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So. It's been a long time. I got super uncomfortable writing this for a while, started feeling weird and guilty for writing messed up FanFiction about real people. I tried to get past it, but it happened at the same time as a particularly bad series of events in my life for the past year.

I really am sorry, and if someone wants to adopt this and write for themselves you don't even have to ask, although if you could mention that it is inspired by or partly written by me that would be nice. I just can't write this anymore. I'm barely in the CimFam anymore tbh, what with all the controversy in the past year or so combined with me simply getting older.

I hate this when it happens to one of the fics I'm reading, but I guess I understand now that it is me. Sorry, try AO3 for a better filter system and general better quality of fics!

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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