Unrealistic Plan

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Ray looked at me with a suspicious face. Anna and Gilda weren't sure what to say and Don seemed quite curious:

" So...what is this plan?"

" Coming from Emma it must be a total insane nonsense"

" Still, even if is a nonsense what can help Norman, I want to hear Ray. Go on Emma"

I razed my hand and explained the hole plan to them: I showed Anna and Ray maps of the areas, near the hideout, and I showed Don and Gilda de near demon villages we knew about. I talked to them almost all the afternoon. When I ended my speech everyone was quite confused:

"So...what do you guys think?"

No one said a single word. Ray seemed quite pale and Don was still trying to figure it out the meaning of my plan. Gilda and Anna weren't that sure about it. Ray spoke his thoughts:

" You know Emma... this goes against Norman's plans completely"

" Yes! But hat was my intention! I think Norman's plans are wrong because he only seems one possibility in every question! But there are endless possibilities we can take! We don't have to perform a genocide!"

" You may be right...but Norman's plan has a high change of working and yours was everything to fail Emma!"

" But Ray! I want to try anyways! We are all different and so are the demons! It would be fare if all humans were killed because some made a terrible mistake?"

" But Emma...they ate our siblings! WE ARE THEIR FOOD! Even if you come to me saying what we also kill to eat.... I WON'T ACCEPT IT! We kill to eat but we don't eat living things who dream, and have hope! They're just animals!"

" And still...we need them to survive Ray"

The environment was getting quite heavy. Anna and Gilda stayed silent and Don looked down. It is true... Ray was right: I was being selfless, I was thinking in a unrealistic manner but...

*Wasn't escaping with everyone an unrealistic plan? Still, here we are all together and living well as a family*

" I know death is necessary Emma, and I do understand you when you say that Demons just do what we also do when they kill us to eat...but" - Gilda hesitated, but Anna finished her sentence

" I don't know if everyone can forgive the Demons like you do Emma... not many people was such a big heart as yours"

" Yeah, especially Norman and the guys what are with him...they were tortured by them...they've seen such terrible things... I think they couldn't never forgive them"

"Don is right Emma: if you go on with this plan, the demons may still eat us just for their pleasure, and you may make Barbara, Cisclo and Vincent and everyone Norman saved your enemies... and I must admit...we have no changes against them"

I understood: they were all right! But...still I wanted to put Norman's words into life. The ones he longed forgot and I still remember from the time we found the truth about the house and our world:

* Don't worry Emma...we are gonna escape all from here and built a world here anyone was to kill anyone to survive*

" I know I'm being selfless Ray, everyone but...are you going to choose the path of revenge? We will kill them and what will be left? Are we going to live happy knowing we left a field of corps behinds us... I CAN'T LIVE WITH THAT! I WOULD NEVER FORGIVE MYSELF! "

Anna stand up from her place and hold her hand in her heart. Gilda did the same and Don as well. Ray looked down with a worried face. They all looked at each other and smiled, and then Anna looked at me:

" I think I can speak for all of us...you think revenge is a cycle of hate that can't be broken and which will lead to a endless war..." - Gilda continued Anna's tought with a smile

" And so this plan even if is the hardest way to solve our problem will prevent us from feeling guilty about killing many demons because since we kill...we turn into less human persons..." - Don finished with his arms wide open:

" So you want to save us and Norman from turning into demons, by letting them be in their world even, if it means to not forgive them, just finding a way for them to survive without eating us! "

I smiled that them. What exactly what I meant... We are going to the other world so we can live in peace but we are gonna end the demons suffering by giving them a way to keep their form without eating humans! As for the demons who hunt and eat us out of please...well we would capture them and let them degenerate in prison! To built a equal Demon society!

Everyone looked at Ray. He has his head in his forehead and gasped as he looked up at me:

" You know Emma...You and your crazy plans give me headaches ...Damn you! Why do you always have to complicate everything!?"

"Well Ray...if I hadn't complicated everything, you would have set yourself on fire Am I right?"

Ray looked quite shocked at me: He didn't expect me to bring that up but he smiled tenderly and got up reaching his hand to give me a hand shake to Anna's, Gilda and Don amusement:

" Yeah...but you still didn't apologized for that time you slapped me on the face"

" I 'm not going to apologize Ray...after all your deserved that! So are you in, Ray?"

" Well, I've followed your crazy plans until now so I guess there is no turning back now, Am I right?"- I gave my hand to Ray and we shake our hands together:

" Yes! You are right! So everyone! If you understood everything we will start this plan two days from now! Are you ok whit that?" 

Everyone sake their heads in a "yes" movement. Still, Don seemed to be thinking about something else. I looked at him with a wondering face:

" Emma...I just have one question... What are you going to do? You gave all of us task, so that is your task?"- Ray raised his eyebrows a bit. And looked at me. I replied with a serious face and Ray understood, puting his hands on his pockets: 

* We've been together for so long...you can tell that I'm thinking am I right Ray?*

" Emma is gonna stay here so she can convince Norman about her plan and help him with his trauma or whatever is making him feel bad and attack strangely, Am I right, Emma?"

" Yes, that's right, if you don't think Its unfair for you" - Gilda hold my hand and Anna smiled:

" Don't worry! We will carry out your plan as you said! You take care of Norman... you are the ones he needs the most now!"

I smiled: I couldn't ask for a better family than those people. That's right... Maybe my plan is risky and it was a low probably to succeed but you know what Norman....

*Numbers isn't all that matters...if you put all our will into to something and you have hope in what you do you can make something great become reality. What's why we humans are amazing... we have the power to overcome all possibilities even if we are weak*

* You showed me a way to escape with everyone...you made my dream come true. Now is my turn to make your dream come to life... I will save you from yourself... I promise you Norman*

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[ First picture belongs to _TongjJn_ on Twitter ]

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