Same Mistakes

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" Norman...? Norman? Are you ok? Can you hear me?"

Norman opened up his eyes. How many time was he been like that. Emma looked like a dream to him: her voice was low and fragil. He almost couldn't hear it. That happen? He didn't quite remembered well...everything was so numb.

He had blood all over him once again. How bad did someone get hurt by trying to protect him? Did Emma get hurt? He looked at her and she seemed fine. Vincent and Cisclo seemed fine too. Barbara didn't have any injury. So...who's blood was that?

" Norman! Please say something!"

Getting out of he droning in his own toughs, his eyes widen and Emma's voice was cristal clear. Did she wondered in his mind for a while...was it too much time?

" Yes, Emma I can hear you, I'm sorry"

Emma busted into tears. She wanted to scold him so bad for not telling her his plan, but she just had the strength to hold him in her arms. He was so pale and weak like all his life got out of him in one single moment. He didn't even had the strength to held her back. And as her tears raw down his spine, she wondered...

If she has able to save him? Has her love and devotion enough to save him form himself? What did she do wrong? She was wondered in millions of questions that had no answer. It was pointless

" Norman...why do you always do this to me...why didn't you told me about this...did my words...they didn't reach you at all"

He looked at her. Emma's cry was the most terrible noise he could think of. He did promised her he would follow a path without death, a hopeful path that cloud lead them into a peaceful existence in the human world. He believed her and he betrayed her anyways.

He really wasn't worth of her love and dedication. From him, only disappointment would come. Still, why worry about that now...the blood he had on his white immaculate cape has his own. He did brought death to himself by killing.

Life sure is ironic, isn't it Ray?

" Emma...I love you but...I wanted to bealive in you...I'm not worth of your feelings and I don't expect you to forgive me. How cloud you?...Please don't forgive me"

In the center of the room, Vincent freed all the kids and treated their wounds. Along with Ciclo they rested a bit, and removed all the bodies. Peter Rati's body was so heavy: a man who carried to many sins had such an easy end. After all, all it took was to find the farmer the clan got his food from and poiso it with micro microorganism who would self destroy the blood flow.

Vincent looked down. He knew how much Boss...Norman didn't want that. Still he did succeed in their plan. Norman would never fail... but for a moment he wondered that was like...a world in which Norman's plans would fail: his mind couldn't make that up. Still, it was do or die.

He knew he did all that for Emma. Still, how sad was so see him lifeless in her arms. There was some tenderness the way she held him, the way the last ray of the moonlight lit his face and created such beautiful shadows in their tiered bodies, in Emma's tears who left a trait of sadness in a chaotic atmosphere.

" Norman...who know you can't ask me that...I already told you I will always forgive you no matter what you do...I know you wanted to protect me...your intentions weren't bad..."

Norman widen his eyes: He couldn't take this anymore. She wasn't being fare: he needed to atone for the terrible think he did. It was her job to scold him and tell how pathetic he was. His eyes let out tears as his response.

" Stop this, Emma! You can't do this to me! I killed this people! I planed this because I knew Peter Rati would do something like this! Look at me! I'm stained of blood from my sins and my inner guts! There is no hope for me! Your hope pains me!"

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