Let me go

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When Emma opened up her eyes to the morning sun, she found herself sleeping alongside Norman. He was still asleep, his peaceful face holding on to her in a unconscious way. She smiled as she petted his hair softly.

While doing so a tought hit her as she gasped

" OMG! Today's the day we are supposed to go the the Seven Walls! Man! I'm late"

" YES YOU ARE ANTENNA! You guys always pic the worst time to date don't you!?"

As Ray screamed at Emma Norman woke from his sleep and stared with a confused face to both of them. Ray's voice was so aggressive and funny at the same time he just wanted to laugh

" I'm ready in 2 minutes Ray! Is everyone ready?"

" Yeah! Oliver, Hayato, Zack, Nigel, Gillian, Paula and the other are already at the hallway with the food. We are just waiting for you two"

" How about my subordinates? They didn't try anything funny?"

Emma looked at Norman. He had a very determined face and a strong voice as he looked at Ray. Ray waved his head

" Vincent was been really nice actually. Barbara and Cisclo...I haven't seen them"

Norman was relived. If something would happen because of his careless he would never forgive himself for that. As Emma dressed in the other room he tried to stood to get himself dressed to go

" We ain't waiting much longer you hear me! Hurry up you knuckleheads"

As Ray got out the nursery, Emma was already dressed with her usual clothes as Norman tried to stand up. When she came to see him she heard a huge noise

" NORMAN!? Are you ok? Please quit beeing suborn! Let me help you with that!"

" WHAT!? I don't need help to get dressed!"

Emma noticed his checks getting hotter and red as a tomato. Still, that didn't right now. The most important thing was to get going without making the others wait any longer

" Norman you can't even stand up. Let me help you with your shirt. Don't worry you already have pants on it's just the shirt and colete"

" All right"

Norman felt like he has dying as Emma puled his shirt to reveal the scars on his back once again, now completely exposed to her. She looked sadly at them and went away to pic a proper cleaned shirt for him

He froze there covering himself the way he could. Emma could feel his plan just looking at his steady movements

" I hate this. I hate how useless I am now that you need me. How can you have someone like me Emma?"

Emma turned to him. She knew how painful it was to be powerless to do anything or even stand. She felt like that before. She felt it when she let him go.

" I felt useless too when I let you go Norman. Besides, I will have you...anyway I can"

She paused for a moment as tears came into her eyes as she closed the button of his shirt. She touched her forehead with his

" Maybe you don't understand this but... everything you do... I will forgive you for that."

" Will you forgive me if I sacrifice myself then?"

" That's the only thing I can't forgive. Now we must go meet the others. Are you ready? Can you walk?"

" Yeah...I can"

As Emma took his arm and placed it over her neck to give him support, Norman felt the nuisance he has being right now, showing down everyone he worked so hard to protect. Still, their voices and demands for him to keep on living echoed in his head

And for a second all the wanted as to live, as flush of live runed his body and the will in his heart pushed him weight and lighted it. He felt like he could fly. Like the height of the world got off his shoulders

" WOAU Norman? Can you really walk without help? I mean..."

" You don't need to carry me Emma. Now what I see the path to the Seven Walls I'm going to walk it alongside you"

" Well...what seems fine to me"

As Norman walked out of the nursery, everyone was waiting outside with the provisions and everything needed for the trip. Everyone smiled at the sight of his walking by himself in such an eloquent way.

"BOSS! Thank goodness your ok! Man, we were so worried!"

" No horries Hayato! We have a long journey ahead of us. No time to waste"

Emma looked at Norman. He had a spring smile in his face like the one he had when they were little. When she looked around she noticed that Don and Gilda were missing

" Hey guys were is Gilda and Don? Weren't they supposed to come with us?"

" Yeah... I noticed that to. Where is Barbara and Cisclo? Weren't they also supposed to come with us?"

Norman froze as he tought of that Oliver just said. Were they trying to warm Don and Gilda? The most bloody scenarios passed tought his mind in a flash. His face was worrifield as much as Ray

Without a need for words, Ray started runing at full speed as everyone looked hopessly into Emma's direction. She was worried too but she couldn't afford to have everyone panic right before their departure

" It's all right! I'm sure Don and Gilda are just finishing the provisions that were missing for us"

" They better be" Emma couldn't agree more with Gillian as she turned to face Norman. A sudden feeling of anger built up inside her. The feeling of revenge and grief were spreading all over her face

" I'm sure nothing's wrong" Norman's hand on her should brought Emma back to her normal self. She gimped at him and discretely laid her hand on his

" Thank you Norman"

" Sorry we worried you so much! We were just making this... what do you think Norman?"

When Norman looked in Gilda's voice direction upstairs he saw two hand made crutches in Don's hands as Ray stand in the back with his smile. Right behind him Vincent, Barbara and Cisclo were ready to head out of the basement even tought they had a clear face of disagreement

" Thank you two! Now I won't be a burden to you all!"

" Knock it off with that Burden think it's starting to really pissing me off you idiot"

As Ray snacked Norman head in a gentle way everyone smiled and picked up the things to get going. They already had a track on the direction to the Seven Walls location and how to access them.

Still on question remained...how about the two fated lovers? Would they be able to find them? Was there such feelings in that cruel world?

As everyone started walking, Oliver, Zack and Paula took the front as Barbara, Gillian,Nigel and Hayato took the back. In the the middle Emma, Norman, Ray, Anna an the others walked once again side by side.

As Norman walked he looked at Emma. She had a vida flower on her hand and Ray a recipient full of water

" So we need that you two carry in order to reforge the promise?"

" Yeah! We saw in the pen William Minerva gave us! More than that...we found the temple explaining the ritual and now is done!"

" Yeah...it's a bit weird and 100% dangerous. Call it a typical plan coming from Emma"

" Ray! Stop that!"

Norman smiled. He was so happy to see everyone save and sound as they walked in the florest to the location indicated in William Minerva's pen.

Was that the answer?

Risking everything to avoid killing the source of all suffering? What's when he felt sad for his own feelings, a need to kill that made him a monster in his eyes. As he walked in his path he knew he was lying, he knew a child full of dreams was crying, wiping the tears with his cape. It was difficult to walk

Emma always whispered kind words to his ears, always stayed by his side, always forced him to carry on with his weight, with her. Did he deserved her? He was droning himself in the river of his own douts. The answer was obvious

* Emma, I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise. I'm sorry I lied to you and Ray. All the love you gave me felt like a bless*

" Boss are you sure about this? I tought she was Emma's friend... is this ok?"

" It might be painful Vincent but as ling as she exists the promise will be at danger. Leaving this world without demons coming after us? I don't think that's possible"

" But... What about Emma? Doesn't she believes that? Won't she be hurt?"

Vincent widen his mouth as Norman looked right tought the hideout's window. He just told him about his true intentions and he had nothing left to say about those feelings he could never understand.

A tear fell down his face, a silver tear of a suffered love, of a hurting mind, of a broken heart. Norman's voice broke was he felt the promise he made to Emma break

* Promise me you will love yourself, Norman! If you do that I will love you even more!*

" I'm sorry Emma...you must let go of me as I must let go of you for our own sake"

And he could see Emma crying, a little Emma with emerald eyes, as green as the borders of the river, crying in his cape, looking at him and smiling.

It hurted so much to let go. He wanted to stay so badly. Still...he knew. That he would be the cause of her sadness, a heavy burden to carry, a painful memory to make her cry. He couldn't afford that.

He could never let her suffer because of him

* Sorry if I was only able to bring you sadness and dispare, my dear Emma. Please continue on on without me*

He watched her walk along side Ray as all this feelings came to his mind. She was heading to a future she herself made happen. How beautiful that was. He wanted to see

* Norman! Do you think I'll be happy without you? I need you! You have to stay! *

He wanted to cry. He wanted to disappear from her life, make her forget him. She couldn't be happy with him but he had to go. He was the source of her suffering.

* I will find a cure to your illness Norman! Even if I have to search the world of it! *

What a beautiful dream... what sweet words to say. She always said what he wanted to hear, she always argued with him when he didn't have hope, when he stared at the vivid blood on his hand.

He only way to cure him was her, his sunlight, his reason, his hurt, his passion. How painful and beautiful was to love her

He has glad

" If you love me Emma you must let me go"

The Promised between them broke at the sound of his heart. At that Morning, in the florest, Norman collapsed over the watch of the wise owls. He really wanted to sleep...he was tiered 

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[The art above belongs to Aoi on Pivix]

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