Carry that weight

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When Emma and Ray finished Gilda, Don and Anna were both happy and worried. After all...the plan was now more easy without the threat of Norman's allies such as Barbara but still...

" Emma, is there anything I can do for Norman? Did you noticed something that cloud indicate his illness?"

Emma and Ray looked at Anna. My the moon of that days' night they were reveling the plan to them, right after they talked to Oliver and the others

Emma was in awe. There was something common about the questions they made:

They were worried about Norman

Not no mention Hayato, who almost fade when he heard of Norman's sickness and volunteered himself to carry him even though Norman is 3 times bigger than him

" Maybe you guys can see him now, to see if there's something we can do. You too, Ray"

At the sight of Ray smiling Emma put hiss hand on his shoulder, looking at him with a serious face:

" You heard me Ray, no punching all right?"

" Yeah...maybe later when we reforge this damned promise"

When they nocked on the nursery door to see Norman, there was no sound. By the glimpse of the door, Emma was glad to find him sleeping in such a peaceful way

" Oh he looks quite pale...what happen to him?"

" I think he had a convulsion which made him starting to cough bood...maybe out of his lungs or stomach...also, he said this happened more often than it did on the past"

Emma knew she was hiding something: She wasn't telling them the experiments that caused this state of sickness. And somehow she felt bad about it

Still, it has to hard for Norman to open up his heart and let out that troubled him the most that Emma saw those feelings of sadness and sorrow as something quite precious she should keep to her

" So...they made experimentes with him as well. While we were away, right Emma? "

Emma froze as she showly turned her head to watch Ray. Anna, Gilda and Don just stayed there in shock. Emma could feel Ray's grief from a mile way, his voice turning into such a fragil sound and his hands struggling to stay still.

* They feel as much gilt as I do *

" Yeah...he said it was no cure but... I think there is still something we can do! What do you think Anna?"

" I don't know the type of products that they gave him... I just know that in normal situations people cough blood from severe infections on their lungs..."

" Still...why didn't he told us about this? Did Norman lied to us?"

Emma turned to Gilda as she turned into tears in Don's embrace. Ray looked at her

He knew the feeling of caring so much and not having the change to save the one friend they could reach. After all, if they knew Norman was alive since the start...

They would have come to rescue him

But once again he was carring all the weigh by himself, so lonely in a demons world. How terrible was to life tree years all by himself... being experimented to the point of turning sick...

All for their sake...all for protecting them

" You suffered so much. Now just pass the burden you have to us. We will carry it all together. You're not alone anymore Norman"

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