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"You going with us right?" I asked Olivia as we walked out of the school. Tonight we had planned on going to Brentwood and trick or treat there. Since in freeridge you can't do anything unless you want a glock to your head or worse.

"Yeah for sure" she smiled. We walked to Rubys house and got ready. I got dressed in my devil costume.

Nothing too revealing because my boyfriend, Oscar, would simply be mad

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Nothing too revealing because my boyfriend, Oscar, would simply be mad. He hates it when others look at me. I always tell him it's fine. That they can look but can't touch. But he still hates it and will literally kill anyone who will look at me.

"Abuelita is giving us a ride" Ruby smiled. Everyone was ready. Cesar was some goddess person, Olivia was a cowgirl, Ruby was a vampire, Jamal was crippled, and Monse was...I don't even know. She was just wearing red shorts with a red lifeguard hoodie.

Abuelita dropped us off and we split up. Me, Cesar, Ruby, and Olivia went to this party and Jamal, and Monse went elsewhere.

Cesar and I were talking like we normally would and Ruby was flirting with Olivia. We were having a good time. But of course, some white boy had to come up to us.

"What's up locos" he smiled. I sighed already getting annoyed.

"I heard you're from the ridge too" we all gave him a weird nod.

"Yo check it!" He laughed turning his cap around showing 'freeridge' that was on the front of it.

"Ah just clowning!" He laughed. He's literally mocking us. Not cool.

"Yeah, I'm straight from B-wood. Westside!" He yelled throwing up the gang sign.

"So what do you think of my fit? And my tats?" He smiled big as if he was a little kid waking up on his birthday. What a fool.

"It's pretty dope right? My mom works in hair and makeup. I mean it's like life intimidating art and art intimidating life right?" He laughed. We all stared at him like he was crazy which by the looks of it he didn't like. I gave him an ugly look and rolled my eyes folding my arms.

"What up with your bitch man" he complained talking to Cesar.

"You better watch yourself you don't know who you're talking to" I smirked.

"Ouu. So scared" he laughed looking around at the crowd that was huddled around us. They laughed along with him.

"Why don't you come with me to the back and well have some fun" he smirked. He grabbed my hand but I yanked it back. He gripped onto my arm pretty hard.

"Get your hands off her" Cesar growled. I grabbed the boy's arm and twisted it until it almost cracked.

"Let go" I smirked back. He quickly let go and I let go of his arm. We all ran out as they grabbed eggs and started throwing them at us.

"Go back to where you came from!" One of them yelled.

"Who you calling?" I asked as I looked at my bruised arm. I get bruised easily. I hated it.

"Someone who will handle this" Cesar finally spoke up. I sighed knowing he was calling Oscar. I sat on the curb and waited.

"Cmon. I'm not leaving you here" Cesar spoke. I stood up and followed him back to the house.

"You want some more?" The guy from earlier smiled.

"Oh, you think you're hard. Okay" he laughed once again looking around at everyone who was behind him.

"I'm not. But he is" I turned back around to see what Cesar was talking about and saw Oscar's impala drive right behind me. He got out slamming his door and walked over to me. He glanced down at my bruised arm and clenched his jaw.

"I'm fine" I gave him a reassuring smile before kissing him. He turned his attention to the white boy who was standing in front of Cesar terrified. Oscar grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers together. He walked in front of the boy and I stood behind Oscar. He wiped the boys 'tattoo' away and wiped his showing it didn't come off.

"This shits real" he glared at everyone. The boy in front of him kept glancing at my bruise. Oscar realized and instantly got angry.

"Did you do that?" Oscar stepped forward causing us to stop holding hands.

"P-please" the boy stuttered terrified. I stepped in front of Oscar before he could do any damage.

"Babe look at me" He glared at the boy and then looked at me. His eyes became soft once his eyes met with mine.

"He's not worth it. Let's go home" he gave me a nod and looked back up at the boy once again.

"Don't ever touch my girl. Understand?" The boy nodded his head rapidly. We started walking to the car but once I got to the door I realized I could literally steal their candy. I took my hand off the door handle and turned back around. Oscar noticed and watched as I walked back.

"Give us your candy" I smirked.

"All of it" I whispered in his ear. They all ran inside and came back out with their candy.

"Have a good night" I laughed walking back with a bag full of candy. Oscar smirked at me and got in waiting for me to get in as well. The rest of the group were in the back squeezing in as much as they could. Oscar drove away once I was in and took everyone back home. I let the kids have the candy and went home with Oscar.

"I needa get out of this" I laughed walking inside the house with Oscar following right behind

"Well get out of it" Oscar whispered in my ear. He kissed my neck leaving a small hickey behind. He unzipped the dress slowly. I bit my lip getting desperate for him.

"I will" I smirked removing the straps letting the dress fall down my body. I stood there in my little lingerie set. It was nothing too extreme but it was a bit much.

"Fuck your hot" Oscar groaned turning my around and picking me up. He kissed me and walked to the room closing the door behind him.

Let's just say tonight was good ;)


Here's this. I'm working on another but I hardly have time lol

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