Chapter 8

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Midoriya could feel a slight amount of dread as he woke up and walked to the kitchen, making breakfast to start the day.

As he poured in cereal into his bowl before pouring in milk and putting in a spoon, he wondered about how exactly he was going to execute this. 

After all, he couldn't just walk up to his teacher and say, 'Oh, hey, I've got a mysterious thing that's not a quirk but still affects me and it forces me to go to an alternate dimension everyday for at least half an hour and in that world, I'm on a volleyball team and have a match next week during training camp so do I have permission to do so? Also, I've got a training camp in that world too, so I'll have to skip three days of school on those days.'

Yeah, that would be a no go. 

It was currently a Monday, the first day of school for this week and today, they would be going to the training camp. Midoriya didn't know where it would be; no one knew besides the teachers for safety reasons.

Midoriya began to go back to his room when a sudden thought struck him. Why didn't he just tell Coach Ukai and Advisor Takeda that he wouldn't be able to go to practice today?

That idea was immediately struck down when he remembered that Coach Ukai had ordered for them to not miss practice the days before matches. It was one of the few rules they had, but the fact was that it still existed.

Midoriya looked down at himself. He had finished changing into the button-down white shirt and pants for UA's uniform. All that was left was the tie.

He picked up his tie and put it around his neck, under the collar of his shirt. All that was left to do was to tie it.


Midoriya still hadn't figured out how to tie his tie correctly, even though he should've known at the beginning of the year. 

He even had his phone out so that he could learn how to tie his tie through HeroTube, but that wasn't working as well.

Sighing, he put on his tie like he usually did. Grabbing his bag, he slung it over his shoulder. As he walked out the door, his mother gave him a kiss on the cheek. 

"Have fun at the training camp!" she waved to him and Midoriya waved back. 

"Bye, okaa-san!"


When he walked into the classroom, Midoriya felt like something was wrong.

Well, not exactly, wrong wrong, but it was very strange indeed. He could feel eyes on the back of his head. 

Midoriya was being watched, and he didn't like it.

Their behavior reminded him too much of Aldera Junior High. No matter where you go, people are always silently judging you.

Midoriya quickly walked over to his seat and put his bag down. Inside were a bunch of things that were necessary for the training camp. A toothbrush, toothpaste, clean clothing, and a few snacks in case he got hungry on the way there. His notebook was also inside as well, along with a few other items. The others around the room also had somewhat large bags. However, none of them had as much as Iida, who seemed to be having an internal crisis on what to bring.

"Hey, Deku! Are you ready for the training camp?" Uraraka's cheery voice said. Midoriya jumped in his seat before turning his head to see Uraraka standing next to him, confused by his reaction.

"O-oh, y-yeah, I am!" Midoriya chuckled awkwardly, his hand behind his neck.

Uraraka's eyebrows furrowed slightly, as if in deep thought, before going back to her usual smile. "Where do you think we'll go?"

Midoriya shrugged before Shinsou appeared.

"Hello, Midoriya," Shinsou greeted him. "Are you alright?"

Midoriya blinked before tilting his head. "What do you mean?" he asked. 

"You were really worried last week. Is the problem solved?"

Nope, not at all.

"Yep! It was! Don't worry!" Midoriya beamed. Shinsou faltered before crossing his arms. 

"You sure?"


Shinsou stared suspiciously at Midoriya, who was beginning to sweat. Luckily, Shinsou seemed to buy it, which made Midoriya silently sigh in relief. 

The door opened to reveal Aizawa in his yellow sleeping bag. Immediately, the twenty students in the classroom got into their seats. 

Aizawa walked into the room and stopped when he was right in the middle. He quickly scanned the room. 

"No absents, so we'll just get on with this," Aizawa finally said. "Get your things and line up."

Class 1a stood up and grabbed their bags before going behind Aizawa, who lead them down the halls and out of UA.


Midoriya followed his class to the train station, where Aizawa stopped them briefly. 

"Remember, this trip is not for your entertainment. This is supposed to help train your quirk so that you have more probability to pass the Provisional License Exam. Are we clear about that?" Aizawa grumbled, glancing at each student. Midoriya almost flinched when Aizawa looked straight at him.

"Yessir!" Mina yelled from the back of the class.

"Don't slur the two words together," Aizawa scolded.

"Sorry, Aizawa-sensei!"

Midoriya moved his feet as he got his ticket, moved through the station, and finally stepped on the train.

The training camp was about to start.

Asui POV

Asui stared at the tuned out boy sitting near here. 

"Are you listening, Midoriya?" Todoroki asked him, who jumped a bit. Midoriya turned to look at Todoroki. 

"I'm really sorry!" Midoriya began apologizing straight away. Todoroki blinked before saying, "It's alright."

"N-no it's not!"

"You're nervous, kero," Asui thought out loud. Midoriya turned to her before waving his hands in front of him. 

"No, I'm not!"

"You're acting jumpy and you barely seem like you're paying attention," Asui bluntly countered back.

Midoriya flinched. "I-I guess I have been," he commented, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. 

Asui stared at Midoriya, causing him to fidget slightly with his other hand. 

"Are you sure you're alright?" Shinsou asked. 

"Yeah! Positive!" Midoriya nodded firmly. Asui looked at his face. There was nothing there to be suspicious of, in fact, Midoriya seemed to be more sure than ever.

"Okay then?" Uraraka said, confused. Asui turned back at her green-headed friend.

Whatever was bothering Midoriya was clearly important. The only question was what.


So, just to explain something. Electronics, like phones and tracking devices and cameras, cannot be used in the other dimension. However, things like tapes, CDs, etc can be. 

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