Bad Night

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"Night mami!" I yelled before closing my door. I got the shower ready and got in. After my shower I brushed my teeth and washed my face. I finished brushing my hair and walked out my bathroom getting my bed ready.

A knock on the window scared me, making me walk to it. I opened it seeing Oscar getting ready to climb in. I walked back to my restroom and grabbed my first aid kit. This was a daily routine. He'd always come to my house after he took care of business. Nothing new.

It always made me wonder. How would life be if I hadnt met Oscar? I for sure wouldnt have to worry a lot. Or question myself if im the only girl he has eyes on. But he came in my life. Either to be a blessing or a lesson.

"Cuts are bad this time" i sighed grabbing a cotton ball, putting peroxide on it. I scanned more of his face shaking my head. "Stop" he spoke up. "Stop what" i aked as i pointed to the toilet for him to sit on. When he sat down i stood in front of him and dabbed the cotton ball on his cuts.

"Stop worrying about me" I scoffed and looked at him dead in the eyes. "How can I not worry about you Oscar? Youre my fucking boyfriend. So whether you like it or not, im always gonna worry about you" he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him.

"I love you baby. Stop worrying about me. You'll see me every night" I sighed looking down. "Oscar im being for real. One of these days you're gonna get killed. And I dont want that to happen" a tear rolled down my cheek as I looked back up at him.

"You wont loose me baby. I'm here and I'll always be here. Now come on. Lets go to bed?" I shook my head wiping the tears away. "You know I wont be able to sleep. Not after seeing you like this" . "Can you at least try?" I stepped back and threw the cotton ball in the trash.

I walked out, Oscar following right behind me. "I love you. You know that right?" He whispered in my ear as he hugged me from behind. "Mhm" I hummed smiling like crazy. "Say it back pendeja" He joked making me laugh.

The way me and Oscar joked around made people think we hated each other or we're about to break up. Its funny. But its just the way me and him are with each other.

"Ew. Why would I do that" I joked back scrunching my face, squirming away from him. He wrapped his arms around my legs, picking me up and throwing me on the bed. "RKO!" He yelled like a child.

He never gets to act like his actual self around his gang. Which i understand because if he did they wouldnt take him seriously when serious stuff happens. So the only time he gets to act like himself is around me. And I love how comfortable he is around me. It shows me that he can truly do anything and know i won't judge.

"Oscar shut up youre gonna wake up my mom" I laughed. He crawled into bed next to me and hugged my pillow. "You look tired. Go to bed" I rubbed his back while scrolling through my phone. "Cuddles?" he whispered looking up at me. I smiled and nodded. He hugged my waist and inhaled my scent.

"You smell good" he whispered half asleep. "You always smell good" he smiled. I giggled and went back on my phone still rubbing his back.

I rubbed my belly looking at the pictures I took that night. Life was so simple. That was the last time I saw Oscar alive. He left me and his unborn child. I told him this was gonna happen. I told him everytime he came to my house after business.

"Mija you cant keep feeling sorry for yourself. We all knew this was gonna happen" I sobbed looking at a picture of him sleeping peacefully on my belly. "He didnt even know mami. I never got to tell him he was gonna be a father. I shouldve taken a test two days before. Maybe then he wouldnt have gone out that day. Maybe then he would still be here talking about baby names with me" i looked back up at her crying.

"I know mija. I know. But you can't just stay in this room all day every day. Oscar wouldnt want you to be like this. He loved you very much and if he ever saw you like this...i dont even know what hed do" I shook my head looking back down at the picture. I was 2 weeks there.

But we both didnt know that. We were just living our life. I shouldve known. "I dont wanna go tomorrow mami. I dont want to watch as they bury him 6 ft in the ground" I turned off my phone and threw it next to my feet.

"I dont want to see him like that" I cried grabbing my pillow, hugging it. "Hurry you gotta eat dinner, come on" she patted my feet and stood up. She held her hands out to help me up. I sighed and grabbed them getting up, following her to the kitchen.

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