Chapter 23

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Karasuno had lost. Even though it was a practice match, if this happened now, it might happen during official matches. Midoriya blinked and looked around at gis teammates.

"We..." Hinata began.

"Lost," Coach Ukai finished Hinata's sentence. "We lost. Nothing we do now can change the fact that we have lost to Seijoh."

Daichi sighed before nodding. "Seijoh is a top four powerhouse in Miyagi for a reason. I wouldn't be surprised that if Shiratorizawa wasn't in the same prefecture that they'd go to nationals consistently."

"Now we know what to work on, what to train for upcoming battles and matches. Practice matches are the perfect place to test them without losing anything significant. Come on, pack your things. It's time to head back," Coach Ukai said and he walked away, Takeda behind him. Kiyoko walked a different direction away.

"You heard what the man said," said Sugawara. "Cool down time. Two laps around the court, what do you think, Daichi?"

"Two laps should be good."

And with that said, the team turned around and started to complete their cool down so they could go home.


It was after they were finished and about to head out when Oikawa appeared.

"Can I talk with Chibi-chan, Izu-kun, and Tobio-kun?" Oikawa asked without his usual suave or playfulness.

"Sure, go ahead."

"I was hoping to speak with them alone," Oikawa elaborated.

"Huh?" Tanaka went in front of Oikawa and put on a face.

"What do you want with our kouhais?" Nishinoya went, copying Tanaka's expression before Sugawara chopped them with his hands, both on the top of the head. He then pulled them by their collars back to where the team was.

"That's no problem. Right, Tanaka? Nishinoya?" Sugawara smiled an almost pure smile if it weren't for the malicious undertone in his words.

"Are you guys willing to talk?" Daichi asked.

"Sure." (Hinata)

"Okay." (Midoriya)

"I guess." (Kageyama)

Oikawa smiled. "Then let's go over to the hallway outside, you know, the one with the sink. Don't worry, I only want them for five minutes."


"So why did you call for us specifically?" inquired Midoriya.

The four had reached their destination, a deserted hallway that had open access to the outside. Around the corner of the school, they'd be able to see the parking lot where Karasuno's bus was.

"I wanted to ask something," Oikawa said.

"Ask away, then," Kageyama replied.

"How much do you love volleyball?"

That seemed to shock not only Midoriya, but Hinata and Kageyama.

"What? What kind of question is that?" Hinata bursted out. "I love volleyball!"

"Then what," Oikawa snapped, "was that match. What were you thinking in that pathetic match where you didn't even get to 20 points???" He glared at the three in front of him. "I could've sworn that last time, my team only won after getting past 25. Your team fought well, I'm not that prideful to admit otherwise, but what happened just today?"

Silence filled the hallway.

"I was disappointed," Oikawa began and a chord struck through Midoriya's heart. "The first two sets, they were moderately exciting. But that third set, well, quite frankfully, it was trash. I was shocked to see all of those blunders that you were making, like you were toddlers just learning how to play. I know you better than that. So explain."

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