Cant be..

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I sat staring at the test in my hands. My mind was racing with so many thoughts. I didnt know how to react. Should i be happy? Should i be scared? Should i be sad? I honestly felt happy, scared, and sad all at the same time.

I'm 18 and having a baby with a 22 year old. Life is not going as planned.

I shakily put the test in my bag and threw away the trash. I stepped out of the stall and washed my hands. I left going to my second period.


The day went by quick and by the time I knew it i was already walking home. I usually wait for Oscar to pick me up but i was too scared to be in a car with him alone. Just thinking of it made me scared.

But i also knew that if he didnt see me at school waiting for him he would drive to me. And there he was driving behind me. I stopped just as he came to a stop and got out the car. "Why are you walking? You know i pick you up after school. Its not safe" I chuckled lightly and looked down.

"Idk i needed some fresh air" he grabbed my chin and made me look up at him. "Why do you seem scared or nervous?" I shrugged. "I guess i kind of am" he tilted his head trying to figure me out. He could always read me like a book but something about now he couldnt figure me out. "Did the prophets do something?" Just the thought of them messing with me made him pissed.

"No. Its not that" he continued staring at me waiting for me to tell him again. "Its not that babe. I promise. Its.." I looked away from him, looking at the house across the street. "Baby you know you can tell me anything right?" He gently grabbed my chin again making me look straight at him. "Yeah i know" my eyes became watery and I dont know why. "Oscar" i looked down at my hands stopping them from shaking.

"Im pregnant" i whispered. I continued looking down at my hands scared to look up at him. "Really? Like are you being for real?" I finally looked up and nodded. He smiled wide and looked down at my stomach. Then looked up at me seeing how scared I was. "Hey hey its gonna be fine. We can do this. Although I'm kind of scared to tell your parents. More scared of your mom than your dad" I laughed shaking my head.

"Theres that smile i love" he cupped my face wiping the tears away with his thimb. "I love you. We can do this i know we can" i nodded and gave him a faint smile. "I love you" I said back. He passionately kissed me then put his hand on my stomach. I took out the test from my backpack and showed him. "Im gonna be a dad" he smiled again taking the test out of my hand.

"We have to tell my parents" he nodded grabbing my bag from me and going to the trunk and putting it in there. I sighed and got in the car. He drove to my house and walked in with me. We always had Oscar over. It was nothing new. But this time we were about to tell them we were having a baby. Something no parents want to hear from their 18 year old.

"Mami! Papi!" I yelled as i walked into the house, Oscar right behind me. They came out of their room walking to us. "How was school mija?" I smiled sitting down on the couch, Oscar sitting in his usual spot. "It was good. But we actually have something to tell you" I had all of my dads attention right now. And im terrified of how he'll react. "Your pregnant arent you?" My mom blurted out. I looked at her and nodded. "I knew it. You have been eating a lot lately and you're always so tired. I knew something was up"

I looked at my dad trying to see what he was thinking. "Dad.." He cleared his throat and grabbed my hands. "I wasnt expecting this type of news but theres nothing I can do. Now Oscar im gonna have a talk with you" my dad got up letting go of my hands. "As long as it isnt Mrs. Y/l/n then im ok with it" he said jokingly. I smacked his arm as he got up. "Oh ill be having a talk with you too" my mom smiled at him. He looked at me and mouthed 'save me'. Me and my mom both looked at each other and laughed.

The next few hours we talked about what to expect during the pregnancy and started talking about names. Even though its too early.


Birthday Imagine. Im finally 16 lol. Its so insane. When quarantine started i was 14 and now im 16. Wtf...

But anywaysss hope you guys had a great day. I know i did. Stay safe my loves.

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