Single Baby Mama

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TW: Abuse


I couldn't handle the torture of staying with him. I needed to leave this place for the sake of my unborn child. I let it go on for too long. And enough is enough.

"You're really leaving?" My mom asked as she watched me pack my bags. "Mom I can't stay here and let him abuse me anymore. I need to leave" I stopped and looked up at her. "We can get a restraining order against him or get the police involved" I shook my head and went back to packing. "It doesn't matter if we get the police involved or a restraining order. He will not stop. Johnny won't stop"

I finished packing putting the suitcases in the trunk. "I love you mom" I smiled weakly embracing her in a hug. "Call me as soon as you get to wherever. But make sure that you finish your senior year and graduate" I nodded sighing. She pulled back admiring my face before I left. I didn't know where I was going but I will drive as far away as I can from Phoenix, Arizona.

I don't know how long I drove but I didn't stop until I saw the 'Welcome to Freeridge' sign. I knew I was far from Johnny but I still didn't feel like I was far enough. I cleared my throat as I looked out the window. The baby was hungry just like always. And the first restaurant I saw was a barbecue restaurant. "Hope you're in the mood for barbecue baby" I smiled rubbing my belly before getting out with my wallet in hand.

I walked in and was instantly greeted by a man. "Welcome to Dwaynes Joint. What can I get you to drink?" He asked as I took my seat in a booth. "Coke please" He walked off but came back quickly with my coke. "Do you know what you want?" He asked. "Um.." I looked down at the menu scanning the variety of food. "How about I surprise you?" He asked looking at me. I nodded smiling at him as I handed the menu back to him. I looked around the restaurant before I took my phone out and called my mom.

"Hey mom" I sighed into the phone exhausted. "Hey sweetie. You okay? How are you feeling?" I looked down at the table messing with the straw. "Hungry and exhausted. I think I might just stay here where I'm at and finish school then leave" I looked up seeing more and more people coming in. "Well where are you at?" She asked and I wasn't too sure if I should say but I did anyway. "I'll talk to you later mom. I love you. And please stay away from Johnny" we both said our goodbyes before hanging up.


"Thank you so much Dwayne. Everything was delicious" I stood in front of him behind the counter. "Of course" he smiled at me as he put the money in the register. "Um random question. How do I enroll myself into freeridge high school? Who do I talk to?"

We talked for a while about school and the whole Johnny situation. And he was totally understanding and supportive. He's letting me stay at his house and work at Dwaynes Joint. Just until I can get a place of my own and financially stable to get a better job.

"Okay thank you Dwayne. I will stop by later. Baby will most likely be hungry again" I laughed backing up. "I'll  have another surprise for you then. See you" he smiled at me before walking to the back. I turned around instantly bumping into someone. "Oh! I'm so sorry" I exclaimed embarrassed. "No its fine" I looked up at the guy meeting eyes with beautiful hazel colored eyes. "You new here? Never seen you around" he spoke up after a while of just staring. "Yeah. Just got here not too long ago" he nodded looking down at me  "I actually have to go. Bye" I smiled before walking off heading back to my car.

"Hey!" I heard a voice yell making me turn around curious. I noticed the guy I ran into was walking straight to me. "Yes?" I questioned as I held my car door open. "You dropped your wallet"  he said confidently holding it out. "Oh thanks. Gonna need that" I chuckled grabbing the wallet out of his hand. He gave me a nod before walking away. I shrugged and got in my car driving to the high school.

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