Chapter 5

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The eighteen teenagers stared at the screen in disbelief. 

"There's no way Midoriya could be the traitor," Uraraka started to protest. Iida pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. 

"That's right!" Iida said, "There is no logical explanation why Midoriya would be the traitor!"

Todoroki nodded in agreement.

"I agree with Icyhot, Four Eyes, and Round Cheeks."

Seventeen pairs of eyes turned to a scowling Bakugou. "I have no fucking clue what's going on, but I'll tell you that there is absolutely no fucking way that the shitty nerd is a villain. He's a shitty hero fan through and through. Besides, even if they did threaten him, Deku would've already spilled. He's the most shitty liar I have ever seen."

There was a moment of silence before Kaminari said, "Wow, Bakugou's defending Midoriya! Is the world ending?"

"I know right?"

"Well, they've known each other for a while."

"It's the LOV we're talking about here."

A tic mark grew on Bakugou's forehead. "Shut the fuck up!"


"So now what do we do?" Jirou said as she crossed her arms. The class had came to a conclusion that there was no possible way that the cinnamon roll who always broke his bones for their safety would ever betray them. 


It was silent as they tried to think of what to do next. Sero opened his mouth before closing it. 

"Well," Sato thought, "we still need to know where he's going."

Tokoyami nodded, "Yes, and we must know why he is doing this."

"We should go to that alleyway," Hagakure piped in. The others quickly agreed as they got up from Momo's long table. Momo closed her laptop and looked up. 

"I know the address. Does anyone know the way to XX block from UA? We can go to UA then go there," she said. Bakugou raised his hand.

"I know that fucking place, it's near the path I fucking walk to school," he said, almost calmly. He then exited out of the room. The rest quickly followed behind.

Getting out of the room, they then focused their attention to the spiky haired person in front of them. 

"Is it just me, or is Bakugou acting a bit - " Kaminari began before Mina finished, " - weird?"

Kaminari nodded, "Yeah, that."

Bakugou must've heard it because then he turned around and yelled, "OI! I CAN FUCKING HEAR YOU, YOU KNOW!"

Kaminari's eyes widened before he quickly hid behind Sero, who stiffened up. Luckily, Bakugou turned back forward.

Kirishima stared at the back of Bakugou's head in concern. This was Bakugou, but he was off. Like how a food might taste a bit funny even though it's not expired or stale. 

Like a tickly sneeze. 

Whatever was going on in Bakugou's head worried Kirishima. 

He would be there if Bakugou ever needed him. Kirishima would be sure of it.

Bakugou POV

Bakugou grit his teeth as he listened to the fucking extras whisper. God fucking damn it! Couldn't they see that fucking Deku would be the last person to be a fucking villain? 

Deku was the most annoying, persistent hero fucker that he had ever seen. 

Deku wanted to a goddamn hero! And if somehow, Auntie Inko was being threatened by the stupid motherfuckers, then Bakugou wouldn't hesitate to blow them sky high. No, space high. 

No, infinity high, even higher than Round Cheeks.

His foot caught on a hidden crack in the sidewalk and he stumbled. He was able to catch himself, but the people behind him noticed. 

"Bakugou? You alright? Kero?" Asui asked, tilting her head. Bakugou clenched his hands into fists as he shoved them into his pockets. 

"I'm fine," he grumbled.

"You sure, Bakubro? I mean - "

"I am fucktastic. Now let's fucking go so we can figure out what shitty Deku's doing," Bakugou spat out as he continued to walk. The rest of the way was silent.

Midoriya POV

Midoriya panted as he wiped sweat off his forehead. It wasn't very effective, considering that the back of his hand was also sweaty. 

Coach Ukai blowed a whistle. "Alright, gather round!" he yelled, with his hand in the air. Everyone in the gym stopped their practicing to go towards their coach. 

"Okay," Coach Ukai began once everyone was near, "as you know, we've got a practice match against Aoba Johsai next week. Well, Aoba Johsai's also arranged a training camp in three weeks, lasting around three or so days, especially since spring vacation's also during that time. They've invited other schools including Nekoma, Fukurodani, and Date Tech. Something about having limited space or something."

Midoriya's heart dropped with every word that came out of his coach's mouth. 

Beside to him, Hinata was buzzing with excitement, but his body was clearly stiff. It seemed like Hinata had also realized Midoriya's problem.

"That's all I have to say. Good job today, go do your cooldown and get out of the gym. I don't want you to overwork yourself before our match," Ukai said, scratching the back of his head with one hand while holding a clipboard with the other.

"How'd we get invited to the camp?" Sugawara questioned. 

Takeda quickly waved his hands in front of him. "Don't worry!" he said, "I didn't need to get on my knees and beg! They were going to invite us since they were impressed with our last match against them!"

The team sweatdropped at their advisor's antics. 


"What're we going to do?" Hinata whispered furiously. The two had gotten their stuff from the locker room and made their way out of the gym. Kageyama already went down his road. 

Hinata and Kageyama's houses were near each other. The road split into two roads and Hinata went down one and Kageyama went down the other. Usually, the two would be riding their bikes. However, they decided to walk with their bikes, considering that they had an important issue they needed to solve.

"I don't know!" Midoriya whispered back. 

"Well, if we don't, you're screwed! And I'm screwed!" Hinata said, waving the hand that wasn't on his bike dramatically. 

Midoriya sighed and ran his hand through his curly green hair. "We need to figure something out. Fast."

Hinata nodded firmly and the two continued their journey home.


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Anime reaction

I'm putting this in all the end notes of my fics so that I know what to do first since I'll be doing this after this fic finishes.

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