Moon Meal

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It's been 3 nights since we walk into the deep dark florest

*What lies ahead? *

Everyone seems tried from countless nights without sleeping. I myself saw the verge of my life

It was indeed strange, feeling your life slide tought your fingers when you want to hold it. And then I saw him once again...holding my hand and never letting it go, saving me from darkness, giving me strength to grasp every energy of my beeing

I'm awake, and Ray keep holding my hand all night long. But I always feel this guilt... of a dear friend that I let go, but you always hold me so close, Norman

I tought I would get used to the sensation of seeing a empty place, a empty mug here you used to be but I came to realize now... that you are still live in my heart.

I search for you voice, and sometimes I hear you dreaming loudly inside my head, every flower reminds me of you. Now I look at this florest and I wonder:

" Would you play tag in a place like this?"

The moon shines and it's so bright. The color of it so familiar to me... I wonder if I saw it somewhere else. I sight with my own realization... 

" You are everywhere, aren't you Norman?" 

" The hell are you doing Emma?" Ray choped me on the hand and I jumped " RAY! Never mind I was distracted... now I'm fine!" * don't scare me like that* 

" Really? I tought you here brain dead for a minute" 


" You hit your head pretty hard... who knows?" 

At Ray's obvious mocking everyone started laughing, making the walking a little less difficult, it was a light atmosphere around here. Still I noticed that Anna was walking faster to catch me up, laying a hand on my shoulder :

" Don't worry I checked everything and you'll be fine Emma" I smiled at her " Thanks Anna"
After my response, Anna got closer to my right hear and whispered " Ray almost cried when you here asleep...he was so worried"

Ray overhear and choped Anna as well on the head " Like hell I was... I just wished you didn't die over something so idiot" 

Once again, me and Anna started laughing * Ray is so bad at hiding feelings* 
" Ray really loves you Emma"
" I know right? ... he is so sweet"
" SWEET!?"

Ray hide his face in his scarf of course, there was no need for words. Ray was silently saying to me " You and our family mean the world to me"

Don't worry Ray I can hear you... you make your feelings so obvious here's no need for words.

" So Emma, when do we stop?" Gilda said as I noticed the moon already appearing.... It was getting late and everyone has on the verge of the sleeping: we looked like a walking dead parade:

" I think this place's let's rest here"
" All right...everyone is time to settle down!"

It was quite quick: Don put the tends up, Gilda and Anna made the beds, and Ray was getting the cooking done. I myself, was checking more information in William Minerva's  mysterious pen.

Still, even tought he night was cold, our family was the warmest

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Still, even tought he night was cold, our family was the warmest . Now we were 68, but we all got a long like we've know each other since the first day: Gillian has making patches with leafs to the little ones and Hayato was telling horror histories near the fireplace *which were actually funny*

What a wonderful sight... still, in his world, as long as we live there's always hope. Soon we would be meeting Mister Minerva... I want to say how grateful I am to him.

He himself had a rough life, going against the Rati clan in order to help all of us catdled children. Thanks to him que arrived here... we could smile in a place like this. Out of curiosity, and login for our meeting I asked Hayato:

" Hey Hayato! How long you think it's gonna take us to arrive at Mister Minerva's place?"- Hayato turned his face with such violence that he actually scared the kids near the fireplace. 

" You mean your hide out? I think more 2 days and we're already there"

Ray, who was preparing the dinner *since he is quite the cooker* seemed not convinced, and so I looked forward to that he was going to say 

" Do you actually have an ideia of the direction we are heading to right now Hayato?"- Hayato smiled and screeched his head 

" Not a clue "

While everyone laughed Ray sight and gave him a plate with some meat and lettuce:

 " You're lucky you're a nice guy"- Hayato dived into his plate 

" And we're all lucky your such a great cook!"-  Ray blushed from the compliment and hind his face in his scarf :

" You guys better eat all of this so me cuting my fingers 3 times doesn't turn out to be a vain sacrifice"- Sure, Ray was right... the food was great and we could wait to taste it 

" Thank you for the meal"- we all said was we all swallowed a great dinner, once more together.

What a great feeling... being cozy when there's a freezing cold outside, feeling so happy when the world is against us.Tell me Norman, is this the feeling of human warm?  I could be like this forever, under this moon, my head resting in Ray's scarf, head to head, heart to heart. I look forward to meet your savior you know? 

Still, you're the one that keeps me going... Please be aware of that all right?

Stay with me like this, Norman, Ray, Everyone. Please rest in the night's lullaby...tomorrow is a brand knew day to live.

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[ Art credits to ketchup0212 on Tumblr ]

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