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Note: This chapther may contain descriptions of violence and mental break down that might impress some readers. Still, it's not a heavy part of it nor is so detailed. After all I don't like to see this characters suffer too...

Still, if you feel had about this subjects I recommend you to read until Norman's last dialog which is save for you to real. With noting else so say, I hope you like this chapter! Enjoy it!


" Ray, are you sure they are going to be fine? I mean...of course Vicent and the other are way stronger than us...still we have skilled fighter like Oliver, Violet, Zack...why didn't they go with them?" - By the campfire, Anna and Ray were patrolling the area in Oliver's and Zack's turn

" That's why they left them here... Norman considered that we might be attack while they were gone, so in order to keep everyone save we needed the most skilled among us" 

" Ah...of course, Norman always thinks of everything! Why did I even asked?" - Anna gasped.

" Well, because he is human too. I know him. He smiled at me with the most easy smile but I could feel how afraid and terrified he was to be the bait and walk right into the enemy's hands" 

" Wait...Ray...why didn't you stop him? Did you tell him about the medicine that  might cure his illness? " - Anna looked at Ray. He was smiling staring at the huge gave that they still could see between the branches of the trees of the florest 

He wanted to see him return. He waited for the return of the white owl prince.

" No one in the world could stop Norman when he had those eyes...I already know that. Maybe, seeing better, Emma is the only one who can stop Norman. Even so, I never saw someone was stubborn as him" - Anna smiled and pated Ray on the head

" Really? You are quite stubborn yourself, Ray! I think is true when people say you can't understand yourself because you only that see other people's backs! Don't you agree?" 

Ray knew. How well he knew that they were stubborn. They wanted to stubbornly live, win and achieve their dreams. Would they be able to do so if they didn't felt that need and desire? Ray wasn't sure.

" Well if he is going to be a stubborn ass I want him to come back alive here cuz I'm stubbornly waiting for him and Emma to come" 

As for Norman and Emma, the gate they always lived by seemed to huge to them. Was it always that big? Behind them, Vincent, Barbara and Cisclo were walking without making a sound, weapons in their hands. 

" This is the place, hurry" - Norman touched to front wall in certain places which made a secret passage open right in front of them. Amazed by the skill she already knew he had, Emma touched Norman's shoulder, and smiled: He was so strong

" Well done, Norman, everything is fine" 

" Well...we have to wait to see" - When she reached for his hand, he was snaking so much that he couldn't help to move his hands in a frenetic way. Emma smiled: he was even more scared than her, but they had talked about this before. She embraced him

" Everything is fine, Norman. I'm scared so you can be scared as well, is just normal" 

Norman showed Emma the face she know to well. Still, this time he was sad and he didn't hide it. There was fear in his eyes, and after looking at her he let his guard down. He was going to be a lit selfish this time. Would be to much to ask for her to hold him? 

" I's just that I remembered this dream I had when we were kids and I think it still haunts me to this day. Also, Labramba farm was somehow similar to this house..." 

Emma held his hand and placed her hand in his cheek. He was being selfish...but she was even more than him. She would give up the world just to be with him once again. He cloud be selfish...not as much as her 

" Really? Tell me about your dream?...still, if you don't feel comfortable please-"

" No, it's fine, really" 

When Norman told Emma as they walked trough the House secret passage his dream, how he was runing into the gate trying to save everyone and failing. Everyone soaked into water dead in the light of dawn, which one with a Vida Flower on their hearts. How he hold a live less Emma was a demon appeared to eat them.

Of course it was difficult to call those memories back. Still, he knew that it was in the past. They went far more ahead than he could never dream of by that time. Thanks to her, thanks to Ray

" Well, I'm sorry I couldn't help and didn't noticed that you were struggling so much Norman...I'm so sorry I really don't-" 

" Don't say anything, Emma. I myself wanted to hide from you so it wasn't your fault, it never was your fault. Even if that's just in the past, I can't help but to have this feeling..." 

Norman twisted his face: the way the door opened so easily, the way their path had no obstacles was bothering him- That was to easy- It was like they were inviting them in in order to do god knows what with them. He usually wasn't wrong. 

The bad thing about his perfect deduction was that...he was always right 

" Do you think...they are seating a trap for us and we are walking right into it, Norman?" 

" Yeah... I think we should look out for something that could give us a glue..." 

When Norman spoke his own words he felt a shiver down his spine: Glues? If he didn't noticed than the one behind this was a mastermind. Of course, Peter Rati didn't play at service. Still, Norman couldn't bealive : Was...was he wrong for the first time? 

He started breathing heavily, his head sniping around. As Emma tried to talk to him and seemed to be crying he couldn't hear a thing. His vision was fading away. That Peter Rati had for them wasn't a fair game of reason. He was a twisted perverted mind...Norman's mind couldn't even come up with something so terrible. That's when he noticed, that the path that they had been following was actually a grave. A grave of millions of pilled skulls from how many children who weren't intelligent enough to be shipped out  as demon food. 

When Emma saw him, she was crying. Has it because of him? Has it because of that vision? He didn't know. He couldn't move his body even when he wanted to touch her and tell her it was all right. He wanted to held her and comfort her as well 

It was to late

When Norman was able to open his eyes again, his body was covered in blood and Emma was fighting a horrific demon among with Barbara and Cisclo. Tiered he closed his eyes again: in the deepest of his dreams, Norman wished that what he saw was just another nightmare.

No, it was to real

When he woke up, Emma was there to pick him up and carry him as she carried her wounded body as hell, aiming for something they weren't ready to. Still they would make it, and they were going to fulfill Ray's promise. There was fire in their eyes as they walked above the demon's bodies 

They were just starting 

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