Midoriya's Secret

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Midoriya had a secret.

Well, he had multiple secrets if he was going to be honest. He had All Might's quirk, One for All, he knew the secret to One for All, he knew about All for One...

However, there was one secret that besides his mother, not even All Might knew.

Midoriya could cross dimensions.


Midoriya didn't know why he could. It was just always there. He had it for a long time, but he couldn't remember when. 

However, he was pretty sure it was when he was running away from Bakugou when he was in grade school, perhaps grade 1? Grade 2?

Whatever year it was, Midoriya had accidentally fell into someone's living room while they were in it. 

That person was named Hinata Shouyou, an orange-headed boy the same age as he was.

The two became close friends and after explaining to Hinata's mom (who was skeptical, but gradually accepted it the more Midoriya went over), they were practically inseparable. Midoriya didn't know why, but his secret required him to stay in there for at least half an hour everyday. Midoiya had found out when he was suddenly pulled into it.

In any case, it meant that he technically had to stay in that dimension for an hour, since Hinata's dimension's time ran twice as fast as his own. Two hours there would be one hour in his world.

It was rather lucky that it wasn't the opposite way.

He told his mother of course, but because he was diagnosed as quirkless, the two couldn't figure out what was going on. So, they didn't get help.

Midoriya was rather glad that his mother knew about it. Then, she wouldn't have to worry as much about him.

Today was another school day at UA. Midoriya put on his uniform, got his bag, and went out the door, making sure to kiss his mother goodbye.

"Love you, Mom!" Midoriya yelled as he looked back, waving his hand before turning his attention to whatever was in front of him.

Inko smiled as she waved back. "Love you too!" She chuckled a bit before going back inside the house. Izuku was going to be a great athlete, both in this world and the other world.


"Hey, Deku!" Uraraka waved at her friend as he met her outside of UA. Midoriya turned to her, smiled, and waved. 

"Hey, Uraraka," he said as he made his way over. 

"I can't wait for the training camp," Uraraka gushed as they went through the winding halls of UA. 

"Yeah..." Midoriya agreed. On the outside, he was smiling. On the inside was another story.

'Oh god, what am I going to do? It's not like I can just disappear! And for half an hour as well! Not only that, but according to my calculations, there's a practice game as well, against Seijoh! I can't miss that, no way! After all, I'm going to be on the court, not just watching. I'm pretty sure that Coach Ukai said that he wanted to switch me and Shouyou every few rounds so that we don't run out of energy. What to do, what to do, what to do...'

" - eku? Deku? Deku, are you paying attention?"

His head turned to Uraraka, breaking his moment of thinking. "Huh?"

"So you weren't paying attention!" Uraraka pointed at him. Midoriya held the back of his head and chuckled awkwardly.

"Heh, sorry, Uraraka!" he apologized. Uraraka waved it off.

"Oh, it's fine, Deku. Besides, we're almost at the classroom anyway." Sure enough, the two soon arrived in front of the large door.

"I still can't believe the door is this large," Midoriya muttered as he slid it open. Uraraka nodded behind him.

"Yeah, isn't it so big?"

"Hello, Midoriya, Uraraka," Todoroki looked behind him. Midoriya smiled. 

"Hey, Todoroki! How are you?"

"I'm good," Todoroki said. Todoroki went to the back of his class and sat down in his seat. Midoriya and Uraraka copied him, except to their own seats.

"Ah, hey Shinsou!" Midoriya beamed at the person, whose purple hair defied gravity, behind him.

"Mmm, hello, Midoriya," Shinsou greeted him. Shinsou was replaced with Mineta during the Sports Festival since Mineta was caught multiple times attempting to peek into the girls' changing room. Not only that, but because of his behavior towards the girls, Midnight immediately called for his expulsion from UA.

Although it had taken some time, Midoriya was proud to say that he was friends with Shinsou. 

"Alright, homeroom is about to begin." A yellow sleeping bag wiggled into the classroom like a caterpillar. Aizawa stood up, unzipped it, and closed the door behind him. He then made his way in front of the classroom.

Everyone fell silent as quickly as possible. Aizawa looked around the room and said, "Good. You're getting better. Aoyama?"






After school, he managed to shake off his friends. Midoriya took off his UA uniform, revealing the regular shirt he had underneath. Turning down an alleyway, Midoriya opened his dimension. It was like a rabbit hole, an opening in the ground, except that around it was purple-ish smoke. He took a deep breath and stepped in.


Midoriya fell from the ceiling, but because of his experience over the years, he landed on his two feet. As soon as he grabbed his volleyball bag and put it on, Natsu ran into the room. 

"Izu-chan!" she yelled and jumped at him. Midoriya quickly caught her in his arms.

"Hey, tangerine," Izuku said, ruffling her hair. Natsu smiled as she backed up a step. 

"Shou-chan just called and said that practice was going to start soon and that you'd better hurry."

"Oh, shoot! Thanks, Natsu!" Midoriya quickly ran out of the room and out the door. Natsu waved. 

"Better get there in time, Izu-chan!"

Midoriya jumped onto his green bike and raced over, using One for All when he could without anyone watching. 


"Oh, Izu-chan's here!" Hinata yelled as Midoriya ran into the gym. Daichi sighed. 

"Midoriya, you've got to get here a bit quicker," he scolded him. Midoriya quickly bowed. 

"Sorry, Dadchi!" Midoriya said. Nishinoya and Tanaka snickered. 

"Dadchi, huh?" Tsukishima smirked and Midoriya waved his hands in front of him. 

"Sorry, Daichi!" 

"No problem, Midoriya," Daichi smiled. Sugawara chuckled. "I guess you ARE like the Dad of the team."

"Then that makes you the Mom."

"Sure, sure. Let's start practice."

Midoriya smiled. This was his team. And this, he thought as he spiked a ballfrom Kageyama, is where he could go, without any quirks, without any trouble, without any pressure or bullying.

He was just simply Midoriya Izuku. And he wouldn't want it any other way.

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