Bestfriends Brother

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Requested by pisces_502. Hope you enjoy it!

Cesar and I have been best friends since last year, my sophomore year. He's only a year younger than me and yet I still feel like he understands me. I have some friends in my grade but im not as close to them as I am with Cesar. When Cesar introduced me to his other friends I wasn't too sure if I would like them but the more I hung out with them the more I ended up liking- well no like isn't the right word. I guess you can say I love them.

Out of the year Cesar and I have been best friends we never met each other families. Although we do talk a lot about our families and what we have been through the last couple of years. But yet we still haven't gotten around to actually meet the family. Well, Cesar just met my family last weekend. And I'm about to new his brother. I wasn't that nervous to the point where I was gonna cancel. But I was nervous. After hearing what Monse told me about him I was scared and already hated him.

"Oscar!" Cesar shouted as we walked into his house. "What?" Oscar, I assume, walked out of a room looking down rubbing his neck. "I want you to meet my best friend, y/n" Oscar finally lifted his head, his eyes meeting mine. He stared at me for a moment before looking at his little brother. "Hi" I waved at him. "You guys want anything to drink?" Oscar asked as he walked over to the fridge. "Oh um no thank you. I'm fine" I gave him a warm smile looking around the house.

"So y/n, how long have you and Cesar been friends?" Oscar turned around popping open his beer. "Since last year" I cleared my throat as he looked at me up and down. "Oscar, can you stop that?" Cesar groaned as he pulled me to the couch. I sat down next to Cesar still staring at Oscar. "How old are you?" Oscar asked with a smirk. "17" he nodded slowly and walked over towards us grabbing a chair from the kitchen and sitting in it in front of us. "What? Am I being interrogated?" I joked earning a chuckle from Oscar.

"No. There's no way a pretty girl like you could be interrogated" he smiled at me before taking a sip of his beer. "Oscar really?" Cesar sighed. "No Cesar it's fine" I looked at Cesar before looking back at Oscar. "So do you have any plans after high school?" I sighed shaking my head. "Unfortunately, no. I wanted to go to college to study medicine but you know how life is here in Freeridge. Me and my family barely make enough for the bills. We can't afford college right now" I confessed with a frown. "Yeah, I know how that is. I actually wanted to go to school to be a chef. But look how that's going" he chuckled.

For the rest of the day, Oscar and I would talk about anything and everything. Cesar would join in on the conversation every now and then. Other times he would get mad at Oscar for flirting with me. Which I didn't mind and I told Cesar many times but he still would get mad.

"I would love for us to hang out. If that's okay with you Cesar" Oscar joked earning a glare from the 16-year-old. "I would have to check with my schedule. I have work almost every day after school and on weekends. Today was my lucky day. I guess they didn't need me back at the restaurant" I shrugged before walking to my car. "I'll see you at school Cesar. Bye Oscar. It was really nice meeting you" I waved at them. "Bye," they both said before I got in my car and drive off.


About 4 weeks had passed from the first time I met Oscar. I hung out with him more after and got to know his friends. They are all really nice people. Oscar still flirts with me and I still don't care. But Cesar does. I don't understand why he's so mad at Oscar for it. I mean I get it. Your best friend and brother? But Oscar is always going to flirt with me no matter what. Plus Cesar is the little brother. Oscar doesn't have to listen to him.

"Hey gorgeous, you want a beer?" Oscar asked as he was about to walk into the house. "No thanks. Have to drive home. Thanks for the offer though" he nodded and walked into the house to get himself another beer. Every time I hung out with Oscar he calls me all sorts of nicknames. Like for instance, he calls me 'amor', 'beautiful', 'gorgeous', etc. And every time he calls me one of those nicknames, I get butterflies.

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