There is hope

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" Ray"- Anna's eyes were sparkling

" Yes, what's up? Are you all right? Did I...did I shocked you or something? "

" What!? No, what's not it! Ray...I think I might have found a way to cure Norman form his illness!"

Ray's eyes sparkle at the sight of Norman fully healed and happy by Emma's side in the Human World. Still, he didn't tried to put his hopes to high. Anna was doing her best and he had faith on her and her skills but what didn't work? 

Maybe he felt uneasy since the environment was quite tense. After all, the house was right in front of them and they were able to make it into a secondary door that even Ray didn't know about and Norman told him. 

Why Am I feeling this bad when every things gone right until now...too well... 

" Everyone ! The door to the human world we all longed for is right there!" - Emma touched Ray shoulder. Did she just read his own worries? Emma's emphatic nature always surprised him...

Also Norman smiled to him, touching his other shoulder. Ray wondered for a moment why Norman's smile seemed so different... it wasn't like before

You idiot you really love her don't you?

" Ray..."

" Yeah...what is it, Norman?"

" You feel this too right, that things are going way to well for us, don't you? We are almost at the gate and no one came to stop us"

Ray widen his eyes. Even with his carefree smile Norman was still himself: always attentive and with a intuition what Ray himself didn't know what it came from.

Norman made a serious face and whispered at Ray's hear

" Look, all we have to avoid now is to worry everyone. We need a positive mind set for this. So, I and Emma are going ahead to see that they are up too. Do you think you alongside with Nigel and the other can wait for us here, outside?"

" You are making yourselves bait is there is a trap, right?"

" Yes! No back up at this point knowing what we are capable of is too suspicious and almost a pipe dream"

" unrealistic plan this time?"

" Not this time..."

Norman smiled. There was a time Emma made a reckless plan and they all went along. Still, they were desperate by than. Now they had much more allies and strength to face the demons.

" Vincent, Barbara and Cisclo were going too. I told them the plan since they have brute force above any other member and they agreed to go"

" It's everything alright between you guys? No mor knifes on Emma's neck?"

Norman smiled in a smut way but at some point his face changed to a gentle smile

" Just like me, Emma saved them for destroying themselves in the path of revenge that leads to noting, only more violence and dispare"

" I see...than Emma appealed to their emotions..."

" Yes...sometimes appealing to reason is not enough when people are blind by some strong feelings inside them"

" that time I punched you on the face, I was appealing for your reason that you lost in the mist of you being an idiot"

" Well...that seems a fair reason to me"

Ray smiled. With their bond it was the least he could do. If Norman had the greatest mind, Ray had the greatest passion for his, as his friend. Once again he was surrounded by warm feelings that made his heart skip a beat. 

Ray's friendship was almost as warm as Emma's love...after all was a different kind of love, but still it was love. And still, he knew that he meant, how worried he was about his health and mind, how he was telling him not to go without those direct words. dangerous don't go

Ray's mind was so loud that Norman could hear it with no effort 

" Ray...I have to go, this is the best option and you know that. I'm the one who knows best the House hidden places from when I inspected the house right before I left...Barbara, Vincent and Cisclo were strong so they will protect us if something happens, you don't need to worry" 

" Idiot, I know...but" 

" If I don't come back alive or hurt you're going to punch me again, right?" 

Ray widen his eyes. How idiot Norman was! He wanted to grab him and tell him to stop...

It's suffered so much already Norman...why do you this to yourself? 

" Yes! I'll punch with all my strength you dumb ass! You hear me? Anna told me she might have found a way to cure you! So it you go out there to be reckless just die already!" 

Norman widen his eyes. What did he just heard? He was giving him more cruel, his pain wasn't strong enough?  Still, he told about Anna, and he knew how great were her skills with medicines. More than that, Ray would never tell him something out of contest with no reason at all 

He had been trying to search for an answer all this time. When he gave up on himself he still was struggling to make his dream of living on come to life. Without knowing why, Norman closed his eyes just to hear Emma's voice in his mind 

" I will love you, but you have to promise me you will love yourself, Norman!" 


Love himself for that he was. Still, was it wrong to choose the side of him who gave all of his soul and body to her as his favourite part of himself? The only part he could love with no regrets? He was incomplete in his other half. 

I also love the part of me who would do anything to save Ray and make him happy

" Well...if that you say is indeed possible Ray, I will fight with all the strength I have in this body and live forever until we get to be old deaf granps in the human world!" 

Ray couldn't hold his tears down as Norman went ahead to find Emma and the others, heading to Grace Field House gate. He loved that idiot more than anything in the world. Who was him to ask Norman about self love? 

" Considering the strength you have, I hope you rely on Emma if you really want to stay alive, you dumb ass!" 

Norman looked behind one last time. With a gentle smile, he spoke that his eyes held and looked at the night sky with his cristal eyes. In the mist of the night, by the lights of the campfire, Ray saw a white prince with a white cape and hair. In his right arm an owl and in his left a strong will able to move mountains

The moon guided his way as he walked trough a path no one could ever dreamed about 

There is hope as long as he walks    


[Art credits goes to "0819_mug on Twitter!]

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