Chapter 12

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The falling didn't last very long, in fact, it only was a few seconds before the two were out of the portal and in some random room that Aizawa had never seen before. 

Then again, he hadn't seen many other people's houses on the inside, but still.

The Problem Child seemed used to falling out of ceiling portals (why, he didn't know) since he landed on his two feet easily and Aizawa was able to bring his feet underneath him due to his training and hero work. After landing on the wooden floor, Aizawa looked around at the room he was in.

The room itself wasn't extraordinary, in fact, you could mistake it for any random room in any house. The wooden floor was a bit cold and on the wall behind him was a medium-sized window that overlooked what seemed to be a forest. In the corner of the room was a small desk that had a computer on it and a large bag that was placed next to it. On the other side of the room, there was a few beanbags of different colors placed near each other. It seemed like what one would expect out of a playroom, or a room with no specific purpose.

No, it wasn't the room that he was wary of, it was what were on the walls.

There were volleyball posters plastered everywhere on the walls. That wasn't too strange, after all, the person who decorated this must've been a huge fan of the sport. That was normal.

The problem was the dates on the posters.

Why did this room have a volleyball poster that showed the Olympics in 1972? Another with the Asian Championships Men's Volleyball from 2009? Several other posters from centuries ago were also taped on the walls.

How was the person who owned these able to get their hands on them? If anything, even one of these could be worth millions, or even billions of yen nowadays. There were at least seven of them.

Not only that, but there were several pictures of a team that Aizawa deduced was named 'Karasuno', due to the name on the back of their jackets being 'Karasuno High School'. He also deduced that they were a volleyball team. You know, it was just a hunch.

The concerning part of all of those pictures was that Midoriya was in them, if not all of them. It wasn't like Aizawa wanted to know every detail about his student's life, but there was certainly no way for him to be able to attend two schools, right?

Then again, he thought that there should be no way for someone to have two quirks. Guess there was a lot of things he thought were wrong.

Aizawa then heard several people rushing over to the room as the door slid open.

A family of three were staring at him, made up of what seemed to be a mother, a brother, and his younger sister. Did they know Midoriya? They didn't seem to be paying as much attention to Midoriya than to him.

"Izuku," the mother said, confirming his suspicions, "who's the man next to you?"

"Ah, I'm sorry, okaa-san," Midoriya started, making Aizawa even more confused. This was Midoriya's mother?

"That's okay," the woman said almost hesitantly, "but why is this random person here? Did you bring him here?"

"This is my teacher from UA, Aizawa-sensei. Sensei, this is Sho-chan's mother," Midoriya introduced the two. Aizawa stuck out his hand and what seemed to be 'Sho-chan's mother'.

"My full name is Hinata Aimi, nice to meet you, Aizawa," Aimi said, smiling. The two standing next to her also told him their names.

"Hinata Shouyou!" the boy said, "I'm going to be the best volleyball player!"

Ah. That somewhat explained the many posters on the walls.

"I'm Natsu!" the younger girl announced with a large smile on her face. The corner of his mouth went up. 

"Why don't we let those three play around while I explain what's going on?" Aimi asked, gesturing her hand out the room.

"Ah, okaa-san, you don't need to do that," Midoriya protested but Aimi held up her hand. 

"It's time I start helping out, right? Besides, I just want to ask him something, so I might as well do it," Aimi explained and Midoriya hesitantly nodded. 


The two went downstairs and into a room that seemed to be a living room with a table. The kitchen was next door.

"Sit down," Aimi said and Aizawa went to the table in the center of the room and sat down.

Aimi sighed as she sat down across from Aizawa. "I'm sure you have many questions," she began and Aizawa nodded his head. "What year do you think we're in?"

A question mark could've appeared on his head. "22XX, right?"

Aimi shook her head. "It's the year of 2012. You're in the past." If it weren't for the fact that Aizawa was stunned enough where he couldn't move, his jaw could've dropped. 2012?

That made sense, considering the fact that those posters still existed and were in mint condition. But how could they be in the past? And why was Midoriya, or rather, Aimi telling him this?

"Izuku was just as clueless when he first came," Aimi continued with a soft smile. "It was something to do with a superpower, but he was diagnosed as something called 'quirklessness', so it couldn't be his power. He was just as confused as we were as to why he was here. The boy was about 4 or so. He and my son quickly became friends and when Natsu came, she bonded with him as well. Izuku's an unoffical part of our family."

Aizawa stayed silent as she continued on. He could ask questions at the end.

"We were at first worried. What if he was discovered? So I did everything I could to cover it up. I made him take online school, at first. I didn't want him to forget that this was a different world. As he got older, I allowed him to take part in clubs. My Shouyou loves volleyball, so it was natural that Izuku also started to play it. I think he's gone to love it rather than just playing it for Shouyou. Anyways, I made sure that he was safe. I wasn't his mother, but I was going to be one in replacement of his own when he's in this world. Mothers always worry for their children. So that's why," Aimi said, looking at Aizawa as if threatening him, "if you put him in danger, you'll not only have to answer to Inko, but also to me."

Now it made sense as to why Aimi bothered to explain what was going on to him. She had her heart in the right place.

"I promise," he swore and Aimi smiled.

"I hope you uphold that. I'm sure you have many questions. Ask away, and anything I don't know, Izuku can most likely answer."

And thus, Aizawa opened his mouth and asked his questions.


Hello, it's me, the author. 

I'm doing a Q and A! You guys can ask me anything about this fic, my other works, about me, or even just say hello! 

Please comment them here, so I can organize them better! ^_^

Thanks a lot, and thanks for reading, guys, gals, nonbinary and everything else pals!

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