Chapter 10

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Midoriya was a bit confused when the bus stopped at one of those small parking spots in the middle of the road. These spots were usually for sightseers or tourists wanting to take some pictures, maybe a few selfies as well. He doubted they were going to do that.

As the class got off the bus, Midoriya spotted several people, including two people from the Wild Wild Pussycats (Oh god, they were here in person, they're such a famous rescue group) and a kid next to them (as far as he knew, the kid could be one of their family or something).

After all twenty people gathered onto the road, the two heroes introduced themselves.

"Hey, hey! I'm Pixie-Bob!" one of them shouted while waving her hand. Her blonde hair wasn't arranged in any ponytail. With her blue costume theme and signature goggles, there was no way one could mistake her. 

"And I'm Mandalay!" The other introduced. She didn't have as long of hair as Pixie-Bob, in fact, her hairstyle was somewhat like Uraraka's. Instead of a blue color scheme like her comrade, her outfit was red with pink mechanical ears on top. Pixie-Bob's was a light blue.

"Together, we're part of - " Pixie-Bob began.

"THE WILD WILD PUSSYCATS!" the two yelled, posing next to each other.

"Who are they?" Sero whispered and Midoriya began to fill him in. 

"They're a group of four heroes, specialized in mountain rescue operations! The Wild Wild Pussycats are also one of the four hero teams who founded the Union Affairs Office! With over twelve years of experience, they're - "

"Gee, no need to give us so much credit, kid," Pixie-Bob waved her hand at him, although it was clear that she was proud of her team's achievements.

"Yeah, for now, we're your training coaches!" Mandalay agreed. She clapped her hands as she scanned the class. "Twenty people, correct?"

Aizawa nodded and Midoriya pointed to the kid at the side. "Um, pardon my intrusion, but who's he?"

Mandalay made an 'oh' face before explaining, "That's my nephew, Kota. We're taking care of him."

Several people from the class waved at him, only to receive a glare from Kota.

Midoriya sweatdropped at the kid's intimidation before turning back to the two heroes. Mandalay clapped her hands once more before pointing to a building in the distance. 

"You see that? That's where the training camp's going to take place! You've got until 12:30 pm to get there, using your quirks as you please, but if you don't, then you won't be able to get lunch!"

The truth soon donned on the class and Kaminari turned around to try to get back onto the bus. However, before he was able to, the bus doors closed and their only chance of escaping was driving down the road. 

Pixie-Bob smirked as she looked at some of the despair on the students' faces. "Don't think you'll be able to get out that easily!" she yelled and the ground underneath them started to crumble.

Class 1a was falling down to the forest.


With a loud crash, they fell onto the forest floor below them. 

"Feel free to use personalities in our domain as you see fit!"

"You have three hours to get to the facility!"

"Through this... Forest of Magical Beasts!"

"Magical Forest of Beasts?" Sero comments and Kaminari tilts his head.

"Sounds like something out of Dragon Quest..." Kaminari thought out loud, putting his finger on his chin.

Iida looks around before yelling, "UA is notorious for this!"

Shinsou stands up and wipes the dirt off his pants. "No use with complaining, let's get this over with." 

A few of them nod before they all stand up. Midoriya instinctively moved to the front of them, partially due to his want to protect his class from anything that would go wrong, after all, he had a strength quirk and if there were any magical beasts, it would be a bit easier for him to help out.

"MAGIC BEAST!" someone suddenly cried out, Midoriya wasn't sure who. His heart was pumping in his chest at a thousand miles per hour, which was as fast as his heart went during a volleyball match.

Taking a look to his right, he froze. 

A massive creature that was several times his height and many times his height when it came to its length walked into view. The scales on it were a dirt brown and Midoriya could barely see its eyes among its giant body mass.

Kouda went to it almost immediately. "There, there beast. Just calm down and fall back please!" he said, using his quirk.

"Kouda!" Mina yelled in warning as the creature didn't listen to Kouda. Instead, he tried to swipe at Kouda, only to impale itself on Todoroki's ice spikes that he conjured. Bits and parts of the beast fell off. 

Wait just a moment...

"They're not real creatures, they're made of earth! Dirt! Just use your quirks on them!" Midoriya warned the others, who seemed to understand and nodded in response.

With a step forward, they plunged into the depths of the forest.


Midoriya felt a bit bad for abandoning his class in the middle of them fighting their way to the training camp. Luckily, his practice was cut a bit short due to a meeting for the coaches. So, in his world's time, it'd be around 18 minutes or so. 

What was even luckier was that he had finished his work for his other school the day before. The great thing about online school was that you could go at your own pace as long as you finished a certain amount of work by the end of the year. Midoriya was already ahead, so it was fine that he took the day off. [This is just my imagination, idk if this is true for real life]


Midoriya appeared back into the forest, making sure he was a bit ahead of his class, just out of sight's reach. An earth monster appeared in front of him suddenly and he dodged immediately to get out of the way.

His breath was getting shaky. He had a somewhat easy practice but it was practice nonetheless and it was taking a slight toll on his body. Activating his quirk, he punched one of its legs off. 

"There you are, Deku!" Uraraka yelled and Midoriya turned back to see some of his classmates. "We were worried where you had gone!"

Midoriya yelled back, "Don't worry, I just have to get rid of this one!"

"Aim  for the belly, that's its most vulnerable spot!"

"Got it!" Midoriya said as he used the tree trunks to move around, confusing the monster before sliding under its body and punching straight up. He quickly got out of the way as it crashed to the floor. 

Wiping sweat off his forehead, he turned to Uraraka, Jirou, Tokoyami, and Sato, who had just arrived. "Thanks a lot," he thanked Uraraka, who tilted her head and smiled.

"No worries!"

If Midoriya had forgotten his task of telling his teacher about his match, it was no matter.

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