If only you could live on (side history 2)

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Norman had this big desk full of papers...and he felt like he had gone back to be William Minerva. In fact, he had even more papers now to take care off, at his brand new cereal company. Being the CEO was a hard job and he had his hands full all the time, even with Ray and Vicent as their right and left man 

Sometimes Norman wondered how Emma was doing. As a kindergarten teacher, she had a lot to deal with and these days when he arrived home, she was more tiered than she used to be. Norman was a bit worried, because Emma had the great defect to don't say anything even she was on the verge of death. 

Sometimes Norman wondered if Emma was already home, in their big house with two floors that Ray and everyone helped them build. They had been living there for a year now, after their marriage and the location was great. 

Between the pile of papers, Norman daydreamed of Emma sitting on the couch, drinking her afternoon tea with a smile on her face. Maybe she sill had her apron on, from the kindergarten, and the light of the sunset rested on her face and made her bright orange hair look even more like the sun

That was his comfort place...the place he always returned too and made his day worth it 

But today, his phone rang and Emma was calling! 

" Emma! How are you? Is there any problem? Are you home already?" - Emma usually didn't called him at work so Norman was surprised...she always said she didn't liked to bother him...

" Yeah! I am fine! I just wanted to ask you...can you leave work sooner today? I have something I really want to show you. I am sorry if I am- " - Norman almost jumped off his chair

" What? No! I am almost done here! So I am going to head home right now, ok? Just wait a bit for me and I'll be right there! See you soon!" 

" See you soon!" - As Norman put the phone away, Ray who was on the doorway came in to talk to him. 

" Not worry Norman! You only need to contact the publicity department right? I'll do that for you...just go to see Emma and rest! You have been working like a mad man this few days so let me handle things here all right?" 

" Oh Ray...I know you are my right arm man but are always doing the work I should be doing! You are to protective of me and Emma! Do you even have a life of your own?" - Norman smiled as Ray looked at the pile of papers on the top of Norman's desk 

" Of course I do...but you have more things to deal with than I do! I am fine don't worry! And I am not a liar like you, so you have to bealive me and just go home and rest" 

" Thank you Ray, really" - Norman knew Ray was dating Anna and she had become a doctor at the near hospital. Maybe he wanted to spend more time the the company waiting for her since she had to do extra late hours on the urgency. He waved him and Vicent goodbye and went strait home. 

When he arrived at the familiar place, he filled his heart with love: there she has, Emma drinking her cut of tea on the couch waiting for him as the light of the end of the day made her good even more beautiful than she already was. 

" I am sorry if I made you wait a long time, Emma! So...what do you want to show me?" 

" No...it's ok! I have a present I really wanted to give you! "

" Really? But I didn't get any present for you!...did I forget something?" - Norman was confused 

" No silly, you didn't do anything wrong! Just open de present!" - Emma smiled as she gave to his hands a small box with red paper covering it. Norman knew Emma had wrap up it herself because it was badly done. He smiled at the tought of her messy handwork with care 

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