Promised Lovers

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 "You do...but how?"

Ray and Anna didn't know that was the most surprising fact: the fact that Musica made a promise with the Demon king or the fact that she was the child of a demon and a human.

" You see, by that time the demon king was agreeing on a total fair separation between humans and demons, and he choose my parents to forge the promise since my mom was a descendant of him."

" So...the demon and human we saw on that painting...were your parents" - Ray still couldn't bealive it

" Yes... but them something happen between them. My father killed my mother, since he was only using her to survive, and because of that the King was angry, demanding that cattle children should be given as food for the demons, and giving demons as punishment the eternal hunger for humans"

" So...the king punished both human and demons because of your father's betrayal?"-
Anna feel sorry for Musica. She must felt some guilt for all that situation.

" Unfortunately... yes... I'm sorry to tell you so... You could use my blood, but I think that would provoque a war between low and high class demons"

"So you're saying that there is a better way to solve our problem?"

" Yes Ray, there might me a way! If you go to the seven walls, meet the demon king a forge a new promise with two true lovers of the demon and human world, he may broke the curse of eternal hunger of the demons"

Anna smiled. It was time to provoque Ray a little. She glanced to his face and said in a playfully way:

" We could do that Ray, right? The lovers think!" - Ray turned red as a tomato. He has so embarrassed he couldn't say anything he has just mumbling as Musica laughed:

" What the hell are you talking about Anna!?"

" AHAHAHAHAH you should see your face Ray!"

" For God's sake please stop or I might vomit"

Musica was happy:caring the most powerful secret that established the balance between two worlds has quite heavy. Musica wondered as she looked at Ray pat Anna's head in a lovely way

* If the circumstances were others who knows...we might have been best friends...Emma*

" So... Was I of help to you?"

"Are you kiding Musica? You helped us so much! This information is so relevant! It actually makes Emma's plan possible!" - Anna hold Musica's hand and she smiled

" Yeah...this is actually a realistic plan with high changes of success! We will go and tell Emma about it"

" What about Don and Gilda? Are they ok?"

" Yes! They went to the next villages of demons to get some report in terms of demon families...Emma wanted to know show Norman that demons are not that bad I guess"

Musica thanked Ray and prayed for Don and Gilda well-being. Before leaving, Musica, Ray and Anna prayed around the table: in the middle of it there was a Vida flower:

" Thank you Musica we survived because of you...we can never repay you for that you did for us!"

" No Anna... You were the ones who saved me! I feel so alone sometimes...and you took me in so well, your friendship is the most precious thing to me in this world"

Anna and Ray said goody to Musica as they left her hideout. Musica haven't felt that for a long time... since she had been pretending to be a full demon, she really missed this closure only humans had on their hearts. She truly felt blessed. 

She even remembered the way Anna said how pretty her eyes were and when Ray wanted to touch her horns "just to see that they were made of". As they left Musica continued on drinking her eat, as the demon cristal flowers started to lose their shine:

" So Ray... what do you think of Musica's plan? Is there a change it might work?"

" Well... she has right about one thing: using her bold could spark a war between the high and low class demons and that's the opposite of what we want "

" So, now we have to find two lovers of different species to forge a new promise with the demon king? But there do we find that?"

" Actually I have no idea Anna... But I want to bealive that we will find them at some point. Now we better go back to the hideout to tell Emma about this"

Ray wasn't to much of a believer and Anna knew that. Still, a new way had opened in front of them: a possibility of establish a solid peace in both worlds, that Ray only saw in his dreams was actually here for them to grab it:

" So... what about Gilda and Don? Do toy know their location Ray? "

" They seem to be in a village not far away from here.... since they didn't report anything they must be well"

" That's good to hear"- Anna and Ray walked for 3 long hours but they didn't saw any demon. Still, the night was falling and Anna seemed quite tiered. Ray glanced at her:

" It's better if we stay here for the night, don't you agree Anna?"

" Yeah... it might be a good idea...sorry for slowing you down"- Ray looked closely at her. It has just his impression or Anna was turning quite pale? Also Ray knew that she used to walk in a much faster and vivid way than she was walking right now.

" Are you feeling all right Anna? You look quite pale"

" I don't know maybe I have a fever... but don't worry I-"

Ray panic for a second, as Anna fainted and fell right into his arm. Her body seemed still, and cold and she had her eyes closed:

" ANNA! DAMN IT! Wake up! " 

Ray run with Anna in his arm into a huge tree that he saw that had a quite big hole with enough space for the two of them. He put Anna carefully in the ground and opened her book of medicinal plants. 

* Man, there was to be something in here! Anna's the one who knows this but, right now she is unconscious! Damn Ray! I used to know somethings about plants*  

" Ah! Found it!" 

Ray has happy to find the page of Anna's book which contained the recipe for a tea that was made out of basil, that could be use to put fevers down, since he didn't had any wet paper to put on Anna's forehead. Still, Anna didn't had any on her bag:

" Don't worry Anna! I'll be back soon with your medicine so please hang on ok?"

Ray looked behind as the went into the wile to search for the basil: He had grown quite attached to Anna didn't he? Even without realizing he couldn't help but  to admire her wisdom and resistance. He still hold dear in his heart he memory of Anna's braids, which she cut so he could escape. Ray smiled:

* Damn you Emma, What would I do without you and Norman? You gave me a reason to live. Now Anna, it's my time to pay you back*

As he talked to himself, Ray seemed to see some humanoid figures, since he was near of a demon village. Still, he hid himself in the back of one tree: they were demons:

" Great! Now Anna is suffering with a horrible fever and I just run into some demons! That a great day!"

" The hell are you talking about Ray!?"

" What?.... AHAHAHAH!"

" I never tought we would scare you so much! Right Don?" - Ray couldn't bealive it. The demons he saw here actually Gilda and Don masked as demons, since they were travelling around the villages, as Emma asked of them. Ray almost had an heart attack:

" Man, guys don't do that ever again! Also, you need to help me find basil! Hurry!"- Don and Gilda didn't understand

" What? But why?"

" Anna had a fever when we came back from Musica's hideout and she looks bad! We have to hurry!"

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Also, this book was submitted to the Watty contest! Thank you so much for making my history a success! I'm really grateful for all of my followers and readers!

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