Change of plans

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Ray sat on the ground. Under the moonlight that the night was yet to bring, the only thing he wished for was to make Norman's heart come to life... still he remained cold as ice

" There's no need to cry Ray...I'm not worthy of such conce-"


Once again, Ray got up to face him. Tears feel down his face and his expression twisted in such agony that Norman himself found out that he was surprised that Ray, the emo boy, was capable of such intense emotions. He smiled:

" Damn Norman! You know what!? You're a huge pain in the ass! I don't give a damn anymore! You do your freaking plan but I'm doing Emma's"

" How Ray? What plan? You arrived at a dead end...didn't you? I tought you came here to ask me for assistance"

Ray filched. Norman had a smile on his face, the smile he usually makes when he is aware of something Ray isn't

*Crap that the hell is he hiding now?*

" Yeah... but I changed my mind. I'll find another way around, right? After all I tought you knew Emma always has a crazy plan in mind, who knows?"

" I tought you here against Emma's crazy plans, Ray"

" Well... we all changed this past two years didn't we, Norman"

The environment was heavy. Norman was looking Ray strait on the eye with this serious face: it was almost as scary as facing a demon. Still, Ray looked at him with his intense black eyes: He couldn't allow that to happen

" Oh, by the way Norman... Do you even love Emma or is that a freaking lie too?"

Norman froze. Unlike himself, Ray was direct in his words and he wasn't even trying to hide his growing anger by twisting his fist which rested on the left side of his body. He changed his face and smiled:

" I have loved Emma since the start and I still do. If I lied at her concerning me accenting her plan, was for her own sake"

" And since when you get to make Emma's choices hã!? You don't have the right to manipulate her like that you freak!"

" I didn't tell you the truth when you guys escaped from the home, right Ray? At the end it was for your was so save you from yourself, don't you under-"

" I do know that! But who cares? I'm a freaking stubborn creature with suicide tendencies! Emma isn't! Emma would understand if you told her the truth! YOU IDIOT!"

" I don't want her to stop my plan...I can't afford that"

Ray glimpsed at Norman. He actually felt some sadness in is words. Like he was struggling with his mission as Norman, and his mission as William Minerva. He twisted his hand and ran them tought his white hair. He was so tiered

* To fight demons...I have to come a demon myself...I'm disgusted*

" You know what!? You're a freaking liar, Norman. You come at me with that " I can't feel" bullshit and you say you love Emma and than lie to her? You don't know crap about anything"

Norman shaken his hands. That tone of Ray's voice awake something inside him. He felt his chest tight for the very first that in a while. Ray gesticulated, his hand nervously moving in incomplete circles until they stooped to fall aponde Norman's shoulders:

* And I tought all these were gone... Ray's right I'm an idiot*

" If you love her for real...than you have to feel something and you have to tell her the truth, you dumbass. You just want to cast your emotions inside, so don't make that stupid nonsense speech. IF YOU WANT TO FEEL LET YOUR SELF FEEL!"

Norman came right into the ground. The sound of Ray's hand slapping the right side of Norman's cheek and his fall echoed in the office like a brute melody of sorrow and anger, like a song of regret and concern.

" You listen to me Norman. Emma deserve all the love in the world you got me? If you can't give her that I thing you should step aside. You don't have any idea of how much she loves you don't you? You're just're a freaking pathetic murderer"

Norman reflected on Ray's words... Was he really ready to tell Emma go? He really had to choose between Emma and his plan and the sake of his mission?

He had promised Emma he would love himself and followed her, but... he also promised Vincent, Cisclo, Barbara, Hayato and everyone that he would slay the demons for their sake. What was he supposed to choose?

" Norman, if you turn yourself into a demon or a god Emma is going to be sad. I tought you always wanted to see her smile"

Norman was surprised. Only Ray to read the tought he had on his messy head, like the felt the struggle under the shoulders of a hurt soul. He sighted at the realization that Ray had grown into such a wonderful person. He smiled warmly at Ray:

" If I choose Emma I'm going to destroy everything I've done until. I'm going to lose the support of Vincent, Barbara, Cisclo and everyone who joined me. They will turn against me. I will have to deal with an unrealistic plan, the sake of the children, and with them coming after us. You know that, right Ray?"

" Yeah I do, it's a big of a mess you got there if you go along with us"

" And still you're telling me that I should go along with you, just to avoid the genocide of the demons what killed all our siblings, right?"

" Yes, you got it totally right that's it"

Ray helped Norman got up. Ray almost shocked at the sight: Norman was holding his hand, laughing like he never had in his life. It was a genuine laugh... it was like his inner child suddenly came from inside him, taped somewhere in the deepness of his heart. He was crying

Ray smiled, avoiding his tears to fall down, by wiping them off with his gentle finger. Norman was crying out of happiness and Ray was so grateful to be alive to see that

" Let's make the most crappy huge mess of a plan, humanity has seen, right Norman? After all the hardest way is your business since the start"

" Yeah... I'm going to choose Emma. If we go down at least we go all together"

" better not be lying to me! I'll make you a favor and kill you if you do, Norman"

" If I was lying you wouldn't even notice Ray. You know that"

" So... how can I know that your telling me the truth? You usually don't change your mind so easily like that"

" Well...did you say you were running out of time, Ray? Let's put this plan right into action. Right now"

" Wait...WHAT? Right now!? Bur how can you do that? Wait Norman-"

When Ray shouted it was to late. Norman has called Vincent and he was already by the door, with his notebook by this left side, his glasses shining in the afternoon sun. Of a last time, Norman gimped at Ray and whispered on his hear:

* We're going down together, You me and Emma until the end, Ray*

" Vincent, we're changing our plans"

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[If you know the artist of the picture above please, inform me ]

Also, this book was submitted to the Watty contest! Thank you so much for making my history a success! I'm really grateful for all of my followers and readers!

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