Chapter 27

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Momo rushed through the forest, a bird ahead swooping through the trees to lead her to the flag, as well as to avoid any Class 1b members. However, that plan sadly failed.

"I found someone!"

Momo wasn't usually one to swear, but shit.

From her arm, she produced an easy smokebomb that she threw with all her might over, causing the area to burst into a thick fog.

"Fuck, where did she go?"

"You check over there, I'll be right behind you. She couldn't have gone far."

Momo climbed on top of a tree to see a black haired girl and orange/brown haired boy behind her.

The problematic thing was that if they continued forward, they'd soon reach the base. It'd be best to stop them before reaching there. However, she didn't even know their names, let alone their quirks?

Again, Momo wasn't usually one to swer, but fuck.

She could send out an electric shock, but that might start a fire. Not good.

She could make a net, but then again, they might have a quirk to counteract that.

So, she might as well just...

Momo dropped down silently behind them before creating her item. Taser in one hand, she brought it against the boy, who shuddered and let out a yelp.


Raising her hand, Momo prepared to do the famous Kendo chop TM, but that was soon quickly stopped when Kodai grabbed her arm and punched her in the gut.

Momo jumped back in pain as Kodai grabbed several pebbles and threw them at her, the rocks quickly growing into the size of baseballs.

Creating a shield, she crouched down and deflected the attack before reaching for the taser. The other girl was faster, shrinking it to the point Momo couldn't even see it in her hand.

"Sorry," the girl coolly said.

"Don't apologize," Momo grinned before pulling out a long whip. "If anything, sorry to you!"

Cracking the whip, she drove the girl to where she wanted her to be. The girl tried to grab it when it retreated back, so Momo pulled it, cauding the girl to fall forward. Momo raced to her before she could get away.

"Quick, what's your name?"


"Sorry, Kodai," Momo shot her an apologetic look before creating another taser and tasing Kodai before she could get away.

Straightening up, she continued her way towards Class 1b's flag.

Two threats down, eighteen more to go.

Tetsutetsu POV

"Man, where do you think their flag is?" the silver haired boy asked his companion.

"I've got no idea," Kaibara muttered.

The two had been wandering all over the place. Kuroiro had been looking for the other team's flag, but after a few minutes of searching, he couldn't find anything, which was rather shocking, considering the speed and how many spaces his quirk could get him into. Nonetheless, he managed to find several people from the other team coming their way from a certain direction. Where their flag was, he didn't know.

After a minute of debate, they decided to hide their flag as well. Awase bound the flag inside bark from nearby trees to make it look like a fat twig.

That was three minutes ago.

About ten minutes had passed since they started the exercise and Tetsutetsu just wanted to find someone to beat information out of them or get them out. Nothing fatal, obviously.

When they were waiting, it was decided that he shoukd go against Kirishima for a rematch. Honestly, Tetsutetsu was happy about that decision. He also wanted a rematch. Besides, it was with one of his best bros!

A few minutes later, Kaibara pushed him out of the way before making his arms spin, or however they did that, deflecting a body.

Wait, a fucking body?

Tetsutetsu then recognized the boy from Class 1a, the really tall guy with big lips.

"We must be going in the right direction, huh? If you're here," Kaibara grinned.

"Let's start, unless you're too scared," the other taunted. Tetsutetsu fumed, even though the guy who said it seemed like he was trying to not apologize for saying that.

"Why, you!" Kaibara seethed.

Uh oh, here comes reckless Kaibara.

Tetsutetsu was about to jump into battle but before he could, a piece of tape wrapped around his waist and swung him into Kaibara's back, a second too late from dodging.

"Jeez, we should've gotten Kaminari on our team," a black haired teen came out of the trees.

"Tetsu, get the fuck off me!"

Tetsutetsu blinked. Oh yeah. He was on Kaibara, probably embarrassed due to his red face.

"You're heavy!" Kaibara yelled and Tetsutetsu scrambled off, but more pieces of tape seemed to bind him together. Activating his quirk, Tetsutetsu was able to rip off some of the tape, but soon was overwhelmed by how much was wrapping around his body.

"Training camp really helped, you know," the other had the audacity to say.

"I got you - "

"Your battle is with me!" The other said as he swung his arm at Kaibara.

Hook punch, Tetsutetsu's mind supplied in the voice of Kendo. He couldn't dwell on it because soon, he was being dragged through the forest, away from his partner like some B-rated horror movie.

"Over her- mhm!"

"Can't have you spill our location," the boy said to Tetsutetsu 's unconscious body. "I wonder if I can make a super scary scene."

Sero hung up Tetsutetsu's body, which was wrapped in so much tape, it was like a cocoon. All that was left to do was to get more bodies and tape to make a spiderweb like in The Hobbit.

With that thought in mind, Sero went back to Sato to help out.

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