Chapter 30

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The two classes, after a little over an hour of recovery, came back to the empty field, huddled in a large group. The Wild Wild Pussycats were there as well, watching the students as they quieted down.

"Alright! Now that we've gotten settled," Mandalay clapped her hands, "I'm going to explain the game! Well, it's more of a test. A Test of Courage! Some of you know already, how, I have no clue."

A small pang of guilt hit Midoriya.

"In any case, the Test of Courage is going to be between the two classes, again, but everyone's getting into pairs of two! First, we'll have Class 1b set up their scares in the forest to try to scare the other class's pairs. Each pair will be let into the forest fifteen minutes between each other! So get your scary side out, it's time to scare the socks off people!"

"Not literally!" Ragdoll added.

"Also!" Pixie-Bob added, "you guys aren't making the pairs and neither are we!"

"Wait, then how are pairs gonna be made?" someone yelled out.

"I'm getting there, kitten. The pairs will be selected by random for each class with, drum roll please, the power of the sticks."

Confused murmuring was heard throughout the field as Midoriya tried to figure out what was going on. Sticks?... oh no...

Pixie-Bob pulled out two bundles of popsicle sticks, writing seen on one side of them. "These sticks determine your future partner, in marriage or not!" Pixie-Bob grinned.

She raised one of them. "Let's start with Class 1a, since Class 1b will be doing the scaring. After that, we'll do Class 1b." She took the rubber bands off one of the bundle. Shuffling them around, she pulled out a popsicle stick.

"Alright, let's see, Jirou! You're partners with... Kirishima! Find each other! Next pair... Iida aaannnnddddd Hagakure!" Pixie-Bob started to announce.

As pairs started to be called out, each person tried to find their partner. Meanwhile, Mandalay was gathering Class 1b.

"Okay, we're gonna give you half an hour after they finish pairing to set up your scares! Let us hear them scream!"

Several people yelled and cheered to that, especially one certain blonde kid who happened to be cackling maniacally before needing to be temporarily knocked out.

Monoma Neito is not okay right now.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Huddle up! Class who squeezes the most screams out of their sister class wins!" Mandalay yelled, unaware of what chaos she had created.

Back to the pairing. One by one, everyone had been called, including Midoriya, whose partner was Tokoyami. One by one, they all got paired until...


"What the fuck! Don't tell me I'm paired with fucking IcyHot here!"

"I assure you, Bakugou, I am not pleased with this arrangement as well."


"You must stop twisting my words. And yelling, you're hurting my ears."


A certain tired man glared at them, Bakugou's explosions disappearing from his hands as gray scarf wrapped around him.

"Behave, Bakugou," Aizawa said, his quirk making his hair stand up and his eyes glow red. "Or you're going to be back with the people who failed. Actually, Pixie-Bob, what happened to that?"

Pixie-Bob blinked once, twice, before face palming herself. "I forgot to do that!"

"Wait, what does Aizawa-sensei mean?" Kaminari nervously piped up.

Aizawa sighed. "That means, Kaminari, that if you failed the finals test, then you can't participate in the Test of Courage."

Several anguished sighs and wails came from a select few of people. Sato just sighed and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Come on, get to the building, we have to finish the tutoring within several hours if we want to leave."

And so, the ones who failed trudged back inside.

Pixie-bob looked at the remaining people. "Please find a partner if you don't have one!"

Shinsou looked around. Damnit, he was alone again.

"Can we make a group of three?"

Shinsou turned to look at the group of Momo and Uraraka.

"Well, why not, there's an odd number," Pixie-bob shrugged and Shinsou smiled.

Uraraka waves him over as he walked. Friends were pretty awesome, Shinsou thought to himself.

With the partners all created, Pixie-bob grinned and gave a thumbs-up to Mandalay.

"Alright, Class 1b! You've got half an hour! Tiger will show you the course you can use, knock our socks off!"

Oh boy, another class vs class competition, Midoriya thought.

Well, it can't be as bad as Tsukishima and Kageyama and Hinata all in one room, right?

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