Chapter 4

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The next day, the class waited outside, their eyes glued onto the computer in Momo's arms. They could see the back of where Midoriya was going, but couldn't see the front. But that didn't matter, considering that they could easily track down where he was going from the footage. 

They waited in bated breath as Midoriya turned down the alleyway from before and stopped. For a moment, the camera shook from side to side, as if he was looking around the place.

But why?

Todoroki's eyes narrowed as his brain went through several different theories before he gave up momentarily.

"Couldn't you have put the camera in a different spot?" Kaminari complained. 

"Stop complaining. You should have done it yourself," Shinsou grumpily snapped back. Uraraka wasn't available, due to the fact that she was in the bathroom. Shinsou was the next victim/target/person to put the camera in Midoriya's bag. 


"What?" Shinsou stared, confused at the flustered girl before him. The camera rested in Momo's palm. 

"Please, it's one of the only times we can do it without Midoriya getting suspicious! Besides, you're sitting right behind him during class and the two of you hang out at lunchtime!" Momo pleaded. 

Shinsou stared at the camera for a moment before sighing. "Haa.. fine. But you owe me," Shinsou said. Momo quickly nodded.


"Oh, hey Shinsou!" their target greeted them. Shinsou nodded back at the broccoli boy with a grunt as he sat next to the boy at the lunch table. Midoriya then focused his attention at the katsudon before him. While Midoriya was doing that, Shinsou discreetly placed the camera in the same pocket as the tracker, making sure that the camera was facing the correct way. With a piece of tape, he taped it into the pocket with the lens peeking out of it.


"What's Midoriya doing?" Kirishima whispered as the bag stopped its shaking. They then saw and deduced Midoriya stepping forward into something before the screen glitched. 

"What's going on now?!" Bakugou yelled and Momo sighed. 

"It looks like the electronics don't work," she said, putting her hand to her cheek. 

Tokoyami put his head in the middle of his pointer finger and thumb. "Revelry in the darkness," he muttered. 

"Can we review the footage?" Sero asked. Bakugou looked at the boy. Sero was the one with the most amount of brain cells in his little group of friends. Besides him, obviously.

Momo nodded before closing the laptop and stuffing it into her bag. "Do you guys want to come over?" she asked, her voice getting a little higher and higher. 

Uraraka smiled. "Yeah!"

Mina nodded fervently and said, "I want to go too! The house was so incredible, you can't even call it a house!"

Momo smiled from ear to ear. "I'm glad to hear that!" she shouted slightly before closing her mouth and blushing. 

Ojirou patted her back, "Don't worry. Come on, let's go."

Momo nodded and she walked over to her fancy car, talked a bit with her personal driver, and went back to the group. The black car drove away. 

"I think we should walk today," Momo decided and the rest agreed. Uraraka sulked and Shinsou grumbled unhappily.

When they finally got there...

"Whoa. You weren't kidding," Shinsou said, turning to Mina, who stood triumphantly with her hands on her hips. 

"Of course I wasn't," she confidently replied. 

"We should start going inside," Todoroki pointed over his shoulder with his thumb. The long driveway helped his statement.

Several people sweatdropped at it. 

"This place is so large!" Hagakure said as she skipped past Todoroki. Others followed her onto the Yaoyorozu property. 

"Welcome back, Miss Yaoyorozu and her friends," a butler greeted the group and bowed to them as he held open the door. 

Momo smiled at him, "Thank you, Arthur." She and the others then entered the large mansion.

Midoriya POV


"Hey, Natsu-chan!" Midoriya said as he fell out of the ceiling and landed on his feet. Natsu was standing by the open doorway. 

"Shou-chan said that practice was going to be half an hour later than normal. He also said that someone named Dadchi had to deal with some sort of problems. You're welcome," she stuck out her tongue. Midoriya chuckled as he made his way over and patted her head. 

"Thank you very much, tiny tangerine," Midoriya said as he went back into the room to switch his UA school bag for his volleyball bag. Then making his way to a desk, he grabbed the computer resting on top of it, turned it on, and quickly started his assignments. It was a good time to catch up on them.

Midoriya flopped onto a beanbag in the corner of the room. There was a total of three of them in the room. One for him, one for Hinata, and one for Natsu if she felt like sitting with them. 

"Whatcha doing?" Natsu said, jumping onto her beanbag and peering at Midoriya's computer's screen.

"Just working on my work, Natsu!" Midoriya informed her. Natsu scrunched her nose.

"You already do your UA High School work. Why do you have to do more work from," she paused for a moment before continuing, "whatever school this is?"

"Well..." Midoriya trailed off. How was he supposed to explain this to a six year old?

"Well what?" Natsu said.

"Well, it's because I have to do this if I want to play volleyball with your brother. Besides, I don't think this world knows what UA High is."

Natsu rolled her eyes. "So? Who cares if you're not from this world? I don't."

Midoriya smiled. "Thank you again, Natsu. Now please let me concentrate."

Natsu sighed. "Fiiiine."

With a smile, Midoriya began typing on his computer. 


After forty-five minutes had passed, Midoriya stretched his arms and turned off his computer. Placing it on top of the desk carefully, he grabbed his volleyball bag from the floor and shrugged it on before going out to go to his volleyball practice.

Back with Class 1a...

"Did you see that?" Kirishima said, pausing the footage and pointing at the corner of the screen.

"Oh my god," Uraraka said softly.

"Deku's the UA traitor for the shitty league?" Bakugou said confused, blinking rapidly. 

Because in the corner of the screen was a wisp of purple mist. 

Of a mist they knew very well.

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