Missing piece

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Norman was in shock. In the middle of the cave, by the hand of Musica his life had turned around and has never gonna be the same. This mother was a warrior with his hair, and his father a demon with a sweet smile.

How could he be the person he had been until now? He had demon blood flowing in his veins...he same blood he sweated to hipe out from this earth. And now he has the key to the promise. The one who should reforge it.

" Damn it! I hate all this"

Once again, destiny was forcing him to live, life in the suffering of his convulsions that never ended, to give hope to Emma there were was none. He hated himself for that and he loved his mother

Because of her he was there. He could curse his existence. He had million reasons to do so. Still, one reason made him truly greatfull for being born


Meeting her, kissing her, share his time with her was enough for him. And now he had one more reason to keep moving on.

" That's right Norman. You don't have to force yourself to choose the answer you are sure it will end this nightmare. You can bealive. You and Emma are part of this dream that you can make come true"

Norman glimpsed at her. Did the evil maiden had the ability to read his thoughts? Has she evil? He wasn't sure of anything anymore. She was smiling at him

" You look just like your mother. I actually meet her long ago and I knew she was right about you: you have an unmovable heart"

" That's not true. Just right now, you were able to move me and now I'm lost. I don't know who I am anymore"

Musica gave him a stone. Norman looked at it. It looked similar to Emma's necklace. The same odd draw which meaning he did not know. A symbol of the odd of a dream, a change of heart. He took the stone in silent and she let go of his hand.

" Did you know who you were before?"

Norman felt a shiver down his spine. Musica was just there smiling at him as he felt into the hole of realizing that he never knew who he truly was. The was so lost searching for an answer... in the middle of the darkness there was a light

A light hand pulling him back, as Norman heard a smile echoing

The raised himself as Musica waited for his reaction. When he looked at her he was crying, and smiling at the same time... the mist of emotions was to strong for her to understand

I don't know myself but I know Emma...that's the answer 

Mean while, at the cave, Ray was getting the dinner ready as Emma helped Gilda with the provisions that needed to be replaced. She had her head down and she didn't said a world. Ray glimpsed at Ray and shouted:

" Emma please don't worry yourself with that knucklehead! More than that we needed to stop anyway. If he falls some here I'm not picking him for sure"

" Yeah... I can see you doing that Ray... It's just that maybe Musica can't cure Norman's illness? What would we do than?"

" Run into the Seven Walls instead of walking of course"

" Yeah... I don't think that's possible at all" 

" What? Look who's taking... miss unrealistic plan"

When Emma was about to argue against Ray, she and everyone else at the shelter looked left. There was Norman standing, with a much better look, and Musica right behind him, smiling at them. When all the kids saw Norman they ran to meet him, and Gilda and Don had to stop them, in order to not allow them to bring Norman again right down to the floor of the cave

" OMG! Boss are you all right? Can you keep up? Do you want me to carry you?"

" No Hayato... I'm fine for real. We can go to the Seven Walls now. We finally have everything we need"

Oliver and Zack, who were passing by, helping Paula, Nigel and Gillian carring the guns, couldn't be more surprised as they looked at Emma and back at Norman. When Norman say Oliver come next to him, he had a feeling he knew that he would ask him:

" But... what about the promised lovers? Don't we need to find them?"

" No... we have them right here"

Everyone had their eyes wide open. What did Norman meant? Did he find them? No... he was asleep all this time, unconscious. When everyone reflected more on the matter, they all looked at Ray and back at Anna, leaving them both with a heavy shade of red in their cheeks

" What the hell are you looking at me !? " 

" No Ray, but we all just wanted to tease you...mister emotional dady "


" It's us, Emma"

Norman smiled as everyone stayed quiet. Emma had a confusing look on her face and Ray was about to split the soup he had just made for everyone. When Emma realized that he meant she turned red as a tomato:

" What? What do you mean...Norman?"

" We're the pieces that were missing. We are reforging the promise together Emma" 

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[Please inform me if you know the artist name]

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