Will you be mine?

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Note: So hi everyone! Can you guys bealive this fanfic is coming at an end? I got longer than I tought it would be, still it was one hell of a ride! I never expected to have so many readers! UwU

What about this chapter? Well...Emma and Norman are getting married! OMG yes it's true finally! How, you ask? Well you have to read this huge chapter full of fluff! More than that, I just want to say that by the end of the chapter you can find a content that some might consider as M in sexual terms UwU

I consider that there is implied sexual content but it's just a bit of fluff, so no need to feel unconformable! This fanfic doesn't have slut or any of that! UwU

Enjoy the second from the last chapter!


The cave was behind them and Norman could see the light right ahead, the light that guided them back to everyone who was waiting at the campfire. Going on head Vincent, Barbara and Cisclo opened the farm's doors and has now heading back to the florest

Norman and Emma ran, side by side, holding hands. Even if they did took care of the Rati clan, some demons may had attack them by the time they were inside the secret passage

Ray...everyone...please be fine!

When they arrived there, Ray, Oliver, Violet, Nigel, Gillian and Zack were tiered and covered in blood. Still, the blood seemed to be demon's and they didn't look like they had an serious injury. All the children who they took from Peter Rati's hands were now running towards everyone. The atmosphere was a happy one

" Everyone! I'm so glad you are all ok! We came back to you, just like we promised! You grown up so much!" - Ray smiled: Emma looked just fine, and Norman...well he looked a bit pale but he had a warm smile on his face

" Yeah...these two idiots and all of us, came for you! Meet our new big family!" - Anna smiled: She never saw Ray more happy at the sight of 30 children runing towards them, ones who they knew and were grown up, some who they must meet, runing across to hug, Hayato, Don, Gilda and everyone else. Gillian were already giving pins to everyone and Gilda was baking dinner with Don's help.

Now their house, was really theirs and, all the distance the gates who kept them inside were now inviting them in, to live there, to go to the human world. Still, the florest was a nice place and they just wanted to stay there...a bit more until was dark

" So...did Emma protected you, Norman? You weak ass" - Norman, who was next to Emma eating Gilda's soup smiled at Ray and Emma gassed at him.

" Yeah...but I took all of them down with just one blow and everyone is fine. I kept my promised Ray, I came back alive to you all"

" And what about it? That was the least you had to do you nerd"

Emma laughed: calling Norman, nerd? Ray was so happy is insult here actually affection, more than they usually here. Still, she knew that he has there for. Anna appeared from behind and sat next to Ray, holding a bottle with some liquid on it. She was almost crying out of happiness

Norman widen his eyes. He looked at Emma and than at Ray, and finally at Anna who was now standing in form of him with the bottle. Emma smiled at him and placed her hand on his shoulder.

" See...I also had my secret plan, Norman! Using Anna's medical skills and Ray's fast learning, with a bit help from Vincent, we came up with this...the medicine that will cure you! "

" I'm sorry I took such a long time figuring out the lat component, Norman! Still, this will heal your lungs and stop the blood cough you had until now. I think you might have to take this two times a day, since you are really weak right now"

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