ᴍᴀᴋᴇᴜᴘ s3x (ᴀʀɢᴜᴍᴇɴᴛ)

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I waited for Oscar to get back. Tonight we were supposed to be at my house with each other but he said he had to cancel. I already knew why. He's in a gang. He's always gonna be in danger. And tonight he's been gone for 4 hours. I was worried. I slowly closed my eyes until I heard the door open. My eyes shot open seeing Oscar walk in. I was relieved that he wasn't hurt. Usually, he comes back in terrible conditions.

"Oscar you scared me" I got up walking over to the kitchen where he grabbed a beer, drinking it.

"You could've called me" He chuckled.

"I don't have to do shit miss y/n" He said with attitude.

"What did I do to get the attitude?" I crossed my arms blinking back the tears.

"Just shut up" Oscar scoffed taking a swing of his beer.

"You're so clingy. You want me to call you every minute of every hour. You kiss me when I don't even wanna kiss you. And you always talk shit" I nodded biting my lip. A tear fell.

"Is it so bad to check up on your boyfriend who happens to be in a gang and could be killed at any time of the day?! Because I don't think so. I worry about you Oscar that's why I call you"

"You don't have to call me every house though!"

"I don't call you every hour Oscar! I only called you twice tonight. At 12 and at 3. And I hardly kiss you because you don't want the gang to know about us" he rolled his eyes drinking his beer. I looked at him feeling more tears coming.

"Why did you even come here tonight then?"

"I don't know because maybe if I didn't id get more phone calls from you" he gritted through his teeth. I looked to the side finally letting the tears flow.

"You should leave Oscar" I sniffed looking back at him.

"Now. Spooky leave!" my voice cracked. His eyes got glossy and soft. He regretted what he said I knew it but I was hurt he actually said it. He slowly put down his beer and walked to the door. I covered my mouth letting the tears fall. Silently sobbing. I heard the door open and soon shut.

"I'm sorry" I turned around still seeing Oscar in my house.

"Why don't you just go and have fun with other girls. And I'll have my fun okay?" He strutted to me roughly kissing me once he reached me.

"No" well this night is not gonna end well. My poor legs. He pushed me against the wall kissing my neck and came back up to my lips giving me one wet kiss.

"Jump" He whispered against my lip. I did as told and jumped. He caught me leaving his hands on my ass and started kissing me again. He walked up to my room not breaking the kiss. He gently placed me on the bed again still not breaking the kiss. My legs still wrapped around his torso.

He started kissing my neck getting to my soft spot. I let out a soft moan. We both kissed each other until we were out of our clothes and under the covers. He entered himself into me and thrusted slowly. He hid his face in the crook of my neck. I wrapped my arms around his body. He went a little fast this time pushing himself in more. I dug my nails into his skin slightly scratching him.

I moaned in his ear turning him on more. He started going faster. He brought his face in front of mine and roughly kissed me. It was passionate and dominant but also aggressive. He was always the dominant one. He soon pushed himself all the way in making me gasp into the kiss. He went slower though. Knowing he was too big for me. But soon the pain became pleasure.

"F-faster" I moaned. He nodded and went faster. I kept scratching him and I knew it was gonna hurt him when he takes a shower. So I let go gripping the sheets with one hand and the other rested on his neck. It felt like the whole bed was moving with us. Shit, it felt like the bed was going to break. Or at least the headboard.

"Your mine got it" I quickly nodded as he thrusted faster. I knew this night wasn't gonna end well. My legs started to shake. A warm heat wave went through my body. And my stomach got tighter letting me know I was coming to my climax. I could tell Oscar was too since his thrusts became sloppier. I let out a moan feeling warm liquid spill out of me. Oscar also released. We both rode out our highs. I smirked at Oscar flipping him over.

"Round two?" He questioned smirking at me. I bent down and gave him a kiss before kissing his neck leaving a hickey. And a couple more hickies too. I slowly rode him, hearing him moan. That only made me go faster. I slowly kissed him. Giving him sloppy kisses. "Fuck y/n" Oscar groaned. I smirked knowing I was the only female to make him feel this way. We both soon came to our climax and rode throughout highs once again. I gave him one last kiss before getting off of him laying next to him.

We laid there trying to catch our breaths. "I love you y/n" he looked at me pulling me closer. I looked up at him smiling. "And I love you Oscar" I reached up giving him another kiss. We both couldn't sleep so we stayed up talking about our future.


Yeah im not used to writing smut lol. So its ok if you cringed as much as I did 😂

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