Beautiful kind of pain

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" What? What do you mean...Norman?"

" We're the pieces that were missing. We are reforging the promise together Emma" 

" What the fuck Norman? Don't you know that we are too busy for proposal crap?"

Ray was the first to talk while everyone, ready to departure, was with eyes wide open. Emma herself wasn't understanding what he meant... it indeed sounded like a proposal, and Anna and Gilda wanted it to be a proposal so hard they were already making weeding plans

" one is getting married right now, Ray. What I mean is that there is no need to search for the promised and Emma can reforge the promise as we are"

Emma tought about it... there was something that was missing... When she was about to speak her mind, Oliver raised his hand with a scary look on his face

" But that makes you a demon descendant, right Norman? And you are human...."

" Yeah... If I recall the promised has to be reforged by a demon and a human descendant, right?"

Anna was correct but the doubt was flowing in the air and Norman wasn't saying anything. Everyone was waiting for the answer but was only silence in his presence. They didn't wanted to bealive... but Ray already had a hold on the situation. He reached for Norman and looked right in his eyes:

" If you want to know... Even if your dad is a damn demon I'm not letting you go that easily, you idiot" 

Norman smiled warmly. Ray's kindness... it made his eyes tear up with joy: he could read his mind and more than that... Ray's words where forever graved in his mind, a bond of brothers, a spirit contract, a contract that had no need to be said:

" I had everything to curse my life but thank to you I had a lot of fun and I was happy"  

" I am indeed a demon descendant. Musica told me so "

Everyone was in shock. There was something haughty and fearsome about Norman, but they weren't ready for the truth. Emma herself was surprised and shocked. Of course Norman didn't looked at her. 

That he feared the most was her glimpse be one of nausea and rejection, her green eyes not the color of a vivid florest full of life but the bottom of a deep river where he was drowning in the shame of touching her with dirty hands... demon blood runing in his veins

But when he dared himself to look at her, she was already in his embrace, tears running down her face as he gasped and cried into her neck

" Norman... I will love you no matter what! I don't care if you are half demon or something like that! You are who you are and that's it!"

" Yeah... But I was afraid, you would hate me for that..." -Norman's voice was crying for help as Emma pulled him closer to her. She smiled at him, hipping  the tears of his face, like the sun after a raining day: there as hope...there was a rainbow:

" Silly...There is nothing you can do to make me hate you, you know that, right?"

" Yeah...but how about we stop this tacky mess and keep on going? Damn! We don't have all day!"

Norman laughed at Ray's serious disgusted face. We knew that he was doing and he was so greatfull for that: he was driving everyone's focus to the missing, not leaving to much space for wondering in everyone's mind about their leader being an actual demon descendant. 

The silence was broken and they moved on towards the Promised Neverland: a place they would grown and live on as humans. The past was of no meaning, and they were living it behind, the door to wake up from the nightmare they lived on every since they were born

But the bless of having such people made the world a little easier and made hope possible

As the hideout was left behind, Vincent, Barbara and Cisclo were silently walking, their feeling too complex for them to understand, a confusion of the soul. But what else cloud they do? Norman guided them and just like Emma... There was nothing he could do to make them hate him

He gave them his arm and everything was up in flames... if he was their light they would be trowed into darkness if they were to bound to understand that their hero was also a human with many flaws

He would be forgiven... Emma was sure of that

He would forgive himself, and live with his mind in peace

Maybe in the other side of the door, he would open up his chest and fly with his wigs into her arms as they walked towards the point of the map, the final goal of their journey.

With the golden water on her hand and the vida flower on the other, Emma looked once again into Norman's deep blue eyes, searching for the feeling he was sailing in, a ocean of tormented storms. She touched his hand and he gave it to her:

" So... Musica told you about your origin, right? Care to tell me about your family?"

" Hell... there is really not that much to say... But my mother had blue eyes and white hair just like me, and my father... he was almost human... he was gentle and kind"

Emma took Norman's hair for his surprise and touched it with her rough hands: the Hair that stole the moonlight has the star that guided her trough the darkest moments. She knew he wanted to say something else:

" Come on Norman, I know you have something on your throat... Whisper to me"

Norman smiled. There she was again, calming the storms of his heart, cleaning his sorrowing mind. She watched him lean to her side and let the tears feel off his face like she never seen before. 

He was embracing his sadness, like you hug and old friend, a sad and yet happy smile that made her shiver. The beauty of emotions in the contradictory sense of existence...loving and losing. The pain of having such a great thing to hold on to when we fall asleep:

" You know Emma...My mom said you were my sunflower, and she was right"

" Than, I'll watch you over the day, and she will guard your dreams, right?"

" Tsuki promised so... I want to bealive"


[Please inform me if you know the artist name]

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