Up for Adoption

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Hey, hey, hey!

It's me, once again, the unreliable author I am. I've decided to be a bit more *mature* or whatever.

I'd like to thank literally every single person who has this bookmarked, has ever read, or even votes on this... thing. And I appreciate everyone who has ever encouraged me or told me not to worry, but the thing is that you guys deserve an ACTUAL author who actually updates and stuff.

 This slump's a lot longer than I thought it would be and there's no end in sight.

Basically, I don't want to leave you guys hanging so I've decided to put this up for adoption. If you, or anyone else you know, wants to continue it, email me at owlypersona@gmail.com

I'm sorry for the inconvenience or anything. I didn't even get you guys to the actual plot from the summary. Everything I wrote was like a prequel.

Which means I probably should've wrote a different summary.

In any case, thank you to everyone for everything.

I hope to see you guys or talk to you guys soon in some way shape or form! I'll try getting back into writing but it'll probably be one shots or in the Haikyuu fandom only.
Signing off,OwlyPersona125

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