Midnight giraffe

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It's four am in the morning... I feel to sleepy. Ray was still here snoring with his face on the couch and my last memory was seeing Norman leaving...

* Was he really still there? Or was all that a dream?*

I started to feel dizzy so I went to the hallway. Everyone was sleeping quietly with they're cute sleeping faces.

* Sleep well my family*

I started searching for Norman's place, my heart racing like crazy... *was he still here? Or was he only a vision? * I saw his door, of wood with beautiful red flowers and I opened it without even knocking. Norman was quite shock and I was too. He didn't know what to say:

" Emma-"

" Norman... Sorry...I"

" It's pretty late...do you need something Emma?

" Yeah...no it's fine"

Norman looked quite confused but he smiled. He got off this desk and walk into the place I was:

" I got some hot chocolate, so you can sit here and rest...Did you have a nightmare?"

" Well...more a less... it's actually kinda dumb"

" Well...if is dumb I want to hear"

Norman sit by my side and gave me a mug. He looked closely at me hoping for an answer and I looked down at bit embarrassed and sad

" Well... I just wanted to check if you here still here... I was afraid that our meeting was just a dream of mine...sorry if I'm being weird"

Norman had a soft smile and a bright face. He hold his mug with a lot of strength, like he was feeling a intense emotion. He looked at with his eyes starting to tear up:

" It's not weird... it makes me happy to know that. After all your weirdness is something unique of you. Never lose that Emma"

" Are you calling me weird?"

" No... I'm just saying that I love your weirdness"

I smiled. Norman always been like that: he was always been by my side in my most insane and crazy plans. We were a troublemaker duo when we were together:

" You know Emma, I'm also a weird person you see... just wait a bit"

Norman got up and picked up a box and gave it to me. It looked like a present and the paper was blue with moons on it. I was so happy:

" You got me a present? I can't bealive, thanks Norman!"

" Please open to see if you like!"

When I opened up the box my eyes couldn't bealive. In the center of the box there was a little stuffed giraffe with a cute smile on her face: I was speechless:

" Sorry I couldn't make you ride a real giraffe but I got you this one... what do you think?"


I hug him by the neck and Norman flicked a bit at my touch. I put my arms around his shoulders and he hesitated to put his hands on my back. I felt him tremble. I whispered to him:

" Are you all right Norman? You seem quite sad" 

" No... I'm just a bit tired from all the paper work I've done... that's all"

" Please don't lie to me"

I hear Norman swallow loudly as I stared him in the eyes. I could see he has hurting inside

* Norman smiles like this when he's hurting*

He wanted me to not worry about him but how could I do that? I care and worry about the ones I love. Norman...of course I worry about my dearest friend, with such a kind heart: he brought a giraffe too me and he always lived in every flower, in every bit of my heart

Norman look surprised but there was no point in hiding that from me: he knew what

" I'm not lying is just that I..."


The words didn't came out of his mouth. He open his mouth but nothing. He scratched his hand on his chest, like he had a pain on his heart:

" They did some things to me in Lambda and sometimes I like to stay awake doing my job"

" What did they do to you? You can tell me Norman!"

I could feel Norman's pain rushing in his face as he stayed silent. No a single word. But why that? He was hurting and when we hurt we just need someone to hold us:

" It's ok if you don't tell me Norman, but feel free to talk about it whenever you want"

I pushed him into my embrace. He grabed my shirt with his strength and cried as he mumbled:

" Sorry Emma I -"

" You always smile when your sad silly, you should cry more...is all right"

" I didn't meant to-"

" Just promise me you'll never go away from us, all right?"

" I swear...I'll do that, thanks..."

Norman was crying but of why... happiness? Sadness? I couldn't tell. All I know it that I fell asleep as I hugged him in my arms. Norman washed away his tears and took me into his couch. He laid a blanket on me and gave my giraffe push:

He walked to his desk to continue his paperwork with a hand on his chest

* What was we thinking? What happened to him in this farm? I know it hurts but tell me about your scares, and deepest fears, Norman...*

Still, Norman always wearied this smile to hide his suffering heart: 

*I see it bleeds and doesn't let you sleep... let me see your heart...*

Norman looked at Emma's sleeping face and sighted heavy: he couldn't be more greatfull for all her support and worry but him but still...

* It's to early for you to know Emma. Many I'll tell you later*

Still, Norman decided to stop working and opened the drawer of his desk to take the two old cups united by a stretch as he looked at me smiling, holding on to my giraffe 

Norman put his hand in the side of my face and gave a kiss in my forehead. I felt it but I remained with my eyes closed

* it felt so go...like nothing in the world could ever warm me again*

Norman left me sleeping as he took more paper work to do. It's 6 am and he is so tired...of this world...of all the demons...of of the person he had to turn into

Norman is no longer sure of who he really is: the cold leader who lead this world to hell, or the savior of million children that couldn't hope for any future until he gave his hand to reach them.

Still, there's one thing he's sure about: the reason of countless nights without sleeping, the reason why he could take the pain:

Was her, only her and her beautiful dream, her kind vivid smile, her bubbly unique hair and her attachment to him...he feel needed...like it was worth all the pain

What pain? He felt any...only the feeling he learned to call love:

* After all I'm still in love with you dear Emma...have sweet dreams*

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[ First picture belongs to  Norma22194 on Twitter ]

[ All art was taken from the Promised Neverland manga]

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