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A/N: I tried my best lol. I know I always seem to rob you guys so I decided to try writing smut one more time for your guys sake. But enjoy :)

I finished applying my lip gloss smiling to myself. I stood up from my vanity noticing how the shorts I had on made my ass look good and how the shirt made my boobs pop out so much more. I slipped on my sandals walking out of my house making sure the door was locked. I walked across the street to the Diaz household.

Oscar and I have been bestfriends since we were teenagers. For a long time it was the sibling type of bestfriends. He always treated me like a little sister and I looked up to him like a big brother. But over time that switched. One night we slept with each other. It wasn't because we were in love with each other or anything like that. We were bother stressed and sexually frustrated. And we both thought it would be a one time thing but as time went by we slept with each other more and more.

It wasn't awkward at all. The next day we acted like nothing happened and went back to being bestfriends but then the next night our bodies would be tangled with each others as we moaned each others names. It was a never ending cycle. But we both didn't mind. Tonight I don't really care who I sleep with. I've been so touch deprived that any kind of touch will turn me on.

I walked into the house smiling at people I passed by. I walked over to the drinks grabbing a Corona and taking a sip. There was a lot of people I knew and didn't know. They were all scattered around. Some in the living room, some in the kitchen, and the rest outside in front yard and the backyard. My eyes scanned the place, landing on Oscar who had girls all around him. One sat on the armrest of the couch and his hand was snaked around her waist resting on her thigh. I smirked nodding my head knowing exactly what I was going to do to get his attention.

A man walked up to me and we both sat down on chairs talking. The longer we talked the more comfortable he got. His hand was now resting on my thigh and his body was inching closer to mine. He scooted my chair closer to his so now his hand was on my waist and his other hand was snaking up my thigh. My hand rested on his crotch feeling his bulge. "How bout we go some place quiet?" He whispered in my ear making me bit my lip in anticipation. I looked over and Oscar who had been watching. He was clearly upset, both his hands were now in his lap and his jaw was clenched. I shot him a wink before standing up grabbing the man's hand. Oscar was quick to come up to us before we could go to a room.

"Can I talk to you y/n?" Oscar gritted through his teeth grabbing my hand and pulling me away before I had the chance to answer. I smirked to myself as he led me to his room. He pulled me in and I stood in front of him watching as he closed and locked the door. "What's wrong?" I asked innocently. He turned back to me staring down at me. "You know exactly what's wrong" he glared down at me making me smirk at him. "I'm just having some fun" I shrugged. "Its not fun when your teasing" he grabbed me from my waist pulling me closer. "But teasing makes it fun" I whispered as my hand traveled up to his face.

We stared at each other for a while. "Does it not?" I questioned finally breaking the silence. My hand now traveled down his body and to the button of his shorts. He continued to star at me as I unbuttoned his shorts. "What gots you so speechless now?" I smirked as my hand snaked down his boxers. He let out a small groan as my tiny hand held his cock. I felt it throbbing as I played with it. "You like that?" I asked biting my lip. He let out a low "fuck" closing his eyes. I took out my hand licking my fingers that had his precum on them. He watched with a smirk before he grabbed me by the throat and kissed me roughly. He pulled my shirt over my head making my nipple harden from the cold. He was quick to kiss me again.

I slipped off my shorts shoving him away. "Not so fast lover boy" I gave him my signature smirk making him more frustrated. I pulled a chair he had in his room in front of the bed pointing at it. "Strip" he gave me a smirk before he took off his clothes, his cock springing out leaking with precum still. I bit my lip looking at it. "Now sit" I ordered. He did as told and sat down. I walked over to his nightstand and got out the vibrator he had specifically for me. I kept eye contact with him as I slipped off my underwear and climbed onto the bed. I laid perfectly in the middle, my head resting against the pillows.

"Enjoy the show" I winked at him before I turned on the vibrator dragging it down my body. With my free hand I messaged my left breast. I managed to maintain eye contact with Oscar as I felt the vibrator vibrate on my clit. I let out a soft moan biting my lip in anticipation. Finally I let myself feel all the pleasure and inserted the vibrator inside me. I closed my eyes feeling all the pleasure flow throughout my body. I heard a low groan come from Oscar. I opened my eyes seeing him jerking off as he watched me. My other hand went straight to my clit and rubbed it as the other worked its magic with the vibrator.

"Fuck y/n" he groaned throwing his head back. We moaned each others names, though we both weren't touching each other. The room was filled with nothing but curse words and moans. My stomach tightened and I knew my orgasm was close. I continued rubbing my clit, letting out a loud moan as I came. "Oh fuck.." Oscar whispered. He let out a breathy moan as he came. As soon as he came down from his high he got in between my legs and shot me a smirk before he started sucking on my swollen and sensitive clit. I let out a loud moan trying to close my legs but he reopened them and rested one over his shoulders. Without warning he inserted two fingers, pumping them as he continued to suck on my clit.

I continued to moan his name biting my lip holding in a scream. If it weren't for the loud ass music playing in the living room everyone would be able to hear us fucking right now. And in all honesty I would have no shame in it. As long as I could remember, i have been in love with Oscar. And once I had a little taste of him, I've became addicted. I just hope he feels the same.

"Oscar.." I whispered, my hands gripping the sheets as my 2nd orgasm of the night came. "Tell me what you want baby" his finger continued pumping into me as he looked me in the eyes. I let out a whimper as he teased. "Oscar please" I looked into his eyes now, seeing nothing but lust. "Please what?" He smirked standing up in front of the bed removing his fingers from inside me. "I need you in me now" I breathed out. "That's all you had to say" he grabbed me by my ankles and pulled me towards the edge of the bed. My legs wrapped around his waist. He lined himself up with my entrance looking at me for approval. "You sure?" He asked like it wasn't our 9th time fucking each other. "Yes Oscar. Please" I begged, desperate. He nodded. My breath caught in my throat just as he pushed himself in.

The more he thrusted the more moans filled the room. "Harder" I whispered needing him to thrust harder in order for my 3rd orgasm to come. He did as told and went harder making a whimper leave my lips. He reached down to me kissing my neck and up to my lips. My hands trailed up his back leaving marks as they did. Our tongues fought for dominance while he continued to fuck me relentlessly. And just like, with one big thrust, I allowed myself to release, cumming on his cock. Not long after Oscar came, filling me up with his liquid. He rode us out of our high before slowly easing himself out of me. He got a towel and cleaned me up, rubbing gently in my sensitive clit.

We both started getting dressed but my mind was miles away. "What's wrong?" He suddenly asked after noticing the expression on my face. "Why did you stop me from going with that guy?" I finally asked as I buttoned my shorts. "What?" He asked with furrowed brows. I sighed rolling my eyes before saying, "Nevermind." I grabbed onto the handle of the door getting ready to walk out but before I could I felt Oscar's hands on my waist turning me around. "I got jealous" he mumbled. I looked at, confusion written all of it. "Why?" He sighed running his hands across his face. "Because I like you y/n. And when I saw how touchy he was and how you were leading him somewhere I got jealous because I want to be the only one to fuck you just like I did moments ago" he smirked at me making my cheeks grow a red tint to them.

"I like you y/n" he confessed. I looked down biting my lip, not having a clue what to tell him for once. "You don't feel the same" he sighed deeply taking a step back from me. I looked up at him stepping closer to him and resting my hands on his cheeks. "I do feel the same. Oscar, I've been in love with you for a while" I chuckled. He wrapped his arms around my waist smiling down at me. "So what are you going to do about it?" He asked with a small smirk. "I should be the one to ask you that" he let out a breathy chuckle before capturing my lips with his. I smiled into the kiss feeling at home with him. "I'm taking you on a date tomorrow" he whispered resting his forehead on mine. "Okay" I smiled.

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