Chapter 25

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True to Shinsou's words, Monoma did snap out of it once he was moved over to the rest of his classmates. He was going to yell at them, if it weren't for the fact that Kendo threatened him not to.

Ten minutes after planning, Vlad King and Aizawa led each class into the forest, Aizawa with Class 1b and Vlad King with Class 1a. Probably to prevent biased decisions, Midoriya thought to himself.

"Hey, how are we gonna know when one of the flags are captured?" Kaminari asked.

Vlad King answered, "Mandalay's quirk allows her to send messages into everyone's brain in the area. We'll contact her with this walkie talkie and she'll announce it to everyone else."

"Doesn't that mean we might be fighting longer than we have to?" Shinsou inquired.

"Well, yes," Vlad King nodded, "but the major thing is to replicate what might happen in real life in a game. The villain won't stop fighting if you get their flag, they'll only fight longer."

"Then why aren't we supposed to bring it back to our own base?" said Jirou.

"Simple," Vlad King replied, "if that was the case, with how competitive the two classes are, it'll take a very long time. Besides, we're gonna have dinner a bit earlier for our second activity."

"Can you tell us what it is? Ojirou piped up.

"It's supposed to be a surprise - "

"Aizawa told me it was a Test of Courage," Midoriya interrupted Vlad King.



"How are they gonna test courage?"

"Why'd Aizawa tell you that?" bursted Vlad King.

Midoriya shrugged. "He just did." Vlad King sighed at his answer.

"In any case," Vlad King then said, "we're here at your flag."

The group that consisted of Class 1a and a Class 1b teacher reached a small clearing surrounded by trees. In the center was a small hill on which a red flag was placed.

"You have five minutes to prepare for the battle," Vlad King announced. "Once five minutes are over, Mandalay will annoynce the beginning of the game in your head."

"So, we're allowed to do anything in these five minutes?" Momo asked.

"Well, they never told me that you couldn't do anything - " Vlas King started but was interrupted when Mina bounded towards him.

"Stand on top of that hill for us, next to the flag. Please," she added. Vlad King was still a teacher, after all.

"Why?" Vlad King raised an eyebrow.

"We've got five minutes, come on!"

Class 1a bustled around, with Koda bringing in many animals and a few bugs to assist them. Todoroki quickly created a small dome with room inside, big enough to hold 3 people inside.

"We can do anything, right?" Mina cheekily responded. "So we're hiding the flag! You need to see it, right? So, we're stuffing you in that dome!"

Momo was creating paint to spray paint on the ice and Vkad King sputtered, "I'll get in the way!"


"Oi, Pinky, hurry that guy over here! And you too, IcyHot, get in the hole!" Bakugou yelled. He was exploding small pits into the ground, probably to trip anyone, and covered it with a thin layer of moss. Probably to hide them.

"You heard the man, hop to it! Please."

Vlad King sighed and did what ina said, muttering something aling the lines of, "the nerves of these kids" and "what did Aizawa do with them?"

Once he was in the icy dome, Todoroki got in it as well. He was to keep the ice from melting. Closing up the hole they came in from, he made sure to leave some room for air to come in and out.

The painting of the dome was almost complete as almost half the class helped hiding it by covering the dome with grass, dirt, etc. At the bottom of the dome, they added a bit of dirt to make it more realistic. Not that a super steep hill was realistic, but it would deter anyone who was looking overhead or quickly.

"Yo, Shinsou! It's time for you to climb that tree! Or any tree! I don't know, just climb a tree!"

Momo quickly made a small device to fit on his mouth, made according to Shinsou's instructions.

"Thanks, Yaoyorozu," Shinsou thanked before starting his ascent into the treetops. His job? He was gonna patrol the area around and help protect the flag.

"Hey, what are we gonna do about that guy who spins and the guy who can turn what he touches into mush?" Midoriya asked.

"Bakugou's gonna help be a distraction. If things go to worse, he'll also help with capturing the flag by fighting everyone. Tokoyami can fly with Dark Shadow. If they come here, Todoroki can hold them off with his quirk as well as Ojirou. If they go to distractions, there's us and Sero. He is kinda like a ripoff version of Spiderman, kero," Asui answered.

"Thanks, Tsuyu. Don't forget yourself, though. Can't you camoflague?," Midoriya thanked.

"You're welcome, kero. Yeah, but it still needs work. You remember yours?"

"Yep, I'm gonna act as a distaction as well but I'll also be looking for the flag, too."

One minute left! The mesaage echoed through everyone's heads.

"Koda, do you know where their flag is?"

"It's in that direction!" Koda pointed northwesterly.

"Alright! Everyone, get into positions, make sure that any last minute details are done! Shit's gonna go down!"

Everyone nodded or said some form of acknowledgement before hurrying about. They were ready just in time.

3, Mandalay's voice said.



The game starts now!

With that declaration, Class 1a went into the forest, some hiding in the shadows, splitting up, sticking together, etc.

This game was gonna be theirs. They would make sure of it.

One minute ago...

Aizawa was perched on a tree. A sparrow had just gone by before heading back where it came from. How suspiciously familiar.

The demonspawn of Class 1b were pretty much supervised by Kendo, who helped split everyone into groups.

The flag wa looked after by several people, including Kendo herself, that lizard kid, and the kid who could turn stuff into mush. Aizawa didn't bother remembering names earlier. Besides Kendo, Monoma, names that he heard from their conversations.

Whatever they were called, they were prepared. Aizawa could only hope that his class was just as prepared, considering how he and his colleague made a small bet, but he wanted to see the best from his class.

Speaking of Vlad King, Aizawa wondered how he was doing.

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