Chapter 7

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Todoroki looked around the long but narrow alleyway. It wasn't too narrow, in fact it could probably fit two Shoujis side by side.

"Why the fuck is there nothing anywhere?" he could hear Bakugou mutter. Todoroki had to agree. There was nothing there except things you would expect in an alleyway. Trash cans, dirt, and more trash. 

That was pretty much it and none of them were willing to dig through the trash. Besides, the trash bags looked undisturbed. 

"Are we sure that this is the right address?" Mina complained as she leaned against a wall. 

Bakugou growled at her. "Fucking Raccoon Eyes, I know this is the fucking right place. Ponytail, check the location we're in!"

Momo, taking off a rubber glove she had created (she was looking around near the trash), got out her phone. "Yes, this should be it," she confirmed as she turned off her phone and put it away.

"I don't think there'll be anything to find here," Ojirou commented. This statement fell onto their heads. 

"That's true, we didn't see him move anything, kero," Asui put her two cents in. 

"Then how would the person with the portal quirk know when to warp Midoriya?" Sero asked.

Asui put her finger on her chin. "Kero. Then Midoriya would have to match warp man's portals," she responded. Sero put his hand on the back of his neck.

"I didn't think of that," he admitted. Bakugou grew a tic mark on his forehead.

"THEN WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE GOING TO DO?!?" he yelled at the class. Todoroki's eyes narrowed. Although he was concerned about what his friend was doing, Todoroki noticed Bakugou's frustration. Was it because Bakugou didn't like any unpredictable factors in his life? Todoroki made note of it as he looked around the alley one more time.

Shinsou sighed then grumbled with a very familiar tone of voice, "Maybe we should get out of the alleyway."

Todoroki was still convinced that Shinsou was Aizawa's secret love child. 

The class of nineteen heroes-in-training walked out of the dirt filled alley. Momo looked at her shoes and sighed. "At least these aren't new," she said. The others looked at the bottom of their shoes and grimaced. Todoroki copied their actions. Dirt and who knew what caked the bottom of his soles.

How so much gunk got on his shoe in so little time confused Todoroki, but he shrugged.

Maybe it'd piss off his father. One could hope.

Uraraka then started stomping. Iida made his chopping motions as he asked rather loudly, "What is the purpose of doing this?"

Uraraka looked up at Iida. "It's to get the dirt off. The more I can get off, the better."

Iida stared at her motions for a moment before doing the same thing. Soon, everyone was copying everyone. Todoroki didn't bother. 

It'd probably fall off when they started walking everywhere.

Kaminari, finished with his stomping, put his hands in his pockets. "So, um guys?"

Jirou glanced at Kaminari. "Yeah?"

"What're we going to do now?"

Midoriya POV

Midoriya knew that he should probably be doing his UA homework. He had already finished the online school's - it was pretty easy compared to UA's work - but now the problem was UA.

Not UA itself, mind you, but it was the training camp.

Why did the training camp have to be next week? With a match against Seijoh? 

Then in a few weeks later, there'd be the other training camp arranged and located at Seijoh. Midoriya didn't know exactly what he was doing for UA then, but he did know that if the current schedule was kept, it should be fine. 

Then again, he couldn't miss three days of school. But he also couldn't miss the training camp, especially when there'd be so many schools attending.

He groaned and put his head in his left hand. Both the Hinata children looked up at him.

"Did you get a sugar headache or something?" Shouyou asked and Midoriya shook his head.

"No, just thinking about the training camps for UA and for volleyball," Midoriya explained and he took a bite out of his lemon fudge. Natsu tilted her head.

"Why can't you do both?" she asked.

"Because I've got school. The training camp for UA is also during the match against Seijoh and the training camp for volleyball requires people to actually stay there. What if a coach found out?" Midoriya said, getting more and more nervous as he talked.

Shouyou shoved Midoriya's lemon fudge into his mouth, causing him to almost choke.

"What the hell, Sho-chan!" Midoriya said as he tried to swallow the food in his mouth. Shouyou shrugged. 

"You were getting anxious again. Remember how you told me to stop you from doing that?" Shouyou responded. Midoriya paused for a moment then nodded.

"Yeah, I do, you pushed me into a lake, of course I remember."

"Just hear me out, alright?" Shouyou waited for Midoriya to nod before continuing, "Maybe you should tell someone in your dimension."

Shouyou POV

"What?! You know I can't do that!" Midoriya protested. Shouyou's eyebrows furrowed. 

"There's no other way! You're going to stress yourself! You've got eyebags under your eyes!" Shouyou pointed accusingly at the skin underneath Midoriya's eyes. Midoriya's left hand shot up to his face.

"N-no, I don't!" Midoriya said back. 

"Yes, you do!"

"No, I don't!"





"Umm..." Natsu interrupted their argument. Shouyou and Midoriya looked down at her before realizing that they were standing up. The two sat down into their chairs.

"Yes, Natsu?" Midoriya asked. Shouyou nodded and she started to talk.

"Well... I think that Izu-chan should talk to someone!" Shouyou beamed at his sister's opinion while Midoriya deflated a bit.

"But, Natsu..."

"You tell me to talk to people when I'm upset or tired. You should do the same," Natsu confidently replied. Shouyou held back a smirk as Natsu started pulling up examples of what his friend told her.

Talk about using his words against him.

"Natsu... I've already hidden it for twelve years..."

"Twelve years too long. You always say that I shouldn't hide anything!"

"Na - "

"If you don't do it, I'm never talking to you again!" Natsu pouted and Shouyou could see the resolve in Midoriya fade away until Midoriya sighed.

"I guess I can talk to Aizawa-sensei..." Midoriya finally agreed to tell someone. The two Hinatas beamed. 

"Good!" they said simultaneously. Midoriya looked at the two before sighing and shaking his head.

"You two are really similar..."

Shouyou let out the grin he was hiding. "Of course! She's my sister!"


I was listening to the song above. I like Panic! At the Disco. One of my favorites is 'Don't Threaten Me With a Good Time'. What's yours?

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