Chapter 32

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The room was cold. Very, very cold. 

Izuku grimaced as he shifted the quirk-resisting cuffs on his hands. Behind him, Bakugou seemed to be still, as if in thought. 

"So," Shigaraki began, "now that we're alone, let's get to business." 

The two heroes-in-training and the members of the LOV were trapped in a singular room that seemed to be an abandoned bar room. Kurogiri lazily cleaned a dirty glass with an even dirtier rag as Shigaraki continued. 

"You're probably wondering why I wanted the two of you. Simple. Join my side, the winning side." 

"What?" Izuku bursted out. Him? Bakugou? What did they do to make Shigaraki think that they could be recruited?

Shigaraki cackled. "Yeah, you two. Let's start with Mr. Blasty here." Shigaraki hummed. "You've been pushed around all because of that personality of yours. You want to WIN. But you're being restrained. The heroes don't care about you at all, they even tied you up on a cement block like a work of art. Doesn't that make your blood boil? Hmm?" Shigaraki laughed as he pointed at Izuku next. "Now you, little man, I'm not going to waste much time. You've got something nice alright. Your quirk is interesting even though your... obsession with All Might is disgusting."

Izuku quietly snorted. If his obsession with All Might was disgusting, Bakugou's must be the most horrible thing Shigaraki's ever seen.

"I thought that you were just some pesky NPC but nooo, you just had to keep beating me. Then I realized it. If you can't beat 'em, make them join your side! Absolute perfection! Then I can easily make you see how imperfect this hero-villain society really is!" Shigaraki scratched at his neck. "Spinner! Undo their restraints!"

"What? Why? They're obviously going to attack us!" Spinner protested.

"We need to show them how accepting we are, if we're going to be comrades, I can't let them be treated like pigs! VIPs, they are!" Shigaraki nodded to himself, perhaps impressed with his thinking.

"Well," Spinner then said, "I'm not doing it! Dabi! You do it!"

"Aww," a middle-school girl pouted. "Why can't I do it?"

"You're going to suck their blood out, you vampire!" Spinner explained. 

Dabi groaned. "I'll do it, just stop yapping so much." Dabi stood up from leaning against the bar counter and made his way over, unlocking the cuffs from them. 

Izuku stood up, rubbing at his wrists. Bakugou followed in suit. 

"See? We're already getting along so well!" Shigaraki grinned.

"Yeah, fucking no," Bakugou said, glaring at the LOV. 

"Don't worry, we will be - "

A doorbell noise rang through the room. "Pizza delivery!" 

"Hell yeah (No, ewww) who ordered the pizza?" Twice asked as he went to open the door. 

"How the fuck did we afford it - "

The wall collapsed, debris flying everywhere as the people inside took cover. "TEXAS SMASH!"

Shigaraki yelled in frustration. "Goddamnit!" 


"Kacchan, let's move!" 

"I fucking know, you nerd!" Bakugou barked back as he started to make the villains who were trying to grab him explode. 

All of a sudden, Izuku's throat began to spasm and a black goo erupted from his mouth. Collapsing to his knees, one of his hands shot up to his throat. He couldn't breathe. 

A similar phenomenon was happening to those around him, excluding the heroes and soon, it was covering all over them in a swift manner before everything went dark. Again.


Hey guys! I'm back and am starting to get back into the swing of things. Chapters will get longer as we go along!

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