Chapter 28

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"What the actual fuck."

"What is going on?"

Kuroiro and Rin looked at the scene above and in front of them.

Tape was shot everywhere, connecting to every tree in sight. It was like a massive spider web, with questionable things on some tape strands.

"Let me do this," Rin said.

"I can do it as well,"Kuroiro pointed out.

Rin looked at him. "Then what about me?"

"..." was Kuroiro's answer and rin rolled his eyes before getting ready. Immediatly, scales began growing on his skin and flew off, slicing and dicing through the tape with ease until one of them hit the corner of one of those questionable objects.


The pair of boys looked at each other before rushing over to see what was making the noise.

After a bit of unstruggling, they manage to unwrap the top of it to reveal...

"Tetsutetsu? What are you doing in... this," Kuroiro waved his hands in front of him.

Instead of answering correctly, Tetsutetsu's eyes opened wide and he yelled, "Watch out!"

The two turned around, only for tape to wrap on them. Kuroiro became a shadow and Rin activated his quirk once more and shot then where the tape was coming from.

Kuroiro came back and Rin dropped his arms. "Nothing?" Rin questioned.

The two turned around, only to see Tetsutetsu's face wrapped up again. Their heads were grapsed in large fists and crashed the two heads together.

"Sato! You didn't need to go that hard! Just hit their necks?"

"Sorry," the one named Sato said.

"Shit, where did that other one go?"

Ah, Kuroiro must've gotten away, Rin thought with relief. With a brief smile and a pinch to the neck, Rin fell into unconsciousness.

It was up to Kuroiro to relay to the other teams.

Kuroiro POV

Goddamnit! Kuroiro thought as his head spun. After getting a large distance between that devastating yet inspiring web of lies, Kuroiro turned back, panting on his hands and knees.

He had to warn the others. And to do that, he needed to find everyone's coordinates. Goddamnit.

Kuroiro cursed under his breath as he pushed off his knee to stand up. Taking a deep breath, he became one with the shadows.

Rin was counting on him. His defeat would not go in vain.

Sero POV

"Great, now he's gonna warn everyone else!" Sero groanes and Sato shuffled his feet while rubbing the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry."

Sero sighed. "It's not your fault. There was a high chance of him escaping anyway, with that quirk of his."

Sato brightened up and Sero began wrapping up the one they DID capture.

"Jeez, I feel like a murderer when I do this," Sero grimaced.

"I mean, it is pretty strange," Sato agreed. A moment later and Sato snapped his fingers.

"The people they find here would still be out, right?"

"Yeah, why?" Sero raised an eyebrow.

"Let's leave this here. We'll make a new one or be more inconspicuous! Even if he does manage to warn his class, he won't make it to at least one of then, right?"

"That might've been the most impressive thing I've heard you say."

Sato blushed and waved his hands in front of his face, not registering the fact that Sero was also being passive agressive.

"Well? Come on, let's go!"

Midoriya POV

Midoriya bounded through the trees with speed. He had to capture the flag. The green light his quirk emitted made it harf for him to travel discreetly, he already had to deal with one person who had the quirk ability of being able to telepathically move things around. It had taken him a while for him to defeat the pale girl, but he had succeeded in throwing her off his trail.

The flag would be soon.

An eye rolled onto a branch and Midoriya stopped, startled, clinging onto the trunk of the tree he was standing on.

The eye blinked and Midoriya changed his direction, only for the eye to follow him.

This might not be an opponent he'd be able to throw off without using his quirk to go faster, because goddamnit, how fast could this eye go??

Grabbing a branch above, he flipped through the air to land behind the eye and grabbed it, the eye squirming.


Activating only 1% of his quirk, he threw it in a random direction before quickly speeding ahead.

Setsuna POV

A body with missing limbs moved through the bushes to go back to camp.

Time for their base's first attack, perhaps.

Sorry for the short chapter

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