Come to life

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Everyone was having fun in the kitchen. It was a bit late for lunch but no one minded: after all Hayato was know to be a amazing cooker, but he sure took his time in his dishes. Mora than that, he was cooking for 200 kids

That's not easy at all

" I wonder where Emma and Norman are? I tought they were suppose to lunch with us?" - Gilda said as she was puting the plates over the table with Don's help. Ray made an annoyed face

" I bet they're doing some gross stuff I better not even imagine"- Anna smiled at Ray

" What do you mean Ray? If Emma and Norman are in love I think that's really cute"

" Cute? Just the tought of that makes me wanna vomit"

" I actually tought you were enjoying yourself with this, Ray"- Don touched Ray's arm and made a naughty smile, provoking him

" What the hell!? Teasing Emma sure is fun but that's it!"- Ray sighted again- " Are you guys forgetting something? What about the plan!? We need to think about it"

" Yeah... we need to find two lovers, both demon and human to forge a new promise"

Anna, Gilda and Don Looked at Ray. They agreed on trying to find an answer but they seemed to be on a dead- end in terms of solutions. Even Ray was struggling to come up with something useful for the plan.

After all, what were the possibilities of a demon and a human share a true bond? Demons ate humans and that was it, nothing else to add

" Man... I hate this! There is the world are we going to find such a thing!? It's better if we come up with a new plan"

" Are you sure Ray? I mean...we got into the conclusion that this was the best plan to stop Norman's plan to commit genocide didn't we?"

Ray hit with his hand on the table: He was so frustrated with all this. Anna, Don and Gilda looked down. They also had no clues about what to do:

Was he ever this bad with finding answers?

Ray couldn't think of something else, until something hit him: he wasn't bad with finding answers, he just was better finding them with the help of Norman and Emma. Somehow this tought made him smile:

*I really love those creeps...I need them*

" Well... I guess I'll go talk to Norman and Emma to see if they have any suggestion. Can you guys take care of this place and call the kids for me?"- Anna rested her hand on Ray's shoulder

" Sure we can! Go talk to them and don't worry Ray! See you soon!"

" Yeah...later! And...tanks everyone"

Walking into Norman's office, Ray was quite apprehensive over Norma's attitude. Of course he trusted him but still...

*There was something wrong about him*

Ray knew Norman...or so did he think so. In his eyes, Norman was this mastermind that no one ever could fool, not even him. Still, he had a tendency that Ray feared:

He was very good at lying. Perfect at the art of lying

Ray was afraid...afraid of that Norman might tell Emma. Of course, Norman would never lie to Emma...after all he himself told ray that he loved her... but still, there was something he said that Ray recalls:

I will use myself to make her happy

Emma would never accept that and Ray is sure of that. He knows that Emma would never allow Norman to trow himself like that so easy for her sake. Still, he seemed like a different person to him.

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