Seaked Blood

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Ray and Anna had been walking for quite sometime. Everything seemed to be fine... no demons around. Still, Ray was quite tired and Anna needed to drink more water. To do so, they sit on a tree:

" Man, Emma sure is crazy! I don't know how much crazy plans I can handle!"

" Yeah... you mumble but you admire her vitality and will don't you Ray?"

" No I don't!"

" Yes you do! I even seems like you like her, talking about Emma all the time!"

Anna knew that she has doing but Ray's embarrassed face was so good she couldn't stop her self:

" The hell!? I don't like Emma! I like-"

Ray shuted himself up and look a deep breath. Anna course bealive what she just hear. Ray actually liked someone? She was joking but guest what? Now she wanted to know:

" What was that Ray? You like..."

" No one! I like this flower you see and that's it!"

" Why don't you always let your guard down guess Ray? Meanwhile, maybe we should-"

" I like your's kinda pretty"

Ray said this in such a low voice, looking in Anna's opposite direction what Anna tought that she head a wisper of the wind. Still, she look at an embarrassed Ray, red as a tomato:

* How sweet... well when you decide to tell me you like me, Ray, I'll be here to say : I like you too*

" should we go? I think it was about this place where we found Musica and Sonju...that do you think Ray?"

" Yeah... this footprints are quite new so they must be around here..."


Anna only had time to jump into Ray's direction in order to make him dodge from the demon that appeared out of nowhere to attack them. Ray took Anna's hand and they started runing:

" Anna! Run and don't look back!"

"Still, I want to see if what I invented at the hideout actually works"

" WHAT!? Not here for god's sake are you crazy? He is literary trying to eat us right now!"

" That's exactly why I have to try now Ray! Don't worry the worst that can happen is not working and we have to keep runing!"

" Just? I looks like a big problem to me Anna!"

As Ray kept runing, Anna searched her back pack to find the anti demon medicine, she had been working on taking account her knowledge about plants. Just like Emma said, Anna prepared a cocktail that would only leave the demon dizzy for some time without killing them, making it possible for them to escape:

" Here you go demon! Now sleep!"

Anna trow the cocktail into the demon's head and a green smoke appeared in the air. Ray and Anna looked in it's indirection so see his Anna's medicine worked. The demon wasn't moving a single muscle:

" All right! It works! How great! I'll tell Emma when we are back!"

" How did you do that in just 2 days?" - Ray looked quite impressed and we all know Ray is someone who's hard to impress.

" I mixed lavender and valeria to make a medicine which leaves the demons' members numb ! It won't last long but we still have more time to run!"

" WOAU that actually really clever! Good job Anna!" - Anna blushed a little to compliments coming from Ray in just a afternoon was something rare.

" Thanks Ray! But you're still the smartest one here!"

" That was indeed wise!"

" Wait...what was-"

Ray and Anna turned their heads into a tree next to them. That voice seemed familiar...but where did it came from. Ray put his hand in his lips telling Anna to be silent and went to check the tree:

" Musica! Is that you?"

" Sorry if I scared you! You are Ray right? And that girl is Anna? It's so nice to meet you once again! Are you ok?"

" Heah we are fine! Now we have a shelter so we live all safely there!"- Anna shook Music's hand as she smiled to her as she said:

" Please come in! Sonju went to hunt so I'm alone but there is no let's talk"

When they went into the tree the hideout was all lighted up with demoniac, yet pretty purple cristal flowers and there was a table full of tea pots and bules. Ray and Anna sited down along with Musica who served them with all her kindness:

 "So that brings you were?"

" Well... Emma came up with a plan for us to escape for our world by forging a new promise at the seven wall like you said, but also to stop the war in this demon society"

" I wouldn't expect anything different from Emma...all these crazy plans"

" Yes! You totally get me don't you? Still...hear us out carefully"

Ray started explaining Emma's plan and Anna added some important points. Of course they didn't told her about Norman's plan to commit genocide, but apart from that they told her everything:

" So, if I understood, Emma wants to forge a new promise and use my blood to establish peace between the demons, is that right? "

" Yes! She thinks that using your blood can prevent demons from eating children. If demons eat children to keep their form, and if with your blood they won't lose their form, they can stop eating children"

Musica understood but there was something lacking in Emma's plan: the truth about her existence, the true nature of her blood and of the promised made long along between demons and humans.

" Listen Anna, Ray.... I will tell you something but you can only tell this to Emma all right?"

Ray and Anna looked at each other and said yes. Musica moved her hand and touched the mask she had and took it off. Ray and Anna gasped. They couldn't bealive it:

" How? How is this possible?"

Musica wasn't a demon, nor a human! She had a beautiful human face with two purple eyes, and two caramel horns. She looked like a mist of a human and a demon. Ray and Anna couldn't bealive their eyes:

" You're Human Musica?" 

" Well you see... it's a quite long history, but it was to do with the promise and the seven walls so I think you should know about it" 

" Well... we have a lot of time so we will listen to all you have to say Musica" - Ray and Anna sited comfortably in the table, still staring at the face that was always hidden behind the mask. Musica served them green tea and Anna drank it. 

" Well, you see... the promised which separated the human and demon world has forged by humans and demons to end up the war between us. The fact is that, my mother as a high class demon and my father was a human. And that's why I was born this way... they feel in love but they were forever separated"

Anna looked quite said, as Ray tought how interesting was for a human to fall in love with a demon. 

*Guess love was no boundaries*

" What's why I have a special blood and that's why I made a promise to Him in order to help the demons who were degenerating " - Ray jumped out of his chair and Anna spited her tea as they said at the same time:


" I did... but there is more to that... I might know the answer to put Emma's plan into action"

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[ First picture credits is dora_yakureha_3 on Twitter ]

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