Chapter 11

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After five hours of running through the forest, destroying the earth beasts, and making sure that they weren't going to die, Class 1a stumbled out of the forest. Pixie Bob looked at them, almost smugly. 

"Looks like there wasn't much point in threatening to deprive you of lunch."

The worn out and beaten twenty students groaned. Did the teachers really have to tease them like this? They'd been running for over five hours, it was almost time for dinner at this point.

"'Little over two hours' my ass," Sero moaned.

Kirishima added, "I'm going to starve to death." His stomach growled as if to prove a point.

Mandalay chuckled. "My bad, I meant by our standards," she said and Sato complained, "So it was just to boast, huh..." The collective response to Mandalay's statement was another groan.

"Hehehe... honestly I thought you'd take longer," Pixie Bob said. "You guys are good, especially you four." She looked at Todoroki, Iida, Bakugou, and Midoriya before pouncing on them and wrapping them in a giant hug.

"Why are you hugging us, if I may ask?" Iida asked, not about to pry out of a hero's grasp before knowing the reason behind it. After all, Pixie Bob was a hero for a reason after all.

Mandalay sighed as she looked at her comrade. "Don't mind her, she doesn't really mean any harm." 

Midoriya didn't really mind it. After all, it wasn't everyday you heard that you were hugged by such a well-known hero. Besides, he was used to getting hug attacks from Natsu and sometimes from the team, usually Nishinoya. Todoroki also didn't really care. If she wanted to have a hug, then he'll allow her to have a hug. However, Bakugou was a different story.

"OI! CAT WOMAN, GET THE FUCK OFF ME!" he growled, trying to desperately get out of Pixie Bob's hold. She still hung on to him, sticking like glue.

"You guys did really well, you know that, right? We didn't expect you to finish so early," Mandalay explained, getting some sighs of relief from the class. 

"Come on, let's go, we'll have to show you around," Aizawa said in a deadpan voice. Noticing Kota out of the corner of his eye, Midoriya walked up to him and stuck out a hand. 

"My name's Midoriya, I hope we can get along!" Midoriya introduced himself, only to get a punch to where the sun didn't shine. 

"MIDORIYA! ARE YOU OKAY! You should apologize to Midoriya for doing that," Iida scolded the boy while staying by Midoriya's side.

"Tch," Kota scoffed, "I don't want to be friends with some hero scum," in a tone which reminded Midoriya of Tsukishima. And with that said, he stormed off. 

"I'm very sorry!" Mandalay apologized, "he doesn't like heroes that much."

"Who doesn't like heroes?" one of the class questioned, only to receive a shrug as a response.


Midoriya sighed in relief as he laid back in the outdoor hot spring. If he squinted, he would've been able to see steam slowly rise out of the water. 

When they got into the building, they had a quick tour of the place before Mandalay walked them into a room with a large table. He wouldn't have called it a dining room, more like a dinner table. In any case, she explained that this would be the only meal they would provide, all other lunches would have to be created by they themselves. 

He was pretty sure he had never seen anyone so grateful for rice than Kirishima and maybe Kaminari, due to the fast pace they snarfed up rice.

Now, it was time to relax, maybe even take a quick rest. Midoriya closed his eyes for a moment, only to open them back up, just in time to cover his face with his arms. A large splash later, Midoriya was covered in water.

"Oops, sorry, Midobro!" Kirishima yelled and Midoriya waved it off, laughing weakly. The so-called 'Bakusquad' or at least, some of the Bakusquad were having what seemed to be a splash fight, and Kaminari seemed to have a strange obsession with Ojiro's tail. 

Midoriya smiled. The chaos was a lot like his volleyball team.

Wait, his volleyball team! 

Midoriya stood up, wrapping a towel around himself before getting out of the hot spring. Changing into decent clothes, he wandered around the halls, looking for his teacher. After several long minutes of searching, his eyebrows furrowed before he sighed.

"Something up, Problem Child?" 

Midoriya almost screeched at the sudden question but luckily was able to keep it in. No matter how many times Nishinoya and Tanaka pranked him, he could never get used to jumpscares. He turned around to find the person he was looking for.

"Oh, Aizawa-sensei! I was looking for you!"

Aizawa raised an eyebrow, suspicious of his intentions. 

"I-I have to tell you something!" Midoriya said, mentally cursing at his stutter. Why did it have to appear now, out of all times? He was sure that he had improved on it, after all, it was hard not to, especially since Tanaka had taught him to stick up for himself. His senpai once said, "If you keep letting people trample all over you, you won't be able to fly." Perhaps it wasn't the most eloquent. Perhaps it wasn't the longest. But it did strike a chord through his heart. 

Maybe Bakugou wasn't the Kacchan he used to be. Maybe, it was time to move on. 

But he could deal with that later, right now, he had to figure out how to explain one of his deepest secrets to his teacher.

"Go on."

"W-well, you see, I-I've got a quirk," Midoriya started. Goddamnit, why was it so hard? Doubt started to crush onto his heart. Maybe he wasn't ready to share this after all. 

"Yes, I know that, Problem Child, your super strength can't come from nowhere."

"No, you see, I have two quirks? Well, it's not really a quirk, because I'm not really the one in control, but I kinda am, and ohgodthisissoembarrassing,howdoesoneexplainthis,um..."

Aizawa sighed before holding a hand up. "Problem Child. Stop mumbling. Now, what's this about a second quirk?"

"I've got a second quirk," Midoriya repeated. "I don't know why, but I have a second quirk. It allows me to travel to a different dimension."

Aizawa POV

Aizawa was pretty sure that he hadn't misheard what the green haired boy in front of him said. 

"What?" he blurted out accidentally. Midoriya sighed and twisted his fingers before shaking his head, almost like he was shaking out the doubts in his head. 

"If you can't believe me, I'll show you," Midoriya confidently said before grabbing his teacher's wrist. Pulling him towards a wall, a purple portal warped in front of him, eerily resembling a villain's quirk before he started falling.

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