Chapter 19

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"Hello! Shrimpy-kun. Broccoli-kun." 

Midoriya turned around to see a brown-haired setter walk up to them. With a large number 1 on his jersey, even if Midoriya didn't know what Oikawa looked like, he knew that Oikawa was the captain. 

The volleyball team had gotten off the bus and now were in the gym of Aoba Johsai. Their backpacks and school supplies were still in the bus, but they had brought their waters, volleyball shoes, and anything else they deemed were necessary. 

"Hello, Great King!" Hinata waved to him. 

"Oikawa-san," Kageyama looked at his senpai. 

"Oh, I didn't see you there, Tobio-kun," Oikawa practically sneered before turning to Midoriya. "I'm looking forward to our match." He stuck out his hand. "Maybe we'll beat you again. It'd be interesting to see that, wouldn't it?" 

A volleyball suddenly appeared out of nowhere, hitting Oikawa right at the back of his head, making him lean forward before rubbing the back of his head. 

"Stop it with the shitty personality," a gruff voice said and soon, Iwaizumi walked up to them. 

"Iwa-chan, how good is your hearing to hear that?" Oikawa pouted and Iwaizumi rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, Shittykawa." 

"Iwa-chan, stop calling me that!" Oikawa said. 

"Aren't you supposed to be leading warm-ups?" Iwaizumi pointed at the team over his shoulder, using his thumb. 

"I just wanted to greet them, is that a problem?" Oikawa asked. 

Iwaizumi rolled his eyes once more. "There's only three of their team here, the rest are all somewhere else." 

"Yeah, I wasn't going to bother finding them so when they were here, I just had to say hello," Oikawa shrugged. 

"More like trash-talk them," Iwaizumi bluntly said.

"Ah, we didn't mind it," Midoriya said. 

"See, Broccoli-kun agrees with me." 

"Oi, stop nicknaming them after food," Iwaizumi said. "You always give the crappiest names." 

Oikawa rolled his eyes. "It's not my fault that they look like that. I say what I think. And take that back! I know you love my names, Iwa-chan." 

"That's the biggest fucking lie I've ever heard, both of those," Iwaizumi said. "Anyways, good luck, you guys." Dragging Oikawa by the arm, they went back to their team. 

"We're going to show them," Kageyama declared and Hinata nodded. 

"Yep! Let's win! Straight sets!" he jumped up and down. 

"Boke, stop wasting your energy!" 

"Bleh!" Hinata stuck out his tongue. 

"Sho-chan, I really think you should listen to Kageyama," Midoriya put in. 

 "Midoriya! Hinata! Kageyama! Get over here so we can warm up!" Daichi yelled, next to the rest of the team. He was stretching shoulders by moving his arm. "Match starts in ten minutes!" 

"Coming, Daichi!" Midoriya yelled back. 

"Bakageyama, race you there!" Hinata yelled. 


Midoriya watched them run before sighing. He started jogging over. The dynamics between the two weren't too bad, or at least, not as bad as the bus. However, it was still awkward to say something. Jeez, this is why he tried to avoid fighting between close friends. 

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