me.

Though it was really hard to put this one since the last time I wore this was five yeats ago when I was still in high school, I got too busy with school I didn't make time for myself to enjoy the Summer festival.

"Let's go, Nezuko is now waiting for us downstairs. Kanae had already been picked up by her date so we're the only ones left." What?! She left already?!

"No! That man just took my sister away—"

"You need to calm down, Shinobu, do you think Kanae will agree on going there if she doesn't trust him? Trying giving yourself a break, okay? Let's gave fun tonight!" Before I could even say anything she immediately grabbed my hand pulling me with her.

I just sighed of the idea of things that might happen to Kanae. I sounded more the big sister here now, she let's me like a professor while I get mad everytime I heard something about that policeman she's dating. Wait... were they really dating?

Oh gosh...

As soon as we got down I saw Nezuko there waiting for us with her pink kimono, but what surprised me is the bamboo gag she's wearing in her mouth... wait...

"What's that?!" I asked pointing at the bamboo that's on her mouth.

She turned to our gaze, looking all happy the moment she saw us, "Hmm!" She said and she ran towards us.

Giving us both a tight hug making Mitsuri giggled while I was still confused why she was wearing something like that in her mouth. Seconds later she finally let go of the two of us, "hmm!" She said excitedly while raising her right hand fisted into the air.

Mitsuri giggled while I was left blank, "first, please take that off. Second, why are you wearing that? Third, where did you get that?" I asked all confused.

She giggled and put it down this time revealing her whole face... though she looks really cute right now. I want to squish her to death!

"I think that it would look cute with me. I didn't got this for myself, Giyuu-san gave me this the last time we had our family reunion, including this kimono! Oh! He also gave me a long brown haori, but just decided not to wear it. I think it's too hot for me to wear that." She said giggling.

Giyuu-sensei?! Wha—what?!

"Why would he give you a bamboo gag?" I asked while pointing at her bamboo once again.

"I don't know? But it looks cute, right?!" She said and put it on once again.

I sighed, "wow! I wonder if he'd buy you clothes too when you two finally started to date, right?" Without giving any second from what she said I felt like my whole system was heating up from what she just said.

Suddenly an image of Giyuu-sensei spoiling me popped into my head... gosh, it looks so hot though. Everything about him hot after all!

"D-don't say that all of a sudden to me!" I said trying to hide half of my face with my left hand.

"Shinobu~~~you get easily flattered when it comes to talking about Giyuu-sensei!" And Mitsuri started to poke me in my side making me squeak in surprise.

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