Chapter 2

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Hinata Shouyou couldn't pinpoint when he first became friends with Midoriya Izuku. 

Maybe it was when they played together for the first time.

Maybe it was when they first exchanged names.

Or maybe it was when he fell through Hinata's ceiling. Hinata could still remember it, and he wasn't really good at remembering things.


"Fwaaahhhh!" a four-year-old Hinata Shouyou said, smashing two action figures together. Superman and Batman were having an epic showdown and it was about to get to the climax when purple mist appeared on his ceiling. 

"Huh?" Hinata tilted his head and he did what you weren't supposed to do. 

He walked under it, looking at the mysterious phenomenon that was occurring. Suddenly, bright red shoes fell from it, attached to an entire person. 

"Aah!" the two screamed as Hinata and Midoriya crashed down to the floor. 

"Ow..." Hinata rubbed the top of his head and he looked at the stranger in front of him, staring into their green eyes.

"Gah! I'm sorry!" the stranger said, scurrying off Hinata and standing on his two feet.

"W-who are you?" Hinata asked as he looked at the boy who seemed to be around his age.

"Oh! Sorry," the boy said and he stretched out an arm. "My name is Midoriya Izuku. Nice to meet you."


Reminiscing in the past, Hinata almost got a ball to the face. Again.

"Hinata! Block with your arms!" Midoriya Izuku shouted at him from across the net, waving his arms for emphasis. 

Hinata glared at his best friend but without any venom. 

"I know that, Izu-chan!" he yelled back and a shadow fell over him. Hinata turned his head to look at Kageyama's scowling face.

"Boke! Pay attention next time!" Kageyama said as he crossed his arms. Tsukkishima raised an eyebrow. 

"Is the King's attitude coming back?" Tsukkishima sneered and Yamagucchi let out, "Tsukki!"

Kageyama scowled once more but this time at the tall, salty French fry. "Boke, Hinata. Don't do that again."

"H-hai," Hinata stuttered. Kageyama turned around and Hinata sighed in relief quietly. He looked back over at the other side of the net and saw Midoriya grimancing. 

"Alright, let's continue!" Daichi yelled and soon, they were back in the game, Hinata fully focused on beating his childhood friend.

He managed to succeed, but only when both scores were over 35 points.

Midoriya POV

Midoriya gulped down water as he sat on the bench. He turned his head and saw Hinata coming towards him, skipping. Hinata plopped down on the wooden bench next to Midoriya. 

"Hey, Izu-chan," Hinata cheerfully said. Tsukkishima stared at the two. 

"They're going to blind me sooner or later," Tsukkishima muttered as he wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. Sugawara smiled. 

"They're my precious children, just like you!" Sugawara said and Tsukkishima rolled his eyes. 

"Come on, Yamagucchi," Tsukkishima waved his friend over with one hand while swinging his bag over his shoulder with the other hand. Yamaguchi swiftly went over as he said, "Gomen, Tsukki!"

The two walked out of the gym. Tanaka looked at the closing door and said, "I ship it."

Sugawara whipped his head over at Tanaka, "Tanaka!"

"Yeah, I ship it too!" Nishinoya said as he jumped up and down. Asahi was trying in vain to calm the libero down. 


"Oh, Suga, let them be," Daichi commented and Sugawara sighed. "Fine."

Kageyama looked at Midoriya and Hinata. "Are we going to get meat buns or no?"

Hinata sprang into the air, even though he was just sitting a second earlier. "MEAT BUNS!"

"I WANNA COME!" Nishinoya jumped, literally, into the conversation.

"As your senpais, we should pitch in and help pay for them!" Tanaka puffed out his chest and pointed to himself with his thumb. 

"I'll come as well," Ennoshita said as he walked out of the boys' locker room, with Narita and Kinoshita in tow.

Asahi sighed, "I'll come as well, I guess."

"Hm, then we'll all go!" Sugawara decided. Daichi nodded, supporting his boyfriend.

"Looks like everyone is coming, besides Tsukkishima and Yamaguchi," Midoriya commented. Hinata nodded earnestly.

"Let's go!" Nishinoya ran to the door and Asahi ran after him. Tanaka laughed at the two before running with them. Soon, the entire team was running to try and catch the two. Finally, they reached Coach Ukai's store.

"Haha! I beat everyone here!" Nishinoya yelled. 

"Since when was this a race?" Kinoshita asked, exhausted. 

"Yeah, you made us all sprint after you!" Narita complained. Nishinoya stuck his tongue at the two. 

Midoriya smiled as he watched his team argue playfully as they bought meatbuns. This was his family. And he wouldn't have it any other way.


Midoriya walked out of the portal in the alleyway he always used. As he walked back, he contemplated on his sort-of quirk. 

It was rather strange, considering that when he was in Hinata's world, time went twice as fast, but when he got out, the time in Hinata's world would go the same pace as his world. 


He got out a meatbun from his plastic bag in his backpack and started to eat it while walking back. A lot of the time, he wouldn't eat much dinner since he'd have already eaten at Hinata's place. 

Hinata's mother was a great cook.

Entering the apartment, he yelled, "Okaa-san! I'm home!" Inko's head popped out. 

"Oh, hello Izuku!" she smiled at her son. Midoriya smiled back. 

"Your practice match against Seijoh is next week, correct?" Inko said as she bustled around the kitchen. Midoriya nodded.

"Well, can you have someone record it for me?" Inko asked and Midoriya replied, "Sure, okaa-san!"

"Thanks, Izuku."

Midoriya went into his room and dropped his bag on the floor. Pulling out his special volleyball notebook - it was colored orange - he opened it to the information he had on the team. Daichi and Sugawara had liked, even encouraged, his analysis. 

He was going to put them to good use for them.

As he opened his bag and brought out several tapes, he went to the TV and put them in. Inko smiled at her mumbling son, who was scribbling down notes as fast as the eye could see. 

Inko didn't know how she felt about her son being in a whole new world, full of unknown dangers, but she approved of it being quirkless.  As long as he was safe and happy, she would do anything to protect his smile. 


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