Chapter 24

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Midoriya bounded out of the building with a slight smile on his face. He quickly wiped off any remaining tears or any sign that showed he was crying before.

"Hey, guys!" Midoriya greeted as he got closer to them.

"Oh, hello, Midoriya."

"Hey, Deku!"

"Greetings, Midoriya!"

"Hello, kero."


Midoriya's grin grew a small bit wider as he looked at his friends. "Why's everyone just standing around? I thought we had training until dinner."

Iida nodded before putting his chin in his hand. "Yes, one would believe so, yet the teachers just told us to gather together. Quite unusual if you ask me."

"It's the last day of the training camp, kero," Asui said. "You'd think they'd try to fit as much into the little time we have."

"Maybe we're doing one of those hero exercises together," Todoroki offered, "when we are tired, as to push ourselves to our limits. We wouldn't have that much time back at UA, for normal hero training classes."

"Yes, that does make sense," Iida commented.

"Alright, listen up everyone!"

Both Class 1a and 1b looked up front at Wild Wild Pussycats. Standing off to the side was Aizawa and Vlad King.

"We've got two group activities! The first one is for hero work while the second one will be after dinner to celebrate your hard work!" Mandalay announced.

"Hey, Todoroki, your theory was right!" said Uraraka.

"Yes, it was," the other simply replied.

"Our first group activity," Pixie Bob continued, "will start in about five minutes! I want Class 1a on this side and Class 1b on the other side of me!"

"Come on, let's go!" Uraraka skipped over with everyone else following.

Once everyone had settled into their proper group, Mandalay clapped her hands. "Now, you may be wondering what we're doing. The answer is Capture the Flag!"

"Capture the Flag?" The two classes broke out into small murmurs until one person raised their hand.


"Why are we doing Capture the Flag?" Shoda asked before quickly adding, "Not like I'm ungrateful for it or dont like it, but the game is sort of out of the place."

"Makes sense," Ragdoll answered. "This is to test your ability to communicate with each other, strategize, being able to move around when the terrain isn't as smooth as a city street, as well as your ability to get what you need. The flag could be a bomb. It could be a piece of paper with villain plans on it. The flag could even be the villain boss himself! Many games are more complicated on the outside than they seem. Now, Tiger, wanna explain the rules?"

"Sure," Tiger nodded. "The rules are simple. Each team is trying to get the other team's flag. You are out if you are attacked and unable to move or if you are knocked out. Anything that would be very, very bad if the one attacking you was a villain. We," he gestured to himself and the other members of the Wild Wild Pussycats," will be patrolling the area, helping people who are out get out of the forest. Your two teachers will be watching the flags and will tell us when one of the flags are captured. Does that make sense? Any questions?"

"Are we allowed to know where the other team's flag is?" Kendo raised her hand.

"Nope!" Pixie Bob said, popping the 'p'. "In real life, it's not like the villains will tell you, right?"

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