Chapter 9

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As the train rushed through the city, Midoriya was in deep thought. No, he wasn't thinking about the new hero that was on scene (even though he WAS planning to add a page about him in one of his notebooks) and no, he wasn't thinking about the match against Aoba Johsai on Wednesday (oh god, it was in two days), but what he was thinking about did have to do with the match. Midoriya was thinking about how he would tell Aizawa. 

If Midoriya were going to be honest, he was glad that it was Aizawa he had to tell and not All Might. It wasn't that he didn't trust All Might, but what if he saw him in a different way, especially now that he had One for All and whatever this dimension hopping thing was

Aizawa though, Midoriya was 90 percent sure that he wouldn't care. After all, it wouldn't be 'logical' to base someone by their quirk. His teacher had a quirk that could erase other people's quirks and Shinsou had a quirk that could control other people when they responded to him. If anything, it would be very hypocritical and illogical of him.

He looked out the window. The buildings outside were getting shorter and shorter as they got out of the city to who knew where. Midoriya leaned back into his seat. In order to convince Aizawa that he was not going crazy and not insane, he'd have to prove it to him. So Midoriya would have to pull his teacher into another dimension???

Midoriya sighed. Glancing around him, his friends were either sleeping, looking at their phone, or inside their heads. He could hear some chatter near them, probably from the so-called 'Bakusquad' and surprisingly, he couldn't hear any shouts from Bakugou.

The trip wasn't long, in fact, it would take one hour by train and half an hour by bus to get there, according to what Aizawa had said when they first got on the train. Midoriya pulled out his phone and checked the time. So far, they've been on the train for forty-five minutes or so.

Putting his phone away, Midoriya closed his eyes. He'll find a way. 



After fifteen minutes had passed. Midoriya woke up to someone pushing on his shoulder. 

"Midoriya. Midoriya. Midoriya, wake up."

"Deku! We're here! Wake up!"

His eyes fluttered open as he saw Iida next to him, shaking his shoulder while Uraraka stood in front of him. Raising his arms above him, he stood up and stretched before grabbing his bag.

"Thanks for waking me up," he said, smiling at the two. 

"No worries, but if we don't go soon, we're going to be stuck on the train!"

"Yes, we must hurry, almost everyone is off by now!"

The three rushed off, just in time before the doors closed behind them.

Todoroki, Shinsou, and Asui stared at them. "I don't know how you guys are still alive, especially you, Midoriya," Shinsou sighed while running his hand through his gravity defying hair.

"Heh, I've been lucky... I guess?" Midoriya replied, his hand making its way to the back of his head.

Todoroki sighed, "You've got to be more careful. I've already crushed your hand, I don't need someone else crushing you."

"For the last time, Todoroki, you are not the hand crusher!"

"But I've destroyed your hand from the Sports Festival and Iida's from the Hero Killer," Todoroki pointed out.

"Dude, just because you were involved with it doesn't mean you're cursed or something," Shinsou commented.

"Kero, then wouldn't Midoriya be a villain magnet?" Asui put in her two cents. Todoroki then stared at Midoriya, causing him to jump back.

"Todoroki, I'm not a villain magnet!"

"But everytime there's a villain attack, you're always present!"

"We've only had the USJ incident and the Stain incident!"

"But you were there in both places! Why were you even in Hosu anyway?!"

"I must admit, I was wondering that as well," Iida jumped in the conversation.

"Because Gran Torino wanted me to get experience against fighting villains!"

(Nearby, Uraraka shook her head before turning to Asui. "How do the boys get into this accidents?" she asked. Asui shrugged. 

"Kero, it's in their nature."

Uraraka sighed, "That's very true, especially Deku."

Meanwhile, Shinsou's eyes were wide before he muttered, "Why did I have to be in this class?")

"Oh, we should probably catch up to the rest of the class," Todoroki suddenly said, pointing to their class who were around ten meters in front of them.

"My! As a class representative, I should've paid more attention! Come on, everyone, we must hurry!" Iida said, embarrassed for his lack of attention. He then hurriedly speed-walked (because running in a public area would be very dangerous) and the others followed behind him.


Luckily, the six were able to catch up with the others, who barely noticed their absence, besides Kaminari, who turned around and said, "Hey, you guys! Didn't notice you were there!" which caused some of the others to turn around and talk to them.

"Wow, we're in front of you guys! I thought you were up there with Aizawa-sensei!" Mina said, pointing over everyone's heads at their teacher.

"They almost didn't make it off the train, kero," Asui replied, pointing her thumb over her shoulder at Midoriya, Uraraka, and Iida, who stiffened up, especially Iida.

"Really? I never knew that the class prez could be like that!"

Iida covered his eyes with his hands, making sure not to break his glasses. "Oh the horror," he murmured and Uraraka patted his back in condolence.

"In any case, at least you didn't get lost," Sero pointed out, which turned out to be the right thing to say, because Iida straightened up and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"Yes, you are right!"

The class of twenty followed Aizawa for a few more minutes before Aizawa stopped and turned around. "Alright," he said in a deadpan voice, "we're going to go on the bus for half an hour. Please don't scream very loudly."

With that said, without waiting for a response, he climbed up the bus steps and into a seat. 

Midoriya sweatdropped as they followed him into the bus. After getting into a seat with Iida, he started to think.

There was the opportunity to tell Aizawa during training camp. He could definitely tell him after they got off the bus, right?

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