𝘑𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴?

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Love is such a crazy, scary thing. Sometimes you don't even know you love a person until you find yourself worrying about them and praying for them. You have no control over who you fall in love with. And sometimes love is a risk you're willing to take. And sometimes love is so evil and ruthless.

"You need to get out of the clouds," My best friend, Eva, spoke as she walked up to me. "Wheres your car?" She asked as I started walking down the sidewalk. "Getting painted. We're walking today."

Oscar was my boy best friend. We've known each other since pre-k. I've always been with him. Everyone knows about us being best friends. Sometimes people think we're together. And sometimes I like to think we are but I know we aren't. We will be nothing more than just friends.

"Oscar hates when you walk though," I rolled my eyes and kept walking. "I dont care anymore. He's not the boss of me," I shrugged and looked back at her. "Ima catch a ride with my boyfriend then I dont want to get into beef with him," I nodded and continued walking. I was half way to my house when Oscar drove past me. I stopped and watched him.

He immediately stopped and got out.
"Y/n!" he yelled so loud even china heard him. "What?" I asked annoyed. "Get in the car," I rolled my eyes at him and started walking again. I heard his door slam and his car screech. I got goosbumps but kept walking. He drove right in front of me and got out.

I crossed my arms and looked away. "What do you want?" I asked still looking away. I couldn't keep eye contact with him anymore. Everytime I look into his eyes I want to cry. I've liked him since 6th grade and he still hasn't noticed. It hurts seeing him with other girls and being happy with them. Because when you love someone so much you want them to be happy. And most people want them just to be happy and they dont care with who. But with me...call me selfish but I want him to be happy with me.

I guess I'm selfish for that.

"You know I hate when you walk home," I scoffed and blinked back a tear that wanted to escape. "Well I don't care. I can do whatever I want," I finally looked at him still blinking back my tears. "No you cant! You have to be careful y/n!"

"Why?!" I yelled back at him. "Because! Look around you y/n! This isn't the best place to live! Every day something terrible can happen! You can get shot!"

I smiled biting my lip looking down. "Well then I get shot," I shrugged playing with the rocks with my foot. "If you get shot I don't know what I'd do. You're the whole reason I'm doing what im doing." "So im the reason why youre in a gang?" I questioned him feeling my heart hurt. "No! No. There was no way for me to stop myself getting out of the gang. My dad was the past leader I had to take his place. But you're the reason why I'm alive. Why im fighting so hard for," I looked at him confused.

I'm the reason he's alive? He has Cesar to stay alive. Cesar needs Oscar. And Oscar needs Cesar.

"I gotta get ready for the party. See you there," I gave him a faint smile and walked past him. "Y/n get in the car," I turned around now walking backwards. "You can't always take care of me Oscar. I have to be able to take care of myself," I turned back around and continued walking home.

I looked around as tears fell. I couldn't hold them back. I knew I was gonna see Oscar with other girls tonight. I don't want to go at all. Every party I go to Oscar is always there and girls are always around him or on his lap. And I mean I get it. He's single and he's cute. But I dont want to see that. Not anymore.

I cant deal with the pain. Everytime I see him with a girl, kissing her, I feel my heart aching. Physically.

I got home and laid in bed watching the originals. Around 5 I called Eva to tell her I wasn't going to the party. Of course she got mad at me and is now at my house picking out clothes for me. "I already said I'm not going," I groaned. "Yes you are. Get over Oscar, maybe you can meet someone there," she said throwing me the closet he's. I rolled my eyes picking the clothes up. "You're going not get dressed and let's go." I rolled my eyes getting up and changed.

We arrived at Oscar's house that happened to filled with people. Inside and out. We moved through the group of people getting to the table where all the drinks were. I grabbed a Corona taking a big gulp out of it. "Hey baby," Eva's boyfriend smiled hugging her from behind. I smiled at them happy to see my best friend in a happy and healthy relationship. They continued being cute which left me alone.

Usually when I third wheeled with them they always tried including me in their conversations. They would ask about my day or tell me some stupid embarrassing story about the other. But I always felt left out. I won't say anything because I wouldn't want to intrude on their relationship. Most of the time though Oscar would pick me up and take me out.

I looked around the room with a smile on my face. But it soon faded when I saw Oscar and his ex with each other. They were close, too close. I forced my eyes away from them and landed on a guy that seems to have been staring at me. He smirked at me giving me the confidence that I walk up to him. "I seem to be catching your eye," I spoke once I was closer to him. "Yeah you are but too bad you're claimed by Spooky," I rolled my eyes, scoffing. "I'm just his best friend. Nothing more. But me and you are just talking. No harm," I shrugged sitting down on the sofas arm rest next to him.

We continued talking for a while. The beer barely taking an affect on me. And he seemed to be enjoying himself as well. Except now Oscar seemed to be pissed at him for dancing with me.

"You're unbelievable Oscar!" Oscar kept his glare on the man. I stormed off outside pissed. "Y/n!" Oscar yelled from the house. "No Oscar!" I turned around where he was now jogging to catch up to me. "The one time where I want to move on and focus on myself and have some fun you ruin it! You're my best friend Oscar. You should be the one wanting me to be happy not miserable."

He stood there staring at me, at my facial expressions trying to read me. "Miserable? Why are you miserable? How are you miserable?" I let out a scoff looking at the house next to us. "I like you Oscar. I always have. And the fact that I have to sit back and watch how all those girls touch up on you and love you the way I want to hurts," I looked at him tears running down my face, "And it hurts even more that we will never be anything other than best friends. And honestly I don't even care if this ruins our friendship anymore because I'm sick and tired of feeling like this," Oscars face soften, his tense body was now relaxed.

He continued staring at me, tears still falling. "We'll say something damnit! I just confessed my feelings for you and all you're doing is staring at me," the corner of his lips tugged upwards. I furrowed my brows confusingly. "Oscar I'm not playing games. Talk to m-" Oscar interrupted me, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me in closer to his body, smashing his lips onto mine.

Our lips moved in sync, a small smile played on my face. Everything was exploding. It was like complete euphoria.

"I like you too y/n/n," he mumbled against my lips, "always have." I looked at his face trying to see if he was messing with me. "I saw you and your ex though," I whispered, my voice slightly shaky. "I was telling her that we were officially over because I was in love with you and was planning on telling you but then I saw you and that man and I lost it." I pulled away from him, wiping my tears away. "I plan on spending my life with you, waking up next to you, cooking for you, having kids with you. So please," he walked up to me grabbing my hands and holding them, "let's do that. Forget my ex." I let out a chuckle before saying, "Only if you forget that guy."

And once again my lips were on his.

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