Your name

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" Norman...Is this the first time?"

Norman was crying and Ray gasped. Did she really remember? Or many was something else? They just new that somewhere deep in her heart something remained: She was crying too

" What? Why Am I crying? Why are you crying Norman? What a strange feeling! I feel like I'm having a déjà vu, weird isn't it?" 

He didn't said a world

" I also feel like there is something familiar with your face, Norman! Are you sure we didn't know each other before all this happen?" 

He wanted to tell her so badly 

*Yes, we knew each other, we've always been together. I always loved you and you fell in love with me *

But that would be a very selfish thing to do. She promised she would remember him in her own, and he believed her. Maybe he was lying to her once again? Norman glimpsed at Ray. Even him didn't know what to do, returning a sad look at him. 

Emma noticed something

" It's all right, you don't have to answer! I do bealive in past lifes, so many we meet in one of those? Still, went you smile, Norman...your smile is a bit's everything all right?"

She held his hand and took him off guard. He had so many thing to tell her but...he would just confuse her at this point. Still, the way she looked at him, taking his hand...there was some tenderness in it that he grabed on to.

" I'm all right, really! It's just...some of my family died soon and I'm a bit sad that's all" 

" Really!? I'm so sorry! You should rest and take your time, Norman. We can leave some other day, it doesn't have to be today" 

" No, it's fine...I also want to leave today so I can see the new human world we worked so hard to achieve. I want to see that with my own two eyes" 

Emma smiled and Ray forced a smile on his face. Ray asked himself, if he was afraid of dying. After all, Norman had a illness due to the drug they gave him in the farm which turned worst by each day passing, and they weren't able to find the cure yet.

Flashback to after the expedition to the Seven Walls

" Are you sure there is nothing you can do, Anna? I mean, Norman tries to hide it from Emma, but I've seen it...he pukes blood without stooping" 

" I wish there was something I could do Ray... I've looked at Norman's blood and the virus is making his cells killing each other. I would say it's like cancer, but it's worst since it's a virus exterior to his body. His stomach is really damage, and his lungs are started to get affected too" 

" much time to you think he was to live?"

Anna looked down. She knew that Ray wanted to hard truth even if that was the one she had to give. She looked up to him, just to realize how much courage he took to say those words

" I would give him, 2 moths to live if everything goes for the best" 

Ray doped his head, letting his long black hair cover all his face. He knew Norman's condition was severe and he wasn't eating all that much. Even if he was able to walk with them, without Emma's help, he was so thin: it looked like he was going to disappear 

Anna hold Ray's hand and he looked surprised at her. She raised her hand, and one by one she picked the tears that Ray's dark blue eyes were letting out. He didn't say anything nor did anything 

" In this times I wish I was able to perform magic and make Emma's wishes come to life...cure Norman, life together with him...I wanted to give her that" 

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