Nap of dreams

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We dig in the food like there was no tomorrow. It had been a long time since we sit at a table to eat a real meal. 

Me and Ray joined our hands to pray. I looked front and Norman was here eating with us. When he noticed I was looking at him he smiled softly:

" Do you like the food Emma?"

" It's the best meal I've ever had"

Ray looked amused. All the kids were so happy...some were playing with the food, Gillian and Hayato were serving everyone and Nigel ate until he was completely full:


" Ate more until you want all of you!"

I could scene Norman's happiness of being able to feed all of us without holding back. Still, he looked quite tired and sleepy, of course...he worked so much to make this paradise, and he saved all those people, and they looked at him with all admiration... 

*He almost looks like a God*

*He almost looks like a God*

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" So Norman... can you play some chest with us or do you have work to do?"

" Nice Ray...that's a great ideia! Please Norman!"

I made my puppy eyes and Ray raised his eyebrows in a changeling way. Norman scratched the back of his neck and smiled

" Ahh... ok I'm work tomorrow..."

" Heah! Let's go!"

" By the way... don't you want to see the hideout? I can show you guys this place... Do you want to?

" Heah! Let's go!"

Norman showed us many places: the nursery full of medicines and the nice heath conditions, the many dormitories, the pantry with all kinds of food. We climbed many stares until we arrived at a open place:

" So this is the garden...with is actually the crack of the top of this tree! Isn't it a nice place?"

" WOAU... I love it! It's so beautiful!"

" was many plants I've never seen"

" I know right? I come here when I want to rest a bit from work... So you guys wanna go play chest?"

" Let's go!"

The garden was truly wonderful. I looked behind when I left it and I noticed something in my hair: I looked the opposite way:

" A flower for you like your eyes..."- Norman looked away a bit embraced to meet my eyes. I smiled and touched the flower. 

" AwA thanks Norman!"- Ray made a disgusted face:

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