Chapter 29

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The five Class 1b heroes-in-training stood in a circle, waiting for a flash of greenlight, any sign of movement. A twig snapped and immediately, they got into position, ready to attack.


It was a squirrel.

Kendo and the others sighed in relief as they went back to their posts. They've been on guard for several minutes after Setsuna's warning. As much as Kendo would like to think it was a false alarm, Setsuna knew what she was doing.

A leaf crunched.

This time, all hell broke loose.

As it turned out, Midoriya had been watching them the entire time. Oh, he also had company as well, in the form of a Momo Yaoyorozu from the other side. Where the hell did she come from? Setsuna only reported one person!

Kendo grit her teeth as she activated her quirk to send out a fan of wind to blow Midoriya away, or at least slow him down.

She didn't pay much attention to anyone else until there was a "look out!"

Her head turned as she saw a pink tongue(?)

Following the tongue to a tree, she blanched. There was someone else here the entire time.

The flag retracted and she could hear Kamakiri roar as he tried to slice the tongue with a blade but instead was blocked by Momo creating a... was that a cannon ball she just threw?

The frog girl, with a clear path, retracted her tongue. She had the flag.

Wait, she had the flag.

It was all over before it even started.

"Class 1a wins. That was a fight you put up."

Kendou turned once more to see a shaggy person, whom she recognized as the other class' teacher.

"I guess we did," Kendou replied, hoping her disappointment didn't seep into her voice.

Aizawa-sensei shrugged. "There were many mistakes. Like, why did you have the person who could turn the ground to mush here? Why not out there? Why was Setsuna the only one who you relied on for information? Couldn't you have taken the flag and ran?"

Kendou nodded. Those were all mistakes on her part.

"Just keep growin, alright? And for all of you other hellions, I hope you've learned sometging, whether it's about yourself or others. Mandalay is about to - "

All students! Please stop, the competition is over! Class 1a has won!

"Or she's already done it, alright then. Time to head back."

Kendou sighed. As much as she was a bit frustrated, having lost to the other class, it was her plan.

With that in mind, she headed back.

Midoriya POV

The two classes gathered together, most of them sporting some sort of injury. Monoma was about to rant when Kendo knocked him out. Again.

The Wild Wild Pussycats appeared once more.

"I hope you had fun!" Ragdoll said

"And that my friends, was just the first!" Pixie-Bob added.

"But! We're gonna eat dinner and heal up! Everyone, make your way to the building to get first aid!" Mandalay yelled. "Safety first!'

The two classes moved, all talking about some sort of battle or some sort of injury.

"Man, I can't believe how you guys made that web!"

"Why'd you shoot a cannonball?"

"Kaminari, you should've been with us, man!"

"I didn't like all that hiking..."

"I can't wait for the Test of Courage," Midoriya murmured.

"What? A Test of Courage?"

Midoriya looked to see Tetsutetsu.

"A Test of Courage, how manly! That'll be awesome!"

Damn, maybe he should keep his mouth shut next time.

This is short because next chapter is a new arc! Buckle up!

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